The Big C – Cancer

You are going to be furious when you find out the truth behind Cancer. What causes it and how easy it is to cure. That it is a Billion Dollar Industry and no cure will ever be given to us for this profitable disease caused by the DS Cabal

My mother died from Cancer. But in truth, she died from the evil treatment from the parasite medical industry. Yes it is a big ticket kill machine for the dark Cabal.

Chemo is a toxin that needs to be made illegal. Radiation we know is very harmful and kills off your white blood cells. These evil concoctions are meant to strip you of your wealth and slowly kill you while they are able to kull the herd. Agenda 21 has been in operation for years.

My mother got the Cancer from several sources. Johnson & Johnson baby powder. She would apply it daily to keep from chaffing between her legs. Then there was the toxic City water loaded with carcinogens and fluoride which is a rat poison and the number one cause of cancer. If you want to kill a rat, give it fluoride toothpaste. You think I am kidding you?

My Mom grew up in the era where it was cool to smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes as you may know by now is a very toxic soup of over 900 chemicals that cause addictions, and various cancers.

The era she had to endure this deadly dis-ease was at the start of the computer age, the internet was not saturated with truth as it is today.

The processed foods we eat now is completely saturated in very lethal chemicals that are designed to destroy our health and destroy our internal organs. Who owns these corporations you will be shocked to find out they all filter up to some very evil people. I suggest you learn to grow your own or find a local farmer who uses organic means of growing their crops without harmful chemicals.

The preservatives also cause cancer

Much of the disinformation about Cancer published is owned by the Cabal, to keep us in the dark. Doctors don’t want you to seek a second opinion, yet it is your right.

I wish I knew then what I know now, but with all the Evil we have had to endure during this tribulation, I don’t think my parents could have endured these demonic years.

Remember the campaigns about Asbestos, the latest greatest insulation ever. Now we find how toxic it is. What about the pigtail Mercury lights. This was heavily permoted during the Demon President Obama term. He also paid for our demise with the help of Soros and Faucci with the funding of the BioLabs for depopulation of humanity.

Think about this for a minute, have you noticed how everyone is so Fat and unhealthy? How did that happen? The food is one of the keys. They inject hormones into the animals, put chemicals in everything that you haven’t a clue what it is or does. They destroy your thyroid which is a very critical gland that regulates your blood pressure and your metabolism.

Now that they have everyone buying bottled water, you are given a false sense of security, when in fact you are pretty much drinking manufactured water, filled with metals, fluoride and carcinogens which cause cancer.

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation

9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride

Do You Know What You Are Drinking?


“I drank black tea my entire life. When I found out it contained as much as 4 times the fluoride as tap water (and much more absorbable) I immediately stopped using it. Fluoride is also in over 350 prescription drugs and many other foods. If you really want to eliminate fluoride it will take research.”

⚠️FLUORIDE is killing humanity, it’s a toxic poison that slowly infiltrates the body to keep us sick. STOP 🛑 using conventional toothpaste today snd get a fluoride free toothpaste.

⚠️Fluoride is also in our water so invest in a proper filtration system.

Best Water Filter: Brita, ZeroWater, PUR, Berkey, Aquaphor, AquaTrue?

Ivermectin, Black Walnut tenture, Zeolite, Bentonite Clay, MSM, are healthy alternatives to healing and even curing Cancers. Water Fasting using distilled water, eating Sprouts and going vegan. Each of these alternatives with proper application can easily be researched and proves that Cancer is actually trying to heal. Once you get a biopsy this causes your Cancer to spread. Research everything. Trust your own Research but don’t use Google or Duck Duck Go as they will not provide accurate information these are owned by the Cabal who own the Biolabs and Big Pharma.

When the allopathic Rothschild doctors cut you open they are after your money not healing you. Once you start taking the Rothschild snake oils, your time clock starts ticking faster and your quality of life diminishes. People die from Chemo, not the Cancer. But many will argue that Cancer killed their loved one, when in truth, they had a biopsy which caused it to spread or a Allopathic treatment which caused the Cancer to spread.

Does the Allopathic Doctor suggest a vegan diet, or a water Fasting for a short period of time, or healthy alternatives that can restore your health? This is 100% no, never heard of that.

Read the ingredients, research and you will be shocked

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say that their Doctor loves them. I always say, “Stop paying them and see they love you when the cash cow dries up.

