
The third eye also known as the 7th chakra links us directly with the Higher Self, spiritual center, and ability to access the akashic Records.

Developing this region allows us to begin to perceive the “truth” that surrounds us.

The Third Eye Chakra governs the Center of Wisdom, Intuition, Psychic abilities, Clairvoyance, The Pineal Gland, The Base of brain and third ventricle, Willpower, Higher consciousness, Insight, Spiritual discernment, Distribution center for transmitting prana (energy) to other parts of body, Divine experiences, Sleep, our Biological clock/Circadian Rhythm, Time, Telepathy, Awareness and much more.

A fully open third eye will allow you to experience the interconnectedness with everything around you in nature and will feel a deep connection with the Universe.

This is a deep sense that allows you to see the beauty in all things and to realize that your physical I is not your true nature.

Today we will discuss 11 fundamental signs that your third eye is opening.

1. Pressure between the eyebrows

When opening your third eye, you may feel a subtle or strong pulsation in the center of your forehead just above the eye brows.

When the third eye begins to manifest on a deeper level, you may be conscious of a sensation between the eyebrows.The pressure can be very intense and powerful as if something is literally pushing in that area. This is very common and normal when your third eye is opening and expanding. This is also a sign that your pineal gland is growing energetically.

This pulsation sensation might seem like someone is lightly touching your forehead, or you may feel a sensation of warmth spreading.

Sometimes this sensation could appear from nowhere; whether we have spiritual feelings or not. It’s as if it’s a signal to pull us back in that spiritual state of mind.

2. Conscious Eating.

When your Third Eye is open, you understand that everything is energy. You recognize that food is vibration and information as well.

This awakening process will have your body going though various levels of restructuring and rebalancing.

As a result, you will find that you naturally start to become drawn to certain foods you might not be used to eating, and repelled by foods that you have been eating for quite some time. You can either eat fear or love. The choice is yours.You start becoming more conscious of what you digest. You start to become more aware of the energy that you place within your body.

You will also notice that your sensitivity to toxicity increases as your consciousness rises to new levels allowing you to realize that food is energy and this inspires you to digest food what truly nourishes you, makes you strong, raises your vibrations and not food that puts you down.

Eventually you can feel the vibration of what you are eating; your body will force you, past a certain point, to eliminate some substances from your diet. This is fundamental, alimentation and food are everything for your spiritual journey and for, both, healthy physical and energy bodies. This is a very natural and organic process that you don’t have to try to control too much, but it’s certainly another indicator that you are going thru some major changes!

3. Perception beyond duality.

Another sign that your third eye is opening is that you begin to view everything around you in a totally different and new perception. That is exactly what this chakra does, it gives you the ability to, literally, see the oneness of all things. Among the most obvious signals of third eye opening is an increase in foresight or intuition we start to experience – if we are paying attention.

As you are opening your third eye you will begin to gain access to higher states of consciousness and, therefore, other dimensions; there is no more separation between you and the others, between the observer and the observed, the individual and the collective, the creator and creation.

This of courses takes place in various stages and it’s also related even to the expansion and opening of the Crown chakra; when you are identified with your body, you experience yourself, inevitably, as separate from all other bodies. When you are identified with something more subtle, consciousness, which is life itself, manifesting in all the different forms, you experience yourself as everyone AND everything.

You become one with everything around you. This makes you feel very connected to all living things.

You begin to raise your vibration and being to see, feel and most of all know, which is different from just believing, that you and others are one. This is why Spirilution.com’s main slogan is WE.. ARE.. ONE…. We are one represents the collective consciousness.

4. Many synchronicities and number alignments

When your Third Eye is open, you move into a higher state of Consciousness. You understand that there are no coincidences. You start to notice all the synchronicities that have been occurring around you all along.

These synchronicities will make an appearance of “meaningful coincidences” in your life that are unlikely, ironic and sometimes very helpful. This phenomenon is a “wink” from the universe, a sign of your intuition and connectedness.

