Starseeds on Gaia, Your Soul is Very Powerful

Starseeds on Gaia, Your Soul is Very Powerful

Starseed-Lightbearers—Quick reminder—If this message and the coming message after December 21 is reaching you then we are in a similar timeline. For the past few days, we have faced once again our greatest fears and soul contract cycles that we were previously handling in months, years even lifetimes. Now, you have handled them differently, you have reacted in a different manner, you have faced them squarely and you let go. This is a great proof to yourself of how much you have changed. How much you have ascended.

The strength that you have shown in shifting your thought despite the enormous pressure of negative whispers you heard in your mind is divine strength. The faith that you have shown despite all the ascension symptoms of your physical vessel…you trusted…you never fell to fear…you believe and still believe…that is divine faith. The light you are emitting and keep on holding despite the darkness around you– that is a divine task.

Here is a great meditation to help heal Gaia.

Guided Visualization: Etheric Shielding 101

Etheric Shielding 101

by Tracey Milne AAHP

Published on Nov 6, 2020

A simple guided visualization technique for Etheric Shielding from The Intergalactic Alliance Of Light Beings channelled by Canadian Psychic Medium Tracey Milne AAHP

Ivo of Vega: Changing Fast

Ivo of Vega: Changing Fast

By Sharon Stewart

Source: GoldenAgeofGaia


It’s happening so fast now, I almost can feel myself changing.

It’s happening by the hour. I’m sitting here, feeling like I’m not the same person who got out of my bed this morning. My God!

Ivo, I feel like I’m changing by the micro-second. These downloads are coming fast and furious and I’m changing so quickly I don’t recognize myself sometimes.

Ivo: That is good, my love, as you are not who you thought you were.

Me: My reaction to everything is cracking wide open. Everything is different. I’m even able to express myself more succinctly.

Ivo: My love, everything you are undergoing is a preparation for the next step. This applies to everyone. Because your lives are a process of putting one foot in front of the other and marching forward. You see it as linear right now. So be it. Sometimes you believe you are set back, but these setbacks can be advantageous if dealt with properly

(Why do you think you have been set back? Because your timeline is NOT linear and you have actually gone back in time to another “Now.” This is what loops are. If your timeline is in a loop, you can still relate to others who are going forward, as you call it; however you are starting this life lesson over. If you feel life has left you behind, this is why. You are in a time loop and must remove yourself from it by changing yourself sufficiently and for you that equates to awareness – being able to put the horse before the cart, so to speak, and to not re-engage the loop.)

Me: LOL.

Like John Lennon’s song of “Starting Over.” You are starting over. You’re starting over your timeline, your “now” moment with respect to one life lesson only, perhaps with another person and perhaps as an older person yourself. But you’re starting over your timeline.

Time is quantum, not linear but we tend to explain away all the quantum aspects as just mood states. Or how many of us, “feel like a kid again?” or “feel like the first time I fell in love again?” How many of us, when seeking to heal something, look back to our childhood to find out the origins of the problem? This is the timeline and you are jumping around in it to understand how to help yourself get out of the problem and leave it behind.


Ivo: I might add, my love, it is important to stay out of loops. Loops are constructed by third dimensionals in order to ensnare you into a time of your past. Your neighbour next door who was attempting to have third-dimensional sexual relations is one example of this. Do not go back into the time loop as it will set you back in so many ways.

Me: He’s my history, not a mystery. LOL

Ivo: In order to learn the lesson, you loop back to the beginning again. You left the loop when you realized all you needed to raise your frequency and remove yourself from it. We do not work like this because we understand quantum time and work through frequencies. You do not, so you repeat the same situations, you attract the same situations constantly, until you can break out of the loop.

You have realized lately, arguing with family members who do not listen and who think you are crazy, neighbours who are attempting to have sex with you, religious zealots who are attempting to indoctrinate you and add you to their fellowship, codependent females attempting to co-victim with you, and alcoholics attempting to dominate and subjugate you – these represent loops from your past you could enter into but you are too aware to do so now.

So it appears to you that you are unsuccessful again in navigating relationships in this lower dimension – but you are in fact very successful because you have learned these lessons and are aware of what these relationships will do to you – you have avoided the loops. You forge on, observing space craft at night time, channeling for the public and envisioning our future together – these are not ego loops – they are your soul’s purpose you are expressing.

I would say you are doing very well with your handling of the third dimensionals around you, and you must stop thinking of yourself as a failure. You have not failed at all. You are not unloving because staying in someone’s loop with them is imprisoning both of you in hell. In fact, you are unstoppable.

Earthlings’ lives have looped over and over and over again. That is why they say, “History repeats itself.” It does when you do not learn from it. However, it creates a lot of loosh for the dark ones, the only ones who gain from your being stuck in a loop.

As for this fellow who does not understand my message in the book. Do you not see civil war on the horizon? If this is not in your timeline then perhaps you are of higher frequency and will be spared these consequences. You have alternative realities that are being played out side by side. You are jumping timelines constantly.

One day you will experience many messages of horror and doom. Other days you are experiencing messages of lightness and brevity. Other days you are experiencing a rest, with no particular news of much consequence. These are your timelines.

When you have missed a juicy tidbit of news, such as Sharon’s friend who messaged, asking her to tell her what she knew about what Trump said about the Marathon being over, it is because you are working on another area of the collective. This is how timelines work. As you focus, you focus on a timeline and send it your light or your fear.


