Pain Relief

Reach For Natural Pain Relief In Your Kitchen Cabinet

Those living with pain, suffering from chronic conditions like arthritis or joint pain, can opt for looking in their kitchen cabinet instead of their medicine cabinet.

Personally, I use turmeric and ginger or wild lettuce. You can use turmeric with black pepper to activate it or you can make the capsules that I do using powdered turmeric and powdered ginger one-to-one ratio. It works like magic in no time for me. 👍

Here is a another great video about natural pain remedies no chemicals, no side effects.

Detoxing & Spike Protein


Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.

NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Glutathione — is the body’s most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.

Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis & protection from oxidative damage and infection.

Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions.

Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.

Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.

Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.

Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.

Dandelion Root — blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.

Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.

Fulvic Acid & Shilajit — have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.

Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis – help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.

Many of these can be found at:

Ivermectin — treatment for Covid is now supported by 113 studies, 73 of which have been peer reviewed.

Activated Charcoal,

Alkaline Water,





Green Tea,


Cinnamon & Raw Honey,



Infrared Sauna,


Power Immunity,


Sea Moss,



Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.

Also I found out that Pineapple is another relief to add to you tools to kill Spike Protein. 1/2 cup per day will help in more ways than just Detox. Worth the research.

Now on top of this information you need to know how to combat King Cobra venom and graphine oxide. Yes these ingredients are part of the Plandemic.

Watch the video called Watch The Water

Watch The Water

Okay it seems daunting if you have taken the jab, so don’t take any boosters.

This information is shocking and scary for those who took the jabs, but stay strong and follow the easy suggestions above that will help you until the MedBeds are available (they are being tested now in New Zealand), then expect them to be available world wide hopefully before the Summer.

God Bless you and keep you safe.


Parsley not Just a Food


By Dr Axe

Original poster on Telegram states: Because my husband is on Coumadin, there are certain foods – foods which are high in Vitamin K – that he needs to be careful of since they thicken the blood. Since I had this knowledge, I knew that to slow down my heavy menstruation, I needed to get my hands on Vitamin K. I took some parsley from my garden and ate that; It slowed down my menses.

• Inflammation
• Oxidative stress/free radical damage
• Anemia
• Bladder infection
• Digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome
• Kidney stones
• Bad breath
• Arthritis
• Bloating/edema
• Gas
• Acid reflux
• Constipation
• Poor immunity
• Skin problems
• Certain types of cancer

Parsley looks similar to Cilantro but the taste is very different. Cilantro removes heavy metals and has a stronger taste than Parsley. Both herbs provide antioxidants.

What is parsley good for in terms of anti-aging and immune-boosting benefits?

It contains a range of protective vitamins and flavonoid antioxidants that are responsible for many of the disease-fighting parsley benefits being researched today. These antioxidants include luteolin, apigenin, lycopene, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene.

Antioxidants help slow the aging process by fighting free radical damage, or oxidative stress, along with inflammation within the body. This is important because free radical formation is known to contribute to almost every age-related disease, including cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and eye disorders.

When adults were given high quantities of the herb, they showed a significant improvement in lowering oxidative stress levels compared to those who didn’t receive it, according to a study done by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s Institute of Food Safety and Toxicology in Copenhagen, Denmark. During the study participants were initially given a diet that didn’t contain sources of antioxidants.

The researchers noticed that when the subjects were on the restricted diet, their oxidative stress markers rose, but when parsley was added to their diets during the second half of the study, it was found to help reverse the signs of oxidative stress thanks to its status as a high-antioxidant food.

For complete information and great article, visit the following link.

There are many great dishes that feature parsley as a very important ingredient and they are quite tasty. My favorite is an old Lebanese salad called Tabbouleh. There are many recipe versions of this salad but the featuring ingredient is always parsley.

The Italians have some great Recipes featuring parsley. This delightful herb is amazing in so many ways. Tasty and extremely healthy. To many, it just may appear as a garnish to be used in dishes as a spark of color, but the health benefits are not to be dismissed.

Start looking at Parsley with more appreciation of the wonderful benefits it offers.

So how can we keep parsley longer in the fridge? It doesn’t last as long as you would like, but if you pat the parsley dry and place it in a paper bag in the fridge it should last more than a few days. Most people use it up quickly once purchased.

Parsley is an herb and is easy to grow, this way you only cut the quantity you need for each dinner and keep the rest in the garden fresh. You can research gardening tips on this. Videos are surely available. Consider grow lights so that you can grow your herb garden indoors, to keep it safe from damaging creatures and critters.

Tabbouleh Salad

The Big C – Cancer

You are going to be furious when you find out the truth behind Cancer. What causes it and how easy it is to cure. That it is a Billion Dollar Industry and no cure will ever be given to us for this profitable disease caused by the DS Cabal

My mother died from Cancer. But in truth, she died from the evil treatment from the parasite medical industry. Yes it is a big ticket kill machine for the dark Cabal.

Chemo is a toxin that needs to be made illegal. Radiation we know is very harmful and kills off your white blood cells. These evil concoctions are meant to strip you of your wealth and slowly kill you while they are able to kull the herd. Agenda 21 has been in operation for years.

My mother got the Cancer from several sources. Johnson & Johnson baby powder. She would apply it daily to keep from chaffing between her legs. Then there was the toxic City water loaded with carcinogens and fluoride which is a rat poison and the number one cause of cancer. If you want to kill a rat, give it fluoride toothpaste. You think I am kidding you?