If you’ve been experiencing synchronicity, you’ve been in the right place, at the right time.

When your third eye is opening you begin elevating your state of consciousness, it is highly likely that you will experiencing a number of signs of synchronicity.

Synchronicities are responsible for bringing people and events into our lives seemingly at just the right time. This is why they are considered by many to be nothing more than coincidence, however there is no such thing as coincidence if you believe in synchronicity.

Although synchronicity has never been scientifically proven it certainly doesn’t mean it does not exist. Synchronicity is like gravity in a way, you can’t see it but it is definitely there and the more you open yourself to becoming aware of synchronicities as they appear in your life, the more of them you will notice.

When opening your third eye you will also notice number alignments as well.

These numbers will be seen everywhere from billboards, license plates, phone numbers, lottery tickets, account numbers, and basically anything that identifies us.

You might recognize the same numbers that seem to follow you everywhere. They are trying to tell you something. Numbers are a special way that your angels and spirit guides can get messages to you! If you understand the meaning of these numbers, you can communicate with your angels and guides! As you open your third eye the higher realms take notice and begin sending you messages in many forms.

The Late Albert Einstein discovered with the law of relativity that everything in the universe is made of energy vibrating at different rates, the more dense the matter the slower the vibration. He equated and it has been proven scientifically that if everything in the universe is made up of energy, everything must in some way be connected.

Synchronicity reveals how we are intrinsically connected to our seemingly dense material world through our conscious and subconscious thought patterns. Our thoughts control our reality and the collective consciousness which we are all part of is like an organizing principle that brings us together through synchronistic experiences which help us all to evolve on both our physical and spiritual journey through eternity.

5. Change in Thought Patterns and Mind Expansion

When opening your third eye you will start developing Heightened concentration and focus. Your mind will being to expand as you open yourself to a whole new world.

You soon realize that how you used to think before doesn’t work anymore. You begin to think differently. The old ways of thinking are gone as they do not align with the reality you are living after your awakening.You begin to understand easily very complicated concepts, especially when you begin to be guided by spirit and taught the higher truths. Communication happens faster and in a way never experienced before.

You begin to receive energetic information from the higher realms containing important all catered to your existence and life purpose. You begin feeling a calm, clear feeling that the world is completely open to you and your potential is limitless, this is a sign you’re identifying more with the Self and connecting to your third eye.

You being to question everything around you and realize that you have been living a dormant life. You may begin to question life and search for your own answers without accepting blindly what you have been taught all of your life. An inner process of mental transformation and reorganization begins; you erase old teachings, substituting with your newly found truths.

6.Light & Sound Sensitivity

With the opening third eye, you could find yourselves a bit more sensitive to light and sound all together.

You will also begin seeing fuller range of colors and certain colors may appear more brighter than before.

With an opening third eye, you might find yourself a little bit more sensitive to light and seeing a fuller range of colors.

Vivid colors and awareness of light are not always obvious or overwhelming, but they bring greater awareness of what is happening around you.

If you focus on your third eye during meditation, stronger lights may appear. You being to see the light. This is a great indication that your third eye is opening or is fully opened. You may also find yourself suddenly very sensitive to certain sounds and tones. You may find that low tones are soothing and high tones cause great rushes of emotions. Your choice in music may also change as well.

7. Increased headaches.

When opening your third eye you may begin feeling pressure in your head that may alarm you. Do not worry too much as there is a great chance that your kundalini energy is trying to activate the final stages of opening up your third eye.

At times, that pressure can begin to ache a little. Consider it a little bit of energy overload.

Head pressure is an actual sign of the spiritual eye opening, particularly in the center of the forehead. It is an indication that one’s pineal gland is developing energetically. Kundalini energy or otherwise known as, “Spirit energy” will rise and build up near your pineal gland and energize your third eye chakra.