Allopathic Rothschild Doctors are not permitted to use the word Heal. They always practice medicine. This alone should trouble everyone. Wake-up people!

Is this the reason why the CABAL does not want you to know the potential of ANTI-PARASITIC MEDICINE…? VIDEO PROOF: CANCER IS CAUSED BY PARASITES 

Frontiers in Medicine Editorial: Parasites and Cancer


New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors

Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Wake Up~! 🛌🏻💤🇺🇸

What Food Manufacturers Don’t Want You To Know: The Pantry

What Food Manufacturers Don’t Want You To Know: The Pantry Principle

Written By:
Helayne Waldman

This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2014

I came across a small gem of a book recently. The Pantry Principle, by Mira Dessy contains everything you ever wanted to know about food additives, flavorings, fake sugars, colors, stabilizers, preservatives, emulsifiers and other “non-food” ingredients – but were afraid to ask. In this book she highlights not only the additives you’re familiar with, but others that may not be on your radar. Yet.

So packaged food eaters beware: here’s a hint of just a scant few of the items that lurk beneath the label in your packaged food products. And for those who are trying to get your friends and family off of packaged foods and on to a whole foods lifestyle, here’s some more ammunition!


Since we’re all familiar with the big offenders such as MSG, I thought I’d pick out a few about which you might know less. Take the case of the chemical used to create the yummy, buttery taste of microwaved popcorn. The chemical of concern is known as diecetyl and it’s been linked to lung disease in the factory workers that process it. Microwave popcorn lung, or more specifically “bronchiolitis obliterans” syndrome is not just limited to factory workers, however.

Diacetyl is so toxic that the U.S. Dept. of Labor issued a warning notice about its use in 2012, the same year a study published in Chemical Research in Toxicology suggested that diacetyl can cause an accumulation of amyloid-B protein, which has been positively linked with Alzheimer’s disease (More, et. al, 2012). Books like Dessy’s are helping to raise awareness of this health menace, and legal judgments are now pending that may finally reduce to the use of this toxin. In the meantime, please read the labels of your microwave popcorn – or better yet, make your own (using non-GMO corn, please).

This leads me to another additive, which still seems to be enjoying immense popularity in both the cosmetics and the food industry.

Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is an emulsifier, used to help foods from separating (think oil and water). Many emulsifiers possess anti-caking or anti-foaming properties and are used in whipped goods, while others control the rate of crystallization in foods such as peanut butter. Propylene glycol has a nefarious past as a compound used in antifreeze, and animal studies from decades ago suggest that it can cause depression of the central nervous system (Miller, et al, 1981). It can also be a cause of allergy and asthma in children and create a variety of skin problems. Unfortunately, its name may not always appear on the label since it is covered under an FDA ruling known as “incidental food labeling”, a sleight of hand that allows manufacturer to skip any mention of it on the label. If you buy commercial products like ice cream, national brand yogurts, cakes and other sweets, beer, salad dressing and baking mixes, you can be pretty sure you’ll be ingesting some propylene glycol along with your meal.

The poisons in the package – BHA, BHT, BPA

BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole) is a petroleum-based preservative used to retard rancidity in foods with oils or shortening. Despite the fact that a 2011 Report on Carcinogens from the National Toxicology program found BHA to be “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen,” the ever-vigilant FDA continues to regard it as GRAS (generally regarded as safe). Often appearing below the list of ingredients on the nutrition label, it commonly shows up as a disarmingly benign statement such as “BHA added to package for freshness.”

A relative of BHA, BHT (Butylated Hydroxytoluene) is also found in breakfast cereals as well as in chewing gum base and dry potato products. BHT appears to affect the brain, altering neurotransmitter function. Shamefully, this connection was brought to light 40 years ago in a study that looked at developmental changes to the offspring of mice fed BHT. Those changes included negative impacts on sleeping habits, learning, and increased aggression (Stokes and Scudder, 1974).

BPA (Bisphenol A) is an endocrine-disrupting, estrogen-mimicking substance that has also been dubbed obesogenic, meaning it can contribute to obesity.

Women are not the only one who suffer from its endocrine-disrupting action, though. A 2011 study of male factory workers suggests a correlation between exposure to BPA and erectile dysfunction (Zhao et al., 2011) while an experimental study in rats showed a reduction in serum testosterone following BPA exposure. While its use in baby bottles and sippy cups has finally been prohibited by the FDA, its use in can linings, jar lids and thermal papers remains unfettered.