My Mom grew up in the era where it was cool to smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes as you may know by now is a very toxic soup of over 900 chemicals that cause addictions, and various cancers.

The era she had to endure this deadly dis-ease was at the start of the computer age, the internet was not saturated with truth as it is today.

The processed foods we eat now is completely saturated in very lethal chemicals that are designed to destroy our health and destroy our internal organs. Who owns these corporations you will be shocked to find out they all filter up to some very evil people. I suggest you learn to grow your own or find a local farmer who uses organic means of growing their crops without harmful chemicals.

The preservatives also cause cancer

Much of the disinformation about Cancer published is owned by the Cabal, to keep us in the dark. Doctors don’t want you to seek a second opinion, yet it is your right.

I wish I knew then what I know now, but with all the Evil we have had to endure during this tribulation, I don’t think my parents could have endured these demonic years.

Remember the campaigns about Asbestos, the latest greatest insulation ever. Now we find how toxic it is. What about the pigtail Mercury lights. This was heavily permoted during the Demon President Obama term. He also paid for our demise with the help of Soros and Faucci with the funding of the BioLabs for depopulation of humanity.

Think about this for a minute, have you noticed how everyone is so Fat and unhealthy? How did that happen? The food is one of the keys. They inject hormones into the animals, put chemicals in everything that you haven’t a clue what it is or does. They destroy your thyroid which is a very critical gland that regulates your blood pressure and your metabolism.

Now that they have everyone buying bottled water, you are given a false sense of security, when in fact you are pretty much drinking manufactured water, filled with metals, fluoride and carcinogens which cause cancer.

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation

9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride

Do You Know What You Are Drinking?


“I drank black tea my entire life. When I found out it contained as much as 4 times the fluoride as tap water (and much more absorbable) I immediately stopped using it. Fluoride is also in over 350 prescription drugs and many other foods. If you really want to eliminate fluoride it will take research.”

⚠️FLUORIDE is killing humanity, it’s a toxic poison that slowly infiltrates the body to keep us sick. STOP 🛑 using conventional toothpaste today snd get a fluoride free toothpaste.

⚠️Fluoride is also in our water so invest in a proper filtration system.

Best Water Filter: Brita, ZeroWater, PUR, Berkey, Aquaphor, AquaTrue?

Ivermectin, Black Walnut tenture, Zeolite, Bentonite Clay, MSM, are healthy alternatives to healing and even curing Cancers. Water Fasting using distilled water, eating Sprouts and going vegan. Each of these alternatives with proper application can easily be researched and proves that Cancer is actually trying to heal. Once you get a biopsy this causes your Cancer to spread. Research everything. Trust your own Research but don’t use Google or Duck Duck Go as they will not provide accurate information these are owned by the Cabal who own the Biolabs and Big Pharma.

When the allopathic Rothschild doctors cut you open they are after your money not healing you. Once you start taking the Rothschild snake oils, your time clock starts ticking faster and your quality of life diminishes. People die from Chemo, not the Cancer. But many will argue that Cancer killed their loved one, when in truth, they had a biopsy which caused it to spread or a Allopathic treatment which caused the Cancer to spread.

Does the Allopathic Doctor suggest a vegan diet, or a water Fasting for a short period of time, or healthy alternatives that can restore your health? This is 100% no, never heard of that.

Read the ingredients, research and you will be shocked

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say that their Doctor loves them. I always say, “Stop paying them and see they love you when the cash cow dries up.

Allopathic Rothschild Doctors are not permitted to use the word Heal. They always practice medicine. This alone should trouble everyone. Wake-up people!

Is this the reason why the CABAL does not want you to know the potential of ANTI-PARASITIC MEDICINE…? VIDEO PROOF: CANCER IS CAUSED BY PARASITES 

Frontiers in Medicine Editorial: Parasites and Cancer


New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors

Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Wake Up~! 🛌🏻💤🇺🇸

The Liver

By Dr Mugzzi

Originally Posted on July 10, 2020

As I always say, “The body is the Sum of All of Its parts!” Yet we lead by a medical system that has a multitude of specialists that only care for one part, disregarding its relationships with the rest.

I’d like to share with you the importance of the liver. Because the liver is responsible for 500+ essential functions, science shows even the slightest toxins in your liver can lead to Liver Damage and without you even knowing it, robs years off of your life.

Don’t think that if you don’t drink alcohol, you’re safe. You may not realize it, but there are 84,000 toxic chemicals in your home, our air, water, and food, that our body’s and our liver are responsible to filter daily.
I like how an industry Colleague, Drew Canole, summarized the jobs of the Liver:

💥House Cleaner: Your liver filters your blood, breaking down toxic chemicals with names you can’t even pronounce.22

💥 Power Plant Operator: Your liver converts food into quick energy (glucose) keeping your mind alert and your body active.23

💥 Protein Builder: Your liver creates “survival proteins” for clotting your blood, and fighting infections.24

💥 Matchmaker: Your liver balances your sex hormones. Without it, you’d have the libido of a dying sea cucumber… Oh yeah, it also handles weight-loss hormones like insulin, ghrelin, leptin, etc.25

💥 Nutritionist: Your liver regulates your essential vitamins and minerals, including iron and copper. It balances your cholesterol and makes bile for smooth digestion.26

Why did I decide to share this information with you? Because, regardless of symptoms, which I am choosing not to share with you today, you must care for your liver. You are affected by toxins every single day of your life.

I beg you to stop choosing how to take care of yourself based on How You Feel…and start doing things for yourself to improve How You Heal!