This energy lies dormant in most people, but can become triggered by a number of different influences. This kundalini energy has one purpose…To make it’s way up your spine, activating all of your chakras in the process and clearing away everything that stands in the way of your full blown enlightened state.This is rarely a smooth process however and often times this kundalini energy gets stuck at certain chakras, and as a result, it sort of, pools in that particular area until it is cleared.

8. New Found Life Purpose

You will likely find yourself much more concerned than ever before about your, life purpose.

Since your third eye is awakening You may begin to sense more clearly, the negative energy of your work place… or perhaps, the true intentions of some of your friends of family members.

You are waking up to the truth of things and seeing your life very differently. On the surface, everything may be the same, but it’s like you climbed up on a hill and now have a drastically new perspective on everything. You may find that the things at your current job, or relationship that weren’t a big deal before start to become more noticeable and off-putting.

The result is that you draw different conclusions about it and may discover many things that feel out of alignment with how you want it to be. This is a very expected and normal, transitory period of your awakening.

You begin to realize that Awakening does not always mean becoming more aware of all of the love everywhere, it means becoming more aware of EVERYTHING.

The opening of the third eye represents change. It can alter your perspective and your personality. The changes are beneficial. You may become more tolerant or less selfish. As your third eye opens, you may have the feeling that things are changing around you and within you.

You will be able perceive much more love and divinity in all things, but at the same time, and same rate, you will perceive more of the darkness in all things, including your friends, job, and family…potentially.

At the same time, you must KNOW that the timing is always PERFECT and you are ready to handle whatever falls in your lap.

9. Lucid and Vivid Dreaming

Another sign that your third eye is open is when you find yourself having amazing Lucid and vivid dreams. The kind of dreams that you never forget. These dreams a extremely vivid and feel like an enhanced reality world.An open Third Eye results in increased melatonin levels, which leads to extremely vivid dreaming.Since your pineal gland regulates your sleep cycles, you will find that you sleep much better and that your dreams are more vivid and you’re lucid dreaming.

This means that you will feel that you can control your dreams and you will be able to realize your true infinite self and the infinite possibilities that exist in a state of sleep.

Additionally, you will realize that this world of dreams is the same as the “real world” in which we live, for example the fact that we have unlimited possibilities and we are all masters of our own universe.

10. Psychic powers and Higher States of Consciousness.

An open third eye will bring back your psychic powers as well as enhanced telepathic communications.

You will also develop Clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairsentience, as well as Extra Sensory Perceptions, just to name a few.

You may begin to feel like you can sense when something bad is going to happen.

You may be able to figure out what people plan to do before they do it.Your instincts are as a well-adjusted compass that points you in the “right” direction to achieve what your soul is looking for. Opening the third eye brings psychic abilities.

With activating the pineal gland, you are able to read instinctive signals far easier until they become almost like another sense, hence the term sixth sense is derived from.

The feeling that we are all part of the same whole also becomes clear and you are capable of empathy with others, knowing that they are part of the same universal consciousness.Intuition is no more “just a feeling”, but a tool that begins to work with higher and higher levels of precision. Spiritual development naturally increases the intuition. Intuition is the ability to know something will happen before it actually does; it’s a subtle feeling that comes and goes without warning.

But over time, this feeling can get stronger and stronger, and become a guiding principle in our lives. Do not deny your intuition as the universe is trying to let you in on a big secret.

11. Seeing Truth in all things.

When you open your third eye you begin to naturally understand the hidden language spoken by nature, by life. Everything is more alive, conscious, everything speaks and communicates with you, especially with frequencies and energy.

You can see beyond things and labels, you can easily detect all the ways society uses to program us.

The rare times you are watching the news, you can see what they are not telling you, by watching what they are transmitting. Your perception completely switches as you see only truth. You see thru lies and you read between the lines of everything.

You can see that everything has a hidden meaning and everything teaches you, that everything is interdependent and interconnected in existence.