BPA-free plastics may not be the healthy alternative hoped for as other bisphenol-based products appear to have similar endocrine disrupting effects. Tetra paks, on the other hand, are made with paper and low-density polyethylene (LDPE), a non-toxic plastic which appears to have no health impact.

What’s an eater to do?

First, last, and foremost, the best plan of action is to avoid packaged foods altogether. Aside from the additives in the food and the poisons in the packaging, we know that packaged foods are devitalized, depleted versions of the real thing. However, if you are still making the transition, here a few ideas for starters from the fabulous Ms. Dessy:

  • Become an avid label reader. Look for natural additives such as acacia gum, ascorbic acid, agar agar or pectin, rather than those with names you can’t pronounce.
  • Repackage foods found in plastic coatings or coated containers once you bring them home
  • Eat foods rich in folate to help protect against BPA exposure

While this article provides just a peek at the insight Dessy’s book has given us, the book itself is a must have for anyone who is serious about improving their health and well-being or that of their families. Please do yourself a favor – buy this book!

The Pantry Principle is available for purchase on Dessy’s website:

Why You Should Never Touch Receipts

Why You Should Never Touch Receipts

Written By:

Sayer Ji, Founder

This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2019

Why You Should Avoid Touching Receipts

Keeping your receipts may make good financial sense, but handling them involves significant health risks you should know about and how to mitigate.

If you are like me, you hesitate at the checkout counter whenever the cashier asks you “would you like your receipt”? If your inner accountant is alive and well, you will find yourself wanting to keep it, which means touch it. But on the other hand, if you are already aware of the information in this article, the idea of handling a bisphenol A saturated thermal printer receipt without gloves makes as much sense as handling gasoline or paint thinner without protection.

And if you are really “neurotic” like me, you may find yourself thinking about the health of the cashier, who undoubtedly has been handling receipts all shift long, and will continue to be exposed — often unwittingly — to a significant dose of bisphenol A throughout the course of their employment. This is why I cringe doubly when I refuse a receipt, because I realize that the cashier has no idea why I would do so, nor that they have suffered a harmful chemical exposure in the very act of offering the receipt to me.

All this might sound overly cautious if it had not already been proven that exposure to thermal printer receipts is one of the primary routes through which our bodies become contaminated with the toxic synthetic chemical known as bisphenol A (BPA), a potent endocrine disruptor, carcinogen, and neurotoxic and cardiotoxic chemical, linked to over 50 adverse health effects. BPA is also found in airline tickets, gas and ATM receipts, and paper currency absorbs the BPA contained within these receipts, making daily exposure even more likely.

There are other important variables that play into how much of this chemical we absorb. For instance, bisphenol absorption is exponentially enhanced with the use of mass market skin care products, which are themselves mainly comprised of petrochemically-derived ingredients whose toxicities are also a major concern. For instance, back in 2014, a highly concerning study published in PLoS titled, “Holding thermal receipt paper and eating food after using hand sanitizer results in high serum bioactive and urine total levels of bisphenol A (BPA),” found that hand sanitizers, as well as other skin care products, contain mixtures of chemicals that can increase the absorption of fat-soluble compounds such as BPA by as much as 100 fold.

There is also the disturbing fact that 93% of healthy infants aged 3-15 months were found to be contaminated with BPA without any known cause of environmental exposure, revealing how truly widespread contamination is, regardless of direct exposure to thermal printer receipts.1

A provocative study published in Environmental Health Perspectives titled, “Bisphenol A, Bisphenol S, and 4-Hydroxyphenyl 4-Isoprooxyphenylsulfone (BPSIP) in Urine and Blood of Cashiers“, reveals that the problem of chemical exposure through paper receipts is not simply associated with bisphenol A exposure, but with other bisphenol analogs as well. As we have seen with the recent increase in products explicitly labeled as “bisphenol A free“, the industries that have become reliant on the chemical are now substituting bisphenol S (and perhaps other bisphenols) in these products, despite the fact that it possesses similar toxicity. This is all the more disturbing considering recent research revealing that bisphenol S may be 100x more potent an endocrine disruptor than bisphenol A.