This is called being Pro-Active, Rather than Re-Active.

That’s how we move toward a future filled with hope for an Active life, rather than one filled with medication, pain, illness, and inactivity. This can be a choice! And it’s up to you!

So keep your eye out for our next email. I will share with you a great LIVER DETOX that’s easy to follow. There’s no supplements and nothing to buy, except for a few critical purchases from your local supermarket.

As always, I recommend you get informed. Let each week’s teachings lead you to learn more, on your own, about the information we are offering. Your body…your health…your choice! And good choices can only be based on proper knowledge.

So check in next time for more information on how to periodically, get your liver in check, get more energy, better sleep, improve cholesterol and blood pressure, and move yourself incrementally, toward a better, healthier, happier future! See ya next time!

Dr. Sugar Hill




Note from Angel4light:

To improve the function of your liver, try a potato skin tea. Just boil the peelings from one large white potato in one cup of water for five minutes. Strain and drink once cooled. Drink this daily to keep your liver and gallbladder at top performance.

Sliced raw white Potatoes

You can also place a slice of potato inside a tight sock to draw out toxins over night. Don’t be shocked if it turns black.

Another great way to detox is called AquaChi or Foot Baths. These baths use an small current in the bath with some sea salt to activate the process.

There are charts available to show what toxins are being released. You can purchase online or at a Health Food Store.

If you do the foot bath often you will notice the water is cleaner each time. Which is a great indication that progress is being achieved.

You can also add these foods and herbs to further help you cleanse your liver.



Ivermectin and Natural Cures

RIP Beautiful Souls

I have news for you!!! 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼
Turdeau Knew HCQ was a Cure even Before 2017!
Remember the Sherman Murderes!!!

Dec 2017 They Were Murdered!
Hilary and her goon squad were Coincidently in CA to plan in Sept ’17
Did you Know HRC is a Cousin to jt?

This is the reason for the Sherman Murders!!
The Sherman’s Owned APOTEX Pharmaceuticals!

They found HCQ and knew it was an
** “Affordable Cure!” 💯💯💯

Canadas Crime Minister Knows!!

Who covered up the Murders?
John Tory
K Wynne!
RCMP Commissioner, Hired by The Turd himself,
Brenda Lucki, also related to
Bill Morneau….
Police Chief, Eric Jolliffe
Lawyer, Jason Fraser
and More!!!

Judges, Lawyers and Dirty Cops all Funded with YOUR money and Covering Up Evidence!

This is in their Playbook!
Use Our Money to Push Their Agenda on Us!!

The Cops who helped cover up evidence were Promoted!!

Did you know that HCQ is ALSO a Cure for many cancers, HIV, dementia and lots more!!!

This would be a Big Hit to Big Pharma

These conditions Were TREATABLE!!!


Note from Angel4Light:

Do you want to know how to make your own HCQ?

For most of us who are awake to the poisoning of humanity via Vaccines and Pharmacy. We eagerly want to know.

I have personally made this simple remedy and I will tell you that it makes me feel better.

No mask needed, I am excited about that fact. Because the people who took the Poison Jabs are now the real Plandemic.

It is hard for Humans to realize that Evil wants to distroy God’s creations, but it is very real and it has been going on for Centuries unfortunately.

We are the victims in a War between God and Satan. Please read the Bible. So much has been distorted but the truth is out there and you need to follow your intuition.

We are given Discernment, but so many people have fallen for Satan’s frequency, be it the TV, or Music, these Demons knew how to MKUltra humanity.

The lost ones are those who have taken the Poison Jabs without research and blindly following the pretty white coats who they were programmed to trust. I never did.

This recipe is very easy and it cures so many things that you will want to keep this in stock at home.

When you make a batch, it only last for a number you of days, so I suggest that you do like me and freeze up part of your batch for later. I use Icecube trays, then pop the frozen cubes into a freezer bag.

Some people want only the skin if these fruits, but I use the entire fruit. Eating the meat and then chopping up the skins with the whites in tact as they add pectin to the mix and that isn’t a bad thing.

You need 2 – 3 good size lemons plus 2 good size grapefruits.

Wash them with soap and water when you want to start.

I make lemonade from the meat of the lemons and enjoy the meat of the grapefruits for breakfast. Keeping the skins in a ziploc bag in the fridge until I am ready to make my HCQ.

Chop up the skins, lemon and grapefruit into chunks, use a glass pot if you have one or a steel pot, the top must be glass or use a glass plate.

Place into a good size pot and cover with spring or distilled water (not city water).

Cover the fruit skins about 3″ or so and bring the pot to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a simmer and place the glass cover on the pot. Do not lift the lid until the very end.

Simmer for about 3 hours. If you have a glass crockpot, this may work perfectly, put just a bit more water in case the summer is hotter than the stove.

When the time is finished, still do not lift the lid. Cut off the heat and let it sit until it is perfectly cold. Then remove the lid and drain the solution into a glass container. I use a strainer, but some people are good using just the lid to hold back the rendered fruit.

I use a canning jars but any glass jar with a good lid will work. I pour much if my solution into ice trays to keep for longer. It works great.

It is extremely bitter, so you may want to sweeten it with Honey or Maple Syrup. Make sure the Honey is local made and the Maple Syrup us natural. You can do this before you put it into the fridge or freezer.

My jar is stored in the fridge, already sweetened. The next day it looks like jelly but that is fine.

You need at least 3 tablespoons each day. I usually take it if I am in contact with people, because you don’t know who is the contagious ones in other words the idiots who got vaxed.