You begin to learn an hidden language spoken by nature, by life. Everything is more alive, conscious, everything speaks and communicates with you, especially with frequencies and energy.

51 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Agnes Seip
    Aug 09, 2017 @ 15:06:42



  2. We Signed Up For This
    Aug 31, 2017 @ 09:33:09

    Reblogged this on We Signed Up For This.


  3. pineflickinc
    Sep 01, 2017 @ 06:57:48

    Amazing Insight. Am still early in my meditation stages and i appreciate the harmony i get after a session. Words like yours guide me to be patient during my awakening journey.


  4. george christman
    Sep 13, 2017 @ 09:41:30

    excellent read


  5. Muhammad roshidi hamzah
    Sep 18, 2017 @ 16:56:39

    Hey there..
    Based from you’re article, a few sign already I’ve faced before (since first time i listen music to opeb 3rd eyes)..
    So my question just because of a few sign i can feel it.. Is that my third eyes now in process to open?
    I was feel headache now if I’m listen that music..
    I start feel the pain at my forehead..
    And the last..
    Every time my intuition always right..
    From malaysia boy


    • Angel4Light
      Dec 01, 2017 @ 01:58:46

      You are ascending if you live from your heart and want to ascend. You will experience many odd things, but don’t worry, we have so much to be grateful for. The blessings are soon to flow. Be at peace. Namaste


  6. calvin
    Oct 06, 2017 @ 21:39:49

    I felt a bad and strong head ache. I couldn’t sleep. What does it mean?


    • Angel4Light
      Dec 01, 2017 @ 01:56:17

      We are ascending, so there are many things we may experience by receiving the higher frequencies from Source. I have been sleepless many times myself. We will adjust. Keep meditating and sending Love out. We have great things in store. Namaste


  7. Jose
    Nov 10, 2017 @ 04:02:18

    During my time of meditation, I see blou waves open and close.is that a sign that I am near opening it?


    • Angel4Light
      Nov 13, 2017 @ 00:39:37

      I believe that it is. I see lots of colours and vibrate and feel like I am floating. I am still not completely open but I feel that I am expanding the way I am supposed to.
      Keep doing your meditations.
      I believe that your third eye is open.

      There is a sudden knowing about things and a peace that comes over you. Love replaces fear and you don’t get wrapped up in the craziness that seems to be everywhere.

      I hope this helps.



      • Butch Wilson
        Nov 13, 2017 @ 07:12:07

        I believe I was gifted with “natural” third eye awareness. I have long been experiencing the qualities you describe as the “third eye”. I went through college finishing with a doctors degree in the health care field and never remember being exposed to the power of the pineal gland..thanks for your insight.


  8. Santos B. Angeles
    Nov 12, 2017 @ 10:24:17

    it’s been one year since i start mediating for my third eye and i feel something between my forehead that pumping. and only this year one week before the holloween i told to my uncle if ever my mother together with my brother will come here in our province to visit the tomb of my grandparents together with with some relataives who just past away i’m at work just send a text message in order for me to ask a permission to my boss to go. and on Nov 1 my aunt says ask me if my mother will come to visit the tomb i told her yes they will come. and you know what it really happen they come on that day Nov 1. I think that my third is open that i can see what is happening.


  9. Kulkarni
    Nov 24, 2017 @ 04:06:46

    Thanks for providing information 11 DEFINITIVE SIGNS THAT YOUR THIRD EYE IS OPENING. and I am experiencing the same.


  10. carlos
    Nov 26, 2017 @ 14:13:33

    hi, i went thru all this all the way thru kundalini with like a 24 hr bliss, and i really loved it, it was truely magical. but after it was over, it was over! no physic. my third eye blank. i meant what happen, has any one experience this? if i would had known about losing my physic abilities after kundalini, i would had never had procceded to kundalini in the first place. can anyone explain this? as to why i lost my physic.