The chemical class known as bisphenols actually includes over a dozen different forms, including bisphenols A, B, C, F, P. The new study found that the printer receipts contained between 1-2% BPA, BPS, or BPSIP (a bisphenol S variation), by weight. The blood and urine samples of cashiers were evaluated for bisphenol levels in post-shift samples compared with pre-shift samples, finding that the receipts contained between 1-2% BPA, PBS, or BPSIP, by weight, and that their levels of BPS were significantly higher than non-cashiers. Based on the cashier’s toxicological profile, the study concluded, “Thermal receipt paper is a potential source of occupational exposure to BPA, BPS, and BPSIP.”

So, what do you do if you shouldn’t touch or keep your receipts?

One easy ‘no touch’ way to track receipts is to take a photo of it and email it to yourself or a special email account you create to account for them. You could also use one of many phone apps that help you photo and track your receipts. Here is an article on on the “Best iPhone Receipt Tracking Apps: Never Miss An Expense Again.”

Also, consider that there is research on natural ways to mitigate bisphenol toxicity. We have a list of over 20 natural substances, including kimchi, royal jelly, genistein and black tea, that have been shown to protect against this ubiquitous toxicant. Visit the list here.


1 K Mendonca, R Hauser, A M Calafat, T E Arbuckle, S M Duty. Bisphenol A concentrations in maternal breast milk and infant urine. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2012 Dec 5. Epub 2012 Dec 5. PMID: 23212895

Originally published: 2015-09-01

Article updated: 2019-03-10

Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji is founder of, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses, warns scientist

Prepare for Change

Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses, warns scientist author of “Plague”

by Edward Morgan

Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D., is a research scientist, as well as the co-author of the recently released ground-breaking book, Plague. Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she’s been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. And in a recent article, Mikovits sheds some light one of the most concerning aspects of retroviruses: their unsuspecting place in vaccines.

As Mikovits explains, one of the primary sources of debilitating retroviruses is (you guessed it) vaccines. In fact, she posits that virtually all vaccines are contaminated with some sort of retrovirus, stemming from an animal family — most likely because of all those lovely animal by-products used to create vaccines. For example, at least six percent of Americans have picked up mouse-related retroviruses, most likely because of vaccines. In fact, up to 20 million Americans are likely hosting a retrovirus thanks to an inoculation they received at the mainstream medical establishment’s behest.

As a primary example, Mikovits points to the controversial rotavirus vaccine. She writes, “In 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) convened a panel of experts to review findings that rotavirus vaccines given to infants in the U.S., Rotateq, produced by Merck Pharmaceuticals and Rotarix produced by Glaxo Smith Kline, are contaminated with pig viruses.”

Mikovits explains that Rotarix was found to contain nucleic acids from porcine circovirus-1 (PCV1) virus. Similarly, RotaTeq was found to be contaminated with nucleic acids from both PCV1 and PCV2. The short- and long-term effects of such contamination are not fully known but the risks are still there. Ultimately, that advisory panel concluded “the benefits of the vaccine trumps its risks.”

While gene detection at this level was not something available to scientists until recently, Mikovits contends that researchers have been aware of the potential for horizontal gene transfer (HGT) for many years. So while detection may not have been possible, the potential risk was at least somewhat recognized within the scientific community. In HGT, there is a “direct uptake and incorporation of genetic material from an unrelated species.” Mikovits explains that unlike chemical pollutants, which are eventually broken down and removed from the body, genetic “pollutants” like retroviral nucleic acids are essentially infectious. These retroviral nucleic acids are capable of infiltrating genomes, multiplying and spreading. When retroviral nucleic acids engage in HGT, things can get dark, very quickly. Some of the potential dangers include generating new viruses and bacteria, spreading drug and antibiotic resistance and “random insertion” into other genomes — which can lead to many harmful effects, including diseases, reactivation of dormant viruses, and cancer.

Dr. Mikovits also explains that in many cases, such as with the PCV1 and PCV2 retroviruses, the combination of multiple vaccines can make the potential hazards of retroviral material even more grave. She notes in pigs, PCV2 in particular is known to cause symptoms similar to AIDS — but only when there is simultaneous immune system activation going on (like concurrent vaccination). “Thus, the concurrent inoculation of rotavirus vaccine contaminated with PCV Type 2 DNA sequences along with DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV and Hep B, as currently recommended by ACIP, provides a high-risk scenario for disease in humans,” writes Mikovits.

One thing is clear: vaccines are not as safe as the vaccine cultists would like for you to believe. Virtually every aspect of a vaccine can be harmful to humans, but the potential dangers of retroviruses is something truly fearsome; hard to detect and even harder to prove, researchers like Judy Mikovits truly have their work cut out for them.