There are other receipts and suggestions below.

Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol

This is the updated protocol to protect those who’ve been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those who’ve been injected. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol.

This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding:

• Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
• Vitamin D3*
• Lypospheric Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*
• Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)
• Iodine*
• PQQ*
• Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) There are toxic pine needles, be careful! When drinking pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.

• Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid (which is known to neutralize the spike protein)

• C60 (1-3 droppersfull per day): One of the issues we are seeing with those who have been injected is disturbances in their energetic field (magnetism) and hot spots of inflammation. C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons.

• Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as “interstitial dialysis”. Our Kohlbitr* product is the premier activated coconut charcoal in the world and we also now offer the more gentle birch charcoal.*

•Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)

Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)

Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate)

• Superherbs to help disable spike protein:
Schizandra Berry* (high in shikimate)
Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means “three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate.

St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)

Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)
Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)
GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)

LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.

*Indicates products found in one place here:

There are many natural paths who are researching the best cures available. We greatly appreciate their efforts to save Humanity. It is a wicked thing that these psychopaths have done and the purpose was Agenda21. Eugenics plain and simple. Like something out of Hitler’s Germany.

I use one Green Tea teabag to help the flavor, it will makes they cup of Pine Tea taste better. Otherwise it has no flavor.

Wild Food Foraging- Pine / Spruce / Cedar / Fir- Evergreen Teas

How much Pine Needles to use? I personally use 1 Teaspoon full of chopped fresh Pine Needles in my tea ball, and let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes I then add my local honey.

Everyone has their own method. Make it your own. The video above will help you to identify the evergreen in your area.

Pregnant ladies should not drink this tea.

When creating your tea always use Spring water not the poison City water.

I have enjoyed my cup of tea so much, that I plan to drink a cup of Pine Tea every night. It is loaded with Vitamin C.

Now let’s talk about Ivermectin.

You can get a prescription for this if your Doctor is honest and not bought off by big pharma. You have to understand that the Allopathic brainwashed Doctors are only taught to prescribe not cure. That is why people are so sick, it is a Sick Care industry not a wellness industry. If they cure you, then your ATM will dry up. You are a car payment, mortgage payment, vacation or whatever they see you as. You have to remember you get only a few minutes with the white coat, and he tells you what to do and take like they are your guru. But wake up. Learn how to heal the natural way again. Do your research, don’t let anyone spoon feed you, because you then become dependent on their every word and advice. Please learn to research and share your knowledge with others.

Now let’s talk about a prescription for Ivermectin. I hear it can cost up to $300. Now that is a pure rip off. Even $10.00 is a rip off.

I do my Ivermectin 2 X’s a month, I do take an extra dose when exposed to the jabbed idiots.

I have heard that people have been able to get off Big pharma drugs when they do a regular routine maintenance of taking the paste. It probably depends on your condition.

One guy claimed that taking the Ivermectin twice a day for a month then twice a week for the following month then twice month as maintenance. Use your own body as your gage no one knows you better than yourself. This guys Parkinsons is now in remission and hopefully gone.

Another lady claimed she did the same protocol and had rheumatoid arthritis in her hands so bad that her hands had been twisted up, red and painful and grossly misformed. After a couple of months her hands were normal and her arthritis was gone. The red twisted hands looked normal. She still takes her ivermectin and never took the poison jab.

It’s a fact that most all diseases come from parasites and this is the one thing that I clearly kills parasites.

Now one lady accidentally squirted the whole tube and her mouth because she didn’t lock the chamber when she went to disperse and she had it at her mouth instead of a spoon but guess what The only thing it did was make her get it look she said it looked like she had dandruff on her skin but this was the parasites coming out from her skin all over. I wouldn’t recommend doing that for sure but she also was able to stop using big formal because of killing off the parasites.

If you can’t order on Amazon, you can find a Tractor Supply store or Feed and Seed store to get Ivermectin at a very reasonable prices from 3.99 to 12.00 for a paste. It removes parasites. Tgey have apple flavor which helps because it isn’t tasty. Not nasty either. Instructions are on the box.

I took it twice the first week I took my ivermectin. Then only once a month on a specific day from the first time. I usually chase it with a fruit to cover the bitter flavor left in my mouth.

You can also go to the vet to get ivermectin paste for your pretend horses. Or that you are getting horses, how would they know?

The reason Big Pharma is pushing this as illegal nasty stuff is because it cures too many ailments which are caused by parasites which they probably were the ones who came up with the parasites. Have you ever heard of plum island That’s where they did the Ticks which give you Lime disease.

If you received the vaccine or are around people who have had the poison jabs, then this extra protection is a blessing in every way. A gift from God.

For those who took a the poison jabs, then we will address that later. These people are now HIV positive.

Remember that God gave us the leaves to heal ourselves and the fruits to sustain us. Satan created poison to kill God’s creations.

Look up the word Pharma in Greek it means: Poison, Sorcery. Research. This is facts.

From the Bible:
God’s children are destroyed from lack of knowledge.

I send you this in extreme 💓 and hope you will share this knowledge with your friends and family.

God Bless Humanity and all of God’s creations.

Do a detox as often as you can. The DS is still adding toxins to our water, air and soil. Even the processed foods are highly toxic.

If you are not eating food that you grow or from local farmers, you are neglecting your health and trusting the DS not to kill you. But believe me, they are trying daily to kill us all, as we are God’s creations and we have a Soul. They do not. That answers why they do it. They don’t have a Soul.