    • Angel4Light
      Dec 01, 2017 @ 01:37:29

      Are you protecting yourself with the Platinum white light from Source? People sometimes forget to surround themselves in the protective light and go full throttle which can leave you wide open to cosmic vampires.

      I haven’t experienced my kundalini awakening yet. I have been having teeth issues for a while and it has made my meditation time more difficult.

      There is several videos that I have done that offer protection, then you can follow up with your preferred meditation. I think music is best…
      Here is one that I do often.


  11. George
    Nov 27, 2017 @ 15:20:20

    Holy heck. 8 out of the 11 things on this list have already happened to me since I read this one book that just feels like it’s changed everything about the way I thought. The book was actually called “The Book” by Alan Watts. Now I have confirmation that these odd occurrences were what I thought they were, awakening.


  12. Adamu
    Dec 17, 2017 @ 01:41:06

    hello sir iam amaze with the issue of 3rd eye , and iam meditating for almost two month and i need non magical àssistance since iam a muslim hope my request wll be considered. from Africa Nigeria.


    • Angel4Light
      Dec 22, 2017 @ 03:51:00

      All religions are Cults. Not our fault. I got out of these Cults some time ago and have been searching for truth. It looks like you are searching as well.

      We have all been lied to as to who we are and how marvelous we are.

      I will be honest with you. The chemtrails, GMO foods, toxic water and vaccines and religions were designed to keep your us dumb and in poor health. Making it hard to open our 3rd eye. Our DNA and world was manipulated to serve a few by the very evil that use to rule us. Their time is up. So we should be able to experience higher vibrational living.

      Laugher, love for all and a true joy. These positive feelings help us to look within and open our eyes to the truth.

      We need to raise our frequencies in order to become fully awakened.

      BTW, I am still working on opening my 3rd eye.
      Continue to meditate and help others. Think kind thoughts. Remove anger, hate, and ego from your way of life. Stop consumption of meat.

      If you think about it. We have flat teeth to chew, fruits and vegetables.

      3rd Eye Mirror Meditation Do Not Try This Before Reading The Guidelines and Consequences

      I hope this is helpful. Namaste’


  13. Jean-Carlos
    Jan 21, 2018 @ 16:39:04

    Hello! I’m currently a 17 year old athlete that loves meditation and I’ve been meditating consistently about 2times a day on average with an average of 40 min meditation sessions. I’ve meditated in many different ways ranging from all cutltures because my goal is to unlock the full brain. I would just like to say that I’m experiencing all of the symptoms on a consistent basis and some of my friends think I’m not your typical human.i feel like I’ve gained control of my subconscious and my mind has been opened way more than the average human. I don’t know what to do because as much as I enjoy it, how do I prepare myself for the abilities and power I’ll have when I truly unlock my whole brain? My mind is extremely expansive and I’m very connected to it speaking to myself a lot but I’m also connected to animals and nature very closely. Am I truly on the path to unlocking the full brain? Please email me back at jcthecrazy24@gmail.com as soon as possible!


    • Angel4Light
      Feb 21, 2018 @ 01:50:28

      Consider yourself lucky that you have gained control where so many are still in the dark. What you can do is try to help others. Because you are young in the physical you may have problems with certain people listening to you. Perhaps you should think about creating a Blog that will reach out to all ages. This is what we are supposed to do. We Are The Messengers and the light bearers. Let love be your guide and you will succeed. Very soon we shall all be awakened. I am looking forward to that myself. This nasty 3D has been an absolute challenge of the utmost, especially since we were left in the dark like mushrooms. But we’re managing to find the light Within so let it grow and be blessed. Namaste


  14. LE
    Feb 25, 2018 @ 08:00:40

    I took a new job approx 18
    months ago; after two months my body started to reject certain foods. I since started to look for a different job as there are a few things I don’t ethically agree with, since accepting this my left upper body has started feel like it is
    massaging itself. I have also began for the first time in years to have solid nights sleep with vivid dreams. Lifes a journey.