Sources for this article include:

3 thoughts on “Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses, warns scientist author of “Plague””

Pamela Fenton

See “How to make Thieves essential Oil” which robbers created so that they could rob corpses of jewellery and money without getting the Black Plague. Browse and click on “Images” for recipes. Apparently also effective against flu.


It’s an injustice what is occurring in present day America and in any nation which poisons their own citizens is an deplorable shame how our leaders, our elected officials misuse and abuse the power in their hands and instead of protecting it’s people it poisons them. Is the very definition of depopulation tyranny and technocracy.

Far worse is the fact that it has been going for a very long time, it is a known fact and history can prove that in fact there were no diseases in this Huge Continent before the arrival of the three ships and the at the so called discovery of the new world by Critofaro Columbo Or Christopher Columbus.

A bit of history, for example the Island of P.R. where he first landed which in facts it’s original name was Borinquen Island and its inhabitants called themselves Taino Indian after their original language Taino erroneously labeled a dialect.

Also the Island of D.R. also in the Caribbean, its originally name was Quisquya La bella, which translates to Quisquya the beautiful. More over Mexico and South America as well as Central-America were call Anahuak and Ce-manahuak which existed as a peaceful confederation of Nations and people, there are tonalamas which are erroneously referred to as the Aztec codex’s and or Mayan writings and books, which can testify to this and qualify this.

To conclude, before 1518 we did not have Hepatitis a, b or c, syphilis or gonorrhea, or polio in this grate continent we now call America – on top of it all our so called leaders continue to poison its population. An end to all vaccination and an end to depopulation.

Its is an injustice what is occurring in presented day America and in any nation which poisons their own citizens is a deplorable shame how our leaders, our elected officials misuse and abuse the power in their hands and instead of protecting it’s people is poisons them.
This is the very definition of deputation tyranny and technocracy. Far worse is the fact that it has been going on for a very long time, it is a known fact and history can prove that in fact there were no diseases in this Huge Content before the arrival of the three ships at the arrival of Christovalus Colasius or Chistoph Colombus.

A bit of history, for example the Island of P.R. which in facts its original name was Borinken Island and its inhabitants called themselves Tieno indian after their original language Taino erroneously labeled a dialect and the Island of D.R. also in the Caribbean, its originally name was Quisquya La bella, which translates to Quisquya the beautiful. More mover Mexico and South America as well Central-America were call Anahuak and Ce-manahuak which existed as a peaceful confederation of Nations and people, there are tonalamas which are erroneously referred to as the Azect codex’s and or Mayan writings and books, which can testify to this and qualify.

To conclude, before 1518 we did not have Hepatitis a, b or c, syphilis or gonorrhea, or polio in this grate continent we now call America – on top of it all our so called leaders continue to poison its population. An end to all vaccination and an end to depopulation.


Articles about Monsanto’s Demise

Source: Signs of the Cabal Demise 5… ‘Three Articles about Monsanto’s Demise”


Signs of the Cabal Demise 5… ‘Three Articles about Monsanto’s Demise”

gmo_NOT_16Just found these three, and if the first two are real, it appears that the truth about Monsanto is coming out. And the last one shows who got this deregulation of GMO/pesticide companies rolling.

MONSANTO PROFITS FALL ANOTHER 15% IN APRIL – Corp about to collapse (9-13-15)

“Monsanto is continuing to lose profits into the second quarter of 2015, shedding an exceptional 15% profit amid falling GMO seed sales — even more than most experts projected.

“Some economists believed that Monsanto’s ‘tried and true’ strategy of pushing GMO seeds on farmers would sustain them into the first quarter of 2015… I predicted that Monsanto would in fact continue to lose money, as both the agricultural industry and consumers at large take a major stand against anything to do with the company:

“Going further into 2015, it’s clear that this GMO behemoth has many more obstacles to face that will most likely lead to a continued loss… That said, it is clear to me that Monsanto’s continued decline is in full swing.”

Monsanto’s Sealed Documents Reveal the Truth behind Roundup’s Toxicological Dangers -Richard Gale and Gary Null (9-15-15)

“There is now an enormous cache of evidence on both scientific and legal grounds that Monsanto in fact conducted numerous studies in the 1970s and 1980s on glyphosate’s toxicity and health risks and intentionally sealed this research from independent and public review and scrutiny. As with Big Tobacco’s proprietary claims that prevented the FDA from publicly warning Americans about the dangers of smoking, the EPA has sat on Monsanto’s own deleterious data for decades.”