Face Diapers – Behind The Mask

A few weeks ago I asked a doctor to put together a list of what masks do to our children and she sent it today….I hope this helps everyone! Love M M Masking children is child abuse!

Interferes with development of speech and communication

Sends messages to brain that child is under duress

Some children have regressed developmentally

One 4 year old child lost control over urination and began wetting herself

A teen with OCD, in my practice
drove his car into a tree while masked because wearing a mask exacerbates pre-existing mental health symptoms

Children are shutting down in the areas of both expressive and receptive communication
Masks are causing respiratory and facial staff and yeast infractions

Increases anxiety in children

Decreased intake of oxygen is increasing depression in

Increases feelings of social isolation

Those who have myopia can have difficulty seeing because the mask fogs their glasses. WSJ

Masks can cause severe acne and other skin problems. WSJ

The discomfort of a mask distracts some children from learning. WSJ

By increasing airway resistance during exhalation, masks can lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. M

And masks can be vectors for pathogens if they become moist or are used for too long. WSJ

Some children compensate for such difficulties by breathing through their mouths. Chronic and prolonged mouth breathing can alter facial development. WSJ

It is well-documented that children who mouth-breathe because adenoids block their nasal airways can develop a mouth deformity and elongated face. WSJ

Facial expressions are integral to human connection, particularly for young children, who are only learning how to signal fear, confusion and happiness. WSJ

Covering a child’s face mutes these nonverbal forms of communication and can result in robotic and emotionless interactions, anxiety and depression. WSJ

Seeing people speak is a building block of phonetic development. It is especially important for children with disabilities such as hearing impairment. WSJ

The adverse developmental effects of requiring masks for a few weeks are probably minor. We can’t say that with any confidence when the practice stretches on for months or years. WSJ

Public-health officials claim to base their decisions and guidance on science, but there’s no science behind mask mandates for children. WSJ

A new research study by one of us (Dr. Makary) and his Johns Hopkins colleagues found that of the $42 billion the National Institutes of Health spent on research last year, less than 2% went to Covid clinical research and not a single grant was dedicated to studying masks in children. WSJ

Forcing a child to wear a mask is child abuse.

Cloth and paper masks worn outside of a surgical situation do not protect anyone from anything.

Children’s masks get wet and breed pathogens and stick to their faces.


Over the years I have researched about the great qualities and healing abalities of beautiful copper.

Some time back, “One Who Knows” Richard Keenan shared some great Intel about using copper vessels to hold your water. The benefits and the research behind his great information.

I hope everyone starts using copper to drink their water out of it really does add trace minerals that so many of us are lacking. It also will hold/harness the frequency of the water you put into it so if you pay extra for Alkaline water a copper vessel will hold the frequency of the Alkaline water thus making it last longer.


The first recorded use of copper as an infection-killing agent comes from Smith’s Papyrus, the oldest-known medical document in history.

The information therein has been ascribed to an Egyptian doctor circa 1700 B.C. but is based on information that dates back as far as 3200 B.C. Egyptians designated the ankh symbol, representing eternal life, to denote copper in hieroglyphs.

As far back as 1,600 B.C., the Chinese used copper coins as medication to treat heart and stomach pain as well as bladder diseases.

The sea-faring Phoenicians inserted shavings from their bronze swords into battle wounds to prevent infection. For thousands of

years, women have known that their children didn’t get diarrhea as frequently when they drank from copper vessels and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations.

“You don’t need a medical degree to diagnose diarrhea,” Schmidt says.And copper’s power lasts. Keevil’s team checked the old railings at New York City’s Grand Central Terminal a few years ago. “The copper is still working just like it did the day it was put in over 100 years ago,” he says. “This stuff is durable and the anti-microbial effect doesn’t go away.”

Heavy metals including gold and silver are antibacterial, but copper’s specific atomic makeup gives it extra killing power, Keevil says. Copper has a free electron in its outer orbital shell of electrons that easily takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions (which also makes the metal a good conductor). As a result, Schmidt says, it becomes a “molecular oxygen grenade.” Silver and gold don’t have the free electron, so they are less reactive.

Copper kills in other ways as well, according to Keevil, who has published papers on the effect. When a microbe lands on copper,

ions blast the pathogen like an onslaught of missiles, preventing cell respiration and punching holes in the cell membrane or viral coating and creating free radicals that accelerate the kill, especially on dry surfaces. Most importantly, the ions seek and destroy the

DNA and RNA inside a bacteria or virus, preventing the mutations that create drug-resistant superbugs. “The properties never wears off, even if it tarnishes,” Schmidt says.

Personnel note from Angel4Light:

If you are a baby boomer, you can easily recall your home having copper pipes. This was the standard until the evil ones who knew how carcinogenic plastic pipes are. They made this a standard practice and made it cheap enough so that all contractors will start using it to install and new homes.

A lack of copper in the body will show up as grey hair at an early age.

I use a copper coupling in a glass jar to store my spring water. It doesn’t change the flavor and it is one way to get my copper daily.

Copper is used in all of my wire wrappings, and in my Orgone creations. The frequency is beautiful and very healing. Copper is beautiful to look at and it feels good.

I love the look of old copper with the green patinas and love doing my various art projects with Copper old and new, wire or sheets.

I believe that the Tesla energy we will be getting soon is made using Copper coils.

Copper coils have been used in various natural healing and is a great conductor of Energy.

When you do Earthing Meditations, you use copper to ground yourself. It is very positive and powerful.

You can use to copper rods to find water, it is called dowsing.

