Whole Body Regeneration: Binaural Beats Meditation Music

Whole Body Regeneration, Full Body Healing – Instant Pain Remover – Binaural Beats Meditation Music

By Digital Therapy Meditation Music


Whole Body Regeneration, Full Body Healing – Instant Pain Remover – Binaural Beats Meditation Music

# Brain waves binaural beats are very famous nowadays. Many doctors have been using binaural beats for the treatment purposes to their patients. Either for sleep problems or to enhance your concentration and focus, binaural beats are very helpful. They are very useful for sleep, relaxation, meditation, concentration, focus, relief from depression, anxiety and stress, and health benefits.

What do you mean by Brainwave entrainment music?

Brainwave entrainment music is to stimulate our brains into mimicking the brainwaves that are present in our music. You can also do this action by using light or an electromagnetic field. The brainwave entrainment audio has been embedded into musical soundtracks in our channel to help enhance your listening experience.

Brainwave entrainment can be found in different forms, one is monaural beats and the other is Binaural beats. Ischochronic tones are also another form. You can also find these beats are the best when listened through headphones to get the full benefit.

The frequency of our brainwaves are measured in cycles per second (Hz). There are basically four states of your brainwaves. Brainwaves are measured with the help of an Electroencephalogram (EEG).

The Five Stages of Brainwaves:

• Gamma, 30 to 50 Hz
• Beta, 14 to 30 Hz
• Theta, 4 to 8 Hz
• Delta, 0.1 to 4 Hz
• Alpha, 8 to 14 Hz

We have billions of brain cells called neurons combine together to form a brain. Neurons communicate within our brains to cause emotions, feelings, behaviours and our every thought, and Brainwaves are produced during this communication between neurons.

Our brainwaves are changed according to what we are feeling and doing. For example our brain produces delta waves while we are sleeping or in the deep relaxation state. Actually we can control them. We can train our brain to change our brainwaves by learning and applying some meditation techniques.


Why Should We Meditate? Meditation & Its Benefits:

1. Meditation has been linked to many health benefits.
2. Scientifically, meditation is said to help your levels of serotonins. Serotonins are hormones which are linked to our happiness.
3. It has also been said to help improve our concentration.
4. Depression and anxiety is caused by chemical imbalance in our brains. Right meditation techniques can help to lessen depression and anxiety.
5. Meditation helps to boost our body’s immune system and reduce high blood pressure.
6. It is a way to getting to know the way our mind works. We will learn to understand and work with our mind.

We find that we have many reasons to meditate. We basically want to find inner peace and contentment in the things we have in our life. Once, we find that, we find real happiness. To seek real happiness, we try out meditation techniques.

Meditation is for everyone and it is recommended to hat one do research on what meditation is. One should fully acknowledge that meditation is beneficial before indulging in this practice.

There are obviously more than one practice of Meditation that exists.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please never listen to binaural beats while you are operating any machinery or at work. These binaural beats provided are never to be used as the replacement for medicine, or your health care provider or physician. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem contact your health care provider.

This audio/video should not be used for treating or diagnosing disease or health problem. It can be used in conjunction with normal treatments only.

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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.


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