  15. LE
    Feb 25, 2018 @ 08:28:35

    Recently my left upper body has began to feel like it is massaging itself where i can feel tension being released and the should becoming a lot looser, I am also having a lot more solid night sleeps with vivid dreams; all this since accepting that ethically there are a few things at work which I am not completely comfortable with. Lifes a journey.


  16. Uday
    Feb 28, 2018 @ 06:35:54

    Wonderful !! I got what I was searching for. I am feeling extreme pressure between eyebrows for last 3 months. I have started certain pranayamas and mudras few months ago. The pressure is always there & I was little worried about it. But you have cleared all my doubts. Thank you so much.


  17. Taylor
    Aug 03, 2018 @ 19:39:02

    The third eye chakra is known as the SIXTH chakra… the Seventh chakra is the CROWN chakra otherwise known as Sahasrara. I didn’t read your article because u started it off with false information. Might want to fix that.


  18. prabhjot
    Aug 14, 2018 @ 07:17:11

    peope who are… practising on third eye.. be in touch with me… ..and share your informations with me.. i will try to share you some tecniques.. which may help you..some sounds.. and some meditations..


    • Angel4Light
      Oct 05, 2018 @ 04:59:57

      If you have an Article and video to share I will be happy to post it for you on Angel4light and GuardianMine websites. I will give you credit and link to your YouTube channel or website if you like. Let me know. Namaste


  19. prabhjot
    Aug 14, 2018 @ 11:12:11

    only 1,5,6 and 10th point is right.. other then this.. everything is non sense… especiallt the 7th point is non sense… no head aches happen .. you may find some pressure.. on forehead.. which.. will contract in to small point.. and which.. you will feel.. in between ur eyebrows.. center of the eyes … in some deep meditation.. with closes eyes..some times you may feel..vibrations on your SAHASRA (crown chakra) like.. tingling feeling.. its.. so enjoyful.. bliss actually.. its lovely.. .. thats it.. share your points with me my e mail is prabhjot222@hotmai.com


  20. Carol
    Aug 28, 2018 @ 19:05:02

    This is true, I was looking at the moon two nights ago and it became intense blinding white with the most beautiful blue and indigo lines. It came towards and became one with my third eye. The same


  21. Vim
    Sep 08, 2018 @ 15:47:56

    My third eye is opening. I started connecting to my higher self this week and ferling very close to the divine. Being in meditation is natural. Feeling blessed. Thys is a beautiful article. Thank you


  22. Sandile
    Sep 15, 2018 @ 13:40:07

    Am 15 years old i love meditating when i meditate i feel something in my head . I started meditating in 2016 but i did not take it seriously but know i do and i feel something in my head


  23. Sandile
    Sep 15, 2018 @ 14:03:58

    Am 15 years old i love meditating when i meditate i feel something in my head . I started meditating in 2016 but i did not take it seriously but know i do and i feel something in my head
    Please reply me at my comment when you look at this


    • Angel4Light
      Oct 05, 2018 @ 04:53:59

      I don’t know what others experience during meditation. I figure that it is going within and finding our true self. We are energy. We are the light. We are connecting to our higher selves when we meditate. Namaste


  24. Farhad Ahmad
    Sep 26, 2018 @ 20:31:51

    Awesome Article. Precise Information I was looking for. Perhaps the only thing I should address is these awakening for some people boost your ego that you are becoming something supernatural and super powerful, that will ultimately end in crash in energy and you will end up loosing everything. I went through this several times in my life, and lost it all. So Please be cautious and proceed carefully whatever you are doing without harboring arrogance and ego.


