Christina Sarich – Monsanto’s Worst Nightmare Coming True: The Rise of GMO Labeling

Good news for humanity! The evil poison pushing corporate scorpion Monsanto is getting pushed out into the open. No longer will they be able to pass off their cancer seeds and food to the sleeping masses.

Thanks to everyone who is tired of being lab rats and their children being given cancer at every turn by these ruthless soulless parasites of humanity. Monsanto has distributed poison known as Corn, Soy, HFCS and Round-up ect…

All the Corporations pushing their Poison will be exposed, and people can then decide if they want to risk getting cancer or live a healthy life by going natural. So people who want IBS, Parkinson’s, Cancer, or the other side effects from consuming GMO foods, or using Monsanto products can do so from their own free will. Everyone else will Boycott these lethal toxins and also save not only their lives but their money. By making you sick they get rich and also Cull the Herd. Why? Because they own Big Pharma too and are the real Drug pushers.

Check out every thing, research and use your own discernment.

Let your voices be heard! Send your message via your pockets! Stop using their products! Did you know? They grow natural food for themselves. They will not eat their own food.

The world is turning against these tyrants! We are the 99%.

Envision Monsanto bankrupt! Envision a successful class action lawsuit against Monsanto to restore all the farmers lives and families who have lost their lively hood and or loved ones due to Monsanto! Envision a world where Monsanto and Big Pharma no longer exist.

Read All labels before you buy. Knowledge is power and will save your lives! Grow your own food, it is a little work but the rewards are so tasty and then you know what is in your food.

Be blessed

Openhearted Rebellion

Wgmo label field match 263x164 Monsanto’s Worst Nightmare Coming True: The Rise of GMO Labelingritten by Christina Sarich, Natural Society, August 26, 2014

Activists against GMOs just might take down the biotech giants after all. GMO labeling could soon be a sweet reality.

Last week, Colorado broke a new record by bringing 16,950 signatures to a GMO labeling campaign for fall’s election, more than double the qualifying signatures needed to make sure that GMO labeling is on the ballot. This huge message to Monsanto accompanies a similar campaign in Oregon, all while the biotech industry awaits approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for more Agent Orange chemicals (2,4-D) to be used where glyphosate has failed.

Incredibly, the USDA is ignoring Americans as well as scientists who say that being carpet-bombed with 176 million pounds of toxic pesticides is not only unfathomable, but intolerable. No one wants these carcinogenic, birth-defect-causing toxins created by biotech companies and seed monopolizers anymore.

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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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