I use copper when I create my pyramids, my Tesla Rings, and Orgone. It is a wonderful metal and I believe it is one of Earth’s valuable treasures.

Have you ever see raw copper? You can pick up a nice rock at a Rock or Mineral Show. You will treasure it. Wash it and use it in in your glass water containers. Or just set it around with your crystal collection use in ceremony to use

It can be use in Reiki and Meditations as it represents the ROOT CHAKRA: It is believed that copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications.

To summarize: If you decide to purchase a copper vessel or cup, these are extremely attractive and beneficial. Money well invested.





by Patricia Cota-Robles

Originally posted 12-17-20 

We have just completed one of the most powerful Eclipse Series we have ever experienced. That is due to the fact that truly life-transforming events have taken place since January 1, 2020 which Birthed this New Decade. Humanity and Mother Earth are now able to safely receive higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light from the Celestial alignments occurring throughout the Universe than ever before. This is allowing us to greatly accelerate our Ascension process.

When this New Decade was Birthed in January, we were told by our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life. They said that during this time Humanity will develop latent abilities through which we will literally TRANSFIGURE our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the New Earth.

The Beings of Light said that this seemingly miraculous Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God revealed that this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted.

If you have been following the information from the Realms of Illumined Truth that Era of Peace has been sharing this year through our Weekly Vlogs, our monthly Newsletters, and the events from the Planetary Reboot which took place during the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination, then you are aware of the profound Truth contained within that revelation from our Father-Mother God.

Now, as this unprecedented year comes to a close we have the opportunity to participate in two final Activities of Light that will assist Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her to transcend the painful vestiges of manipulation, oppression and control from the old Earth that are now being dismantled and crumbling away.

The Company of Heaven has affirmed that through the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Divine Intervention we will receive from these Celestial events Mother Earth and ALL her Life will Ascend a quantum leap forward into the NEW patterns of the Heart-based Template for the New Earth.

The final two Activities of Light for 2020 involve the December 21st Solstice and a rare alignment between the Planets Jupiter and Saturn known as the Grand Conjunction. The conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn takes place every 20 years, but this year the closeness of the two Planets and certain other aspects of this conjunction will make it a very rare event.

This particular Grand Conjunction is being heralded as a “once in a lifetime” show in the December sky. With only about one 10th of a degree separating the two Planets they will almost look like a single Planet shining in the sky. This will be the closest Grand Conjunction in nearly 400 years. The last time this occurred was in 1623. Jupiter and Saturn will appear closest together on December 21st which is the Solstice. Many astrologers say that this conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest Planets in our Solar System, is the “Star of Bethlehem” seen by the shepherds at the inception of the Piscean Age.

The Grand Conjunction occurs when Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the Zodiac. For the past 200 years this Grand Conjunction has been occurring in Earth Signs. In 2020, during the Solstice on December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will align in the Air Sign of Aquarius. This alignment will take place at zero degrees of Aquarius which represents infinite potential and limitless possibilities.

The Beings of Light said that the Solstice and the Grand Conjunction taking place at the same time during this life-transforming year of 2020 will create an extraordinary opportunity for Humanity en masse to cocreate a tremendous shift in our collective World view and our individual and collective visions for the New Earth.

The Earth is now in the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. The Grand Conjunction aligning at zero degrees in the Air Sign of Aquarius is creating the sacred space for the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth to elevate our Holy Breath. This will allow each of us to receive higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. The Company of Heaven said there are not words to describe how effectively this will empower our efforts as we unify our Hearts and Minds in the process of cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

The Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity which is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection is the predominant Aspect of Deity that will influence the Earth during the 2,000-year Cycle of the Aquarian Age. As the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place during the December 21st Solstice, the I AM Presence of every person will elevate our Holy Breath allowing each of us to receive higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force.

With higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force being inhaled and exhaled with every Breath, the Violet Flame will be amplified exponentially through all time frames and dimensions. Every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that yet remains to be Transmuted back into Light will be enveloped in the Violet Flame and Transfigured back into its original perfection. We are being told by the Company of Heaven that this influx of the Violet Flame will clear the path in unfathomable ways for the Birth of 2021.


2020 has been a very challenging year for millions of people in many ways. I know that there are those who cannot wait for this year to be over and they are praying that 2021 will be a much less traumatic year for everyone. Well, because of the incredible Activities of Light that were God Victoriously accomplished in 2020, even in the midst of the pain and suffering people were experiencing, the Company of Heaven has assured us that the Divine Potential for 2021 is very positive. They want us to know, however, that the key to releasing that Divine Potential is up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity.

In spite of the challenges, and in many instances because of the challenges in 2020, millions of people were able to raise their heads above the quagmire of surfacing negativity manifesting in the outer world. This allowed them to see the Light and their own Divine Potential in life-transforming ways. They connected with the Divinity of their I AM Presence in ways they had not previously experienced. And at long last, they began remembering that they are Sons and Daughters of God empowered with the gift of free will and the creative faculties of thought and feeling.

This means that through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions we are actually creating the circumstances in our lives. We are not just victims being buffeted about by random events. We have a purpose and a reason for being. We embodied on Earth with a mission and a Divine Destiny to become cocreators of the New Earth with our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Now, as we cross the threshold into 2021 some predominant questions are arising in the hearts and minds of the newly Awakened souls, such as “Do I really have a mission? Can I possibly make a difference? How can my humble efforts create a New Earth?”