    • Angel4Light
      Oct 05, 2018 @ 04:50:15

      Totally agree. We need to focus on helping others and our hearts desire to be of service to help others will help you to become the Awesome being that you truly are and have awakened to your true self. Namaste


  25. Farhad Ahmad
    Sep 26, 2018 @ 20:37:49

    In my addition I should have mentioned that by my Guru’s “Friend of God” grace I was able to regain the consciousness back through constant awareness that keeping me aware of my surroundings and my spiritual presence 24/7 even in my sleep. All thanks to my Guru my teacher my guide, None of the credits belong to me.
    Praise belongs to all the Buddhas enlightened beings and God who appointed them.


  26. Siseko
    Sep 28, 2018 @ 07:19:17

    Hi, I’ve been meditating for almost 2 months now if I’m not mistaken and have experienced a number of stuff. I also do sun-gazing and have absorbed lots of energy. Now since a day before last I transferred this energy from the bottom of my feet to my brain. I could feel it when it moved up ward, giving me this amazing sensation and body moves. It moved like I was a robot or a great dancer. But now the energy is there just can’t be filled up entirely and I can feel some right at the back of my neck, in the spine. It’s dropping back down and I don’t know what to do now from this point. Please help


    • Angel4Light
      Oct 05, 2018 @ 04:45:00

      When the energies are just right, you will feel it. I get frustrated myself at times, because I am just on the verge of my complete awakening, but I ware out before I get there. So I have to go take a nap. These energies are draining for some of us. I am sure we are heading in the right direction. Keep working on it and use your heart center to focus your energy. I am still learning like you. I research everything I can and bring my findings to share with you.

      I found that the breathing techniques are most important in helping to still the mind. Let me know how things progress for you.


  27. colonic307264789
    Jan 02, 2019 @ 17:13:06

    Thank you – this really helps me feel validated to what I am currently going through


  28. Tsolonator
    Feb 26, 2019 @ 01:36:29

    Good Day, I used to feel the strong tinkling and sometimes painful sensation on my Head Grown, in the center of my palms, on the center of my forehead, when i was praying and worshiping. One day the sensation cover my whole body, then i levitated and fell backward. I always fell backward or knees feeling lump when the filling becomes over whelming. I also one day noticed my computer monitor moving while in a stable platform, like shaking without wind or anybody touching it. One day whne i was praying early in the morning around 6 am, there was footsteps( like Big Foot)or King kong outside my yard running towards the house, suddenly the footstep from the ground outside to the roof of my house, as if this thing/ entity jumped so high from the ground to the roof. it was a terrific experience. My mind is always active, thinking. I sometimes dream about things and they come to reality. Like for example: i had a dream about my ex-girlfriend who does not like me, and it was as if she is close to me, in my sleep my wise said, i said my ex is coming, and i will always see in my mind being served with asupoena from the court during that time, within 2 days from that dream i received a supoena to attend court in Pretoria. AM I PSYCHIC, AM I AM PROPHET OF SOME SORT, I FEEL LIKE I DONT UNDERSTAND MY GIFTS EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE I DO HAVE SOMETHING.


  29. scott
    May 28, 2019 @ 19:02:54

    yes mines open …so great to discover the truth i knew all along,i just needed to connect


  30. Manikandan
    Nov 28, 2019 @ 21:33:39

    Now I m at age of 35. I was meditating from my 16years of age. I left meditation 1 year due to, thinking of finishing my birth karma. But past few weeks, when sleeping, I m feeling a very high pressure and vibration, between my eyebrows and my mentally, I m travelling away from the universe, at higher than speed of light. Sorry to say, my body felt like I m in sex with my male part fully erected. I m enjoying this. But don’t know what to do next.


    • Angel4Light
      Feb 26, 2021 @ 00:43:41

      Call on the Angels for guidance or your higher self. Sounds like you are very awake and aware. Enjoy the journey. Now manifest the Love and Peace on Earth that is needed to bring about our golden age.


  31. Ashley GIbson
    Dec 20, 2019 @ 23:15:53

    very informative i was practicing the same yet not able to understand how to identify the signs. Thanks for sharing such informative article.


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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.


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