Rare Film Clip Shows George H. W. Bush Plotting with Monsanto to Use US Government to Spread GMO Imperialism (9-16-15)

“In 1986, four executives from Monsanto visited the White House to see then-VP George H. W. Bush with the objective of gaining a valuable ally.

“Monsanto wanted to get in on the deregulation bandwagon… “Call me…we’re in the dereg business.” Then he adds, “Maybe we can help.”

Monsanto Secrets Exposed

Monsanto Employee Admits an Entire Department Exists to “Discredit” Scientists

monsanto control food supply

Thanks, Richard. I don’t think this comes as a surprise to most of us. The government (CIA) early on coined the phrase “Conspiracy Theory” to deal with those who questioned and suggested a different story from the propaganda and false science. There is little difference between Monsanto and the government.

We know the government/Illuminati have an army of trolls whose sole purpose it is to discredit the information we share on the Internet. They’re allergic to truth, and they have scripts and tried and true formulae to apply to our attempts to share information that the masses need to know.

When six rancid corporations control 90 per cent of communications companies, reality won’t come from corporate media—so we keep plugging along in the alternative media.  ~ BP



Monsanto Employee Admits an Entire Department Exists to “Discredit” Scientists

But no one knows about it

April 6, 2015

Dare to publish a scientific study against Big Biotech, and Monsanto will defame and discredit you. For the first time, a Monsanto employee admits that there is an entire department within the corporation with the simple task of ‘discrediting’ and ‘debunking’ scientists who speak out against GMOs.

The WHO recently classified glyphosate, a chemical in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup, as carcinogenic – news that is really heating things up with biotech. So Monsanto has been demanding that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) retract their statements about the poisons’s toxicity to human health.

The company demands this even though a peer-reviewed study published in March of 2015 in the respected journal, The Lancet Oncology, conducted a analysis proving that glyphosate was indeed ‘probably carcinogenic.’

Monsanto’s vice president of global regulatory affairs Philip Miller told Reuters the following in interview:

“We question the quality of the assessment. The WHO has something to explain.”

It has already been explained, Mr. Miller. The study states:

“Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide, currently with the highest production volumes of all herbicides. It is used in more than 750 different products for agriculture, forestry, urban, and home applications. Its use has increased sharply with the development of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant crop varieties. Glyphosate has been detected in air during spraying, in water, and in food. There WAS limited evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of glyphosate.

Glyphosate has been detected in the blood and urine of agricultural workers, indicating absorption. Soil microbes degrade glyphosate to aminomethylphosphoric acid (AMPA). Blood AMPA detection after poisonings suggests intestinal microbial metabolism in humans. Glyphosate and glyphosate formulations induced DNA and chromosomal damage in mammals, and in human and animal cells in vitro. One study reported increases in blood markers of chromosomal damage (micronuclei) in residents of several communities after spraying of glyphosate formulations.”

In a recent talk attended mostly by students hoping to get decent paying internships in their field, a student asked what the company was doing to negate “bad science” concerning their work.

Monsanto’s employee, Dr. William “Bill” Moar, who gives talks on Monsanto’s products to reassure everyone that they are safe, perhaps forgot the event was public when he openly revealed that Monsanto had:

“An entire department” (waving his arm for emphasis) dedicated to “debunking” science which disagreed with theirs.”

Likely, this is the first time a Monsanto employee has publicly admitted that they have immense political and financial weight to bear on scientists who dare to publish against them. Of course they don’t list this discrediting department anywhere on their website.

The company will stop at nothing to discredit and devalue the contributions of unimpeachably respected Lancet and the international scientific bodies of WHO and IARC, among others.

The stakes are high – after all, an entire industry of GMO seed (for which they currently hold more than a three-fourths monopoly share) is based on being Roundup ready. Glyphosate is their hallmark product, and it accounts for billions in sales when you account for the seed they sell to go with their best-selling herbicide.

In a single publicly made phrase, Moar has admitted that the Monsanto-funded science is sheer propaganda – essentially that they indeed have dozens, if not hundreds of employees out making sure that no science which tells the truth about their cancer-causing products ever garners any credibility whatsoever in the information age.

Monsanto has also held up the findings of regulatory bodies, particularly in the United States where the revolving door between agrochemical corporations and government seems never ending.


Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

Join 2,134 other subscribers