The answer to the first question is YES, we all absolutely have a mission. In Richard Bach’s book “Illusions” he has a wonderful test to help us determine whether or not our mission on Earth is complete. The test is…IF YOU ARE ALIVE, IT ISN’T!

So as we Birth the second year of this New Decade, one of the key factors in helping us release the Divine Potential for 2021 is for us to accept and acknowledge that each and every one of us is already what we seek and what we desire to Be from our highest level of consciousness. All we have to do is claim that Truth and then live, move and Breathe out of that knowing.

Our Earthly Bodies are literally multidimensional technology. In the new paradigm we are cocreating, we have the ability to hold space within our bodies for the highest frequencies of vibration. All we have to do is consistently pay attention to who we are Being in every moment through our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Every single one of us has all of the skill, wisdom, knowledge, strength and courage we need to succeed God Victoriously in our mission. We just need to listen to our Heart and respond according to our intuitive Inner Guidance.

During the December 21st Solstice and the simultaneous Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, every person’s I AM Presence will elevate our Holy Breath to new levels. We will then begin Breathing higher frequencies of Prana and our Life Force with every Breath we take. In the physical world of form our Breath is our connection to Source, our Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL that Is. That is why we take our first Breath at Birth and our last Breath as we leave the physical plane through the process we refer to as Death.

There will be some challenging things happening on the Planet in 2021, but if we stay focused on the Light and understand that these events are necessary in order to clear the way for the New Earth, we will experience being “in the world but not of the world.” This precious Planet is going through an energetic collapse in order to dismantle and clear the toxic patterns and paradigms from the past. These destructive patterns are not coming back and it will be up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity to replace them with the Heart-based patterns of the New Earth.

The I AM Presence of every person abiding on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven are standing in readiness, awaiting the opportunity to assist us in this holy endeavor. But remember, not even our I AM Presence or the Company of Heaven can intervene to help us without us asking them to do so. No one is allowed to interfere with our free will.

The Beings of Light have told us there is a Universal Law that decrees, “The call for assistance must come from the Realm where the assistance is needed!” This means quite literally that those of us abiding on Earth must invoke the Light of God and ask for the assistance we desire from our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven in order for these Divine Beings to have permission to intervene in our lives and to respond to our Heart’s Call.

The good news is that we are One with all Life. Consequently, as the Beings of Light have revealed, if those of us abiding in the physical plane affirm our Oneness with the I AM Presence of our Sisters and Brothers abiding on Earth, then we can invoke the Light of God on their behalf. This is easily accomplished by merely affirming before our invocations, “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.”

There is a school of thought that believes if we invoke the Light on behalf of another person without them specifically asking for our help we are interfering with the learning experiences they need to go through. Whether that is true or not depends on how our request for assistance is made.

If we invoke our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of the person involved before we invoke the Light of God on their behalf, that changes everything. When we take this important first step, it gives our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of the person we want to help permission to receive the Light and to control how the Light is used.

Our I AM Presence works solely toward our highest good and the highest good of all concerned. It knows exactly what our unfolding Divine Plan is and it perpetually strives to help us expedite the fulfillment of that plan. Our I AM Presence knows why we are going through the particular challenge we are experiencing. It knows what we are going to learn by transmuting that experience back into Light and it knows how close we are to completing that process.

Our I AM Presence also knows precisely how to utilize the Light it is receiving for our highest good. That is true whether it is Light that we have invoked for our self or Light that has been invoked by another person on our behalf.

When we begin our Lightwork with the affirmation “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth”, instantaneously, the I AM Presence of every man, women and child on Earth receives a signal from our I AM Presence and stands in readiness to receive the Light we are invoking on their behalf. Then, every person’s I AM Presence assimilates that Light and uses it in perfect alignment with the person’s Divine Plan and their highest good. This happens no matter who is making the invocation.

This is what the Company of Heaven means when they tell us “You are powerful beyond your knowing.” We literally have the ability to invoke the Light of God through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth simultaneously. Just contemplate what that really means for a moment.

Instead of spending our time and energy invoking the Light just for our self, with the same expenditure of time and energy we can invoke the Light on behalf of the 7,500,000.000 people evolving on this Planet.

So, as we prepare for the Birth of 2021, let’s develop the habit of setting aside some time every day to invoke the Light of God on behalf of our self, our Loved Ones and all Humanity. Together, let’s make the Heart commitment to be instrumental in releasing the Divine Potential for this New Year.

Dear One, this is a powerful and Light-filled time. Stay focused on the Light and BE the Miracle you are capable of Being. Just Breathe and Be here NOW. I wish you a Glorious Solstice, Grand Conjunction, Holiday and New Year. Please KNOW you are not alone and you are Loved more than you can comprehend at this moment.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909,
Fax: 520-347-5440

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.


Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – June 18, 2021


Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – June 18, 2021

Source: Mike Quinsey


The end of the worldly troubles is in sight but even when you return to what you would call normality there is much to be done to start anew and leave much of the old behind. With lockdown many countries have been laid bare and their shortcomings so apparent. It is not always the result of mismanagement but circumstances that have led to the acknowledgement of antiquated systems and a lack of foresight. Inequality has led to a great disparity between countries, although it is also due to the misuse of funds that have been kept for personal gain. These situations are coming to light and steps are being taken to remove those who have abused their power for their personal benefit.

Times are approaching when there will be no hiding place for those who have committed criminal acts against the people. There are of course genuine and honest people amongst you but sometimes they are overwhelmed by the actions of those who only serve self. It will all change, it has to if society is to be seen openly working for the betterment of all people. Sadly the dark Ones have had the power to move into positions of authority from where they further their own agenda. Many promises are made but thrust aside to allow abuse of their power and these actions are often carried out openly, but in future they will be closely monitored and action taken to prevent a recurrence.

The time is approaching when the people will rise up and demand an end to poverty and look for a more equal society. There are more than ample funds in the world to allow for such changes and it is just a matter of having a fairer system of distribution. This would be without claiming the funds “stolen” by the dark Ones to pay for their projects such as Space flights and all that is associated with them. You really are the Cinderella of the world but your day will come, perhaps much quicker than you might imagine. It always seems that the dark Ones can get away with whatever they wish, but be assured their power is already being limited. Nothing can be revealed in advance or broadcast about the tasks ahead, as secrecy is the best way to shield them but you may be assured that when successful they will be made known to the public in due course.

These are the times when we are in touch with your Space friends who would gladly help you out when in need, but apart from giving you encouragement they cannot directly help you but do their best to influence you to take the right action. Much is done that you will probably never become aware of, but you will realise you always have your unseen helpers around you. They do their best to ensure that you have every opportunity to help the Light in its battle against the dark Ones. This battle has been raging for millennia of time but it is drawing to a close. You have won the battle and now it is time to clear the planet from their influences.

The future for many of you is going to be exciting as you take part in reorganising the Earth to its original plan, and the beauty of it is that as the vibrations continue to rise you will find less and less obstruction to your work. Little by little you will find that your powers have increased so be alert to the changes that are coming. These are strange times but suddenly the purpose behind everything will become apparent, and it is preparations for your Ascension. Obviously it is now very important that you keep the Light around you and do not allow the dark Ones to interfere with your continued evolution.


As we have often suggested, you should concentrate on the path you are following that is of your choice. The more progress you make the quicker you will establish yourself within the higher vibrations, and become free of the attention of the dark Ones. There will come a point where they can no longer keep pace with you. Even now you can safely avoid negative issues or actions by keeping inside your aura. When you are within it no one can interfere with you because you are well protected.

The Earth erupts to the raucous sounds that are emitted often in the name of music, yet when it is serene and gentle in a classical way it is actually of a healing quality. As you will learn through your experiences of sound it can actually harm or heal your body and the choice is yours. Mozart for example was overshadowed when composing and his music has a quality that can be very healing.

Sound has often played a part in various types of healing including mental afflictions. The vibrations can pass into your body and put right any imbalances that may exist. Think upon the way that soothing music can help send you to sleep, even when you may be unsettled within. Equally when music is used romantically it can almost send people into a peaceful trance. You may experience most of these feelings without giving a thought to what has brought them about.

It is very much the same where colour is concerned, and there is certainly more awareness of its healing qualities. It all comes down to vibrations and most of you have almost certainly experienced feelings about the colours you wear. However the subject of colour is certainly not new to many of you, and it has been used to good effect in many places such as hospitals. In the near future the whole subject of vibrations will become common knowledge, and used in many ways for the benefit of humanity.

Forget for a moment all of your troubles and turn to music that can help you in many ways. You could certainly say that it has been used for a very long time to evoke feelings of joy and happiness, and it will continue to be so. You can also understand music used for special occasions such as weddings or funerals, so it is apparent that you have understood its various qualities even if not exactly the nature of what has taken place. However, you are now in a new Age when all of these “secrets” will be understood and revealed. Then you will really see how much will change and lift you up and widen your understanding of things around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines

The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are gathering enough data to support all humans on all timelines, in all realities and universes. We have broadened the scope of the help that we are offering at this time to include those humans who do not exist in your reality, on your timeline, or in your universe right now. We want you to understand how significant that is, because as all versions of you are assisted, you benefit. You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend.

Therefore, you can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You can relax more and know that your evolution is a natural process. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to include you going through a series of trials and tribulations. It can be quite smooth and easy. As you begin to understand that your evolution of consciousness is inevitable and that it benefits al beings throughout all universes, you can also accept the idea that you don’t have to do anything at this time. You don’t have to prove your worthiness to ascend.

Yes, you are there to help, but the help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness; it is not through the completion of tasks. Now, as we have been focusing on these other versions of you, we have come to appreciate this human collective consciousness that we are addressing right now through the channel here.

We are very impressed with your growth and evolution; we know that our energy transmissions have helped, but there are also many other wonderful teachers out there who are assisting you in raising your vibration and becoming more of who you really are. You already are your fifth-dimensional selves, and in every moment of every day you are recognizing that truth and letting go of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourselves as your true selves.

Imagine that you are very hot. It is a particularly hot and humid day, and you are wearing several layers of clothing, including some pretty thick ones. The way that some humans go about cooling off is to begin the process of building an air conditioner from scratch when the easier and faster way is to just remove the layers and layers of clothing. That’s what we are telling you right now. That is the case with your spiritual evolution. It doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to go about it in the most challenging of ways. You don’t have to prove yourselves to be smart or capable of figuring out how to build an air conditioner, or anything else, from scratch.

Take the easy route, and make it a point to consciously tune in to all of those other selves and what they are receiving right now, what they have been able to achieve in terms of their vibration, and know that you are also helping every single one of these other yous. You are always being of service, no matter how it might look, and just by receiving this transmission right now, you are helping yourselves, all other humans, and all of the other yous throughout the multiverse. This is a wonderful time to be alive and in a human body on Earth, because of all of this help and all of the transformation that will follow.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

June 22nd – Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council – Register Here

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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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