You must understand, dear souls, that when you are on the timelines of horror and doom, perhaps you are hearing of fires in Oregon and California, or you are hearing about Portland being razed and BLM riots being carried out, you are on these timelines because you are to influence them.

How do you choose to influence them? Do you fear for yourself that perhaps these timelines will overtake your city, or are you sending your love to these cities and peoples of these cities in order to help to raise their frequency and stop the rioting?

It is not about what is happening to you but rather about what you can do to stop it. This is your power. Life does not happen to you; you influence and create life. You are seeing these things for a reason and the reason is so that you can add your love and light to them.

Why do you think the deep state leaves certain events out of the news? Why are some events carried on about and others totally ignored? Because they realize you are generally not telepathic and have no other way of learning of and influencing matters if you do not realize they are happening! Yes! And so you have your own news network among yourselves, which the deep state is in the process of censoring and infiltrating, to keep informed by so that you can continue to send your Light to situations you feel you can positively influence.

Me: Like the mass meditations where we send light to help those in need.

Ivo: Exactly, my love. But you are simply conscious as you read about these events or people in need, such as the children now. You must add your frequency to that part of the collective in order to raise it. If you fear, you send it fear. So do not fear.
Your reactions to events is totally of your own choosing, and that is because you are creators.

For the man who does not like the messages in our book, What You Need to Know Now, then how do you choose to influence these potential events? And why do you call me out for delivering these messages?

You have a saying, “Don’t shoot the messenger,” and I am that messenger. Now how do you choose to take responsibility for your part in the collective? How do you choose to influence these situations?

Me: Thanks, Ivo. Like I said, the onus isn’t on me to explain these things to you. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do about them. If your choice is to walk away from Sharon and Ivo and ignore the message, then that’s your choice. We wish you well. If your choice is to add your love to the collective in order to prevent civil war, then this would be more loving. It’s up to you, not me.

Folks, like I keep pointing out, I’m starting to work on a completely different footing, one you may not be comfortable with. I don’t believe it’s my job to explain my book content to you, especially when you send me angry emails, speaking of loops I’d prefer to stay out of.

And as Ivo says, it isn’t. It’s your job to decide what you want to do about it, and if you feel you need to know more, then you go inside to get your personal answers. This is part of the creative process.

Daily, I find, old ways of thinking are being smashed to reveal what soul has to say to me.

Ivo: And as I said, my love, you are being prepared to relate to us, not to be my student, not for me to guide you, but for you to be as we are. Of alien mind, if you wish.

Me: Thank you, Ivo.

Ivo: Tiannia, you live on a confusing planet and it is difficult to tell what to do with the people around you. However, when the relationship is not based on love and respect, and it is part of the power-over-others system, then what have you got to gain from it? Nothing. If there is nothing to gain, why would you stay? Yes, to help them. But will they be helped by you?

Me: These are tough choices to make.

Ivo: But you are being taught to see as we do, my love

Your support is greatly appreciated

The Next 20 Days, This New Energetic Wave Can Change Everything, Embrace It

The Next 20 Days, This New Energetic Wave Can Change Everything, Embrace It

Age of Aquarius Activation Preliminary Report

Age of Aquarius Activation Preliminary Report

The critical mass has been reached. Full report will be posted within a week.

In the next few days, it is very important to stabilize the planetary energy grid every four hours with the following meditation:

You might also want to do the same meditation at the moment of quadruple Sun-Saturn-Pluto-Ceres conjunction which comes on Monday, January 13th at 2:30 pm GMT (equals 9:30 am EST).

Victory of the Light!

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! 1-11-2020 Meditation


Guided meditation:

Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the massive astrological configuration on
January 11th/12th to create a portal through which we will unify our
consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of

Make this viral! Share it worldwide!

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in
this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to

This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to finally trigger the process that will start the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation!
This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field

We will be doing our Age of Aquarius meditation at the best possible moment that will have the maximum positive effect on humanity.


It will be at 10:11 pm PST on January 11th in Los Angeles.
This equals 11:11 pm MST in Denver on January 11th, and then we cross
into January 12th for other time zones: 00:11 am CST in Chicago, 1:11 am
EST in Newy York, 6:11 am GMT in London, 7:11 am CET in Paris, 08:11 am
EET in Cairo, 2:11 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 3.11 pm JST in Tokyo
and 5:11 pm AEDT in Sydney.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:…


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic
Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in
this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic
Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar
System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and
then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to
the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize this Light transmuting all
remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all
poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand
cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love
and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Feel free to continue and you can even add the meditation below as it is an Angelic Prayer for the 11:11 Gateway.

Updates about the Age of Aquarius:

Your assistance is appreciated:


Here is another Meditation you can also do for the 11:11 Gateway

Here is the link to my YouTube channel for more meditations:

Violet Flame For Transformation


This is a Guided meditation I did. The first part is instructions, then a 4 Part visualization, then an affirmation which I recommend that you say out loud as it is much more powerful.

I recommend that you take take some very deep breaths hold it in and let it out slowly. I usually do this on a count of 4, it seems to work better this way. Some people will put their tongue at the roof of their mouth tickling the roof of their mouth with the tip of their tongue to help activate the Shakti. Do what feels the best for you. Find a comfortable place to meditate, if you’re outside you may want to sit against a tree, if you’re inside find a suitable place that is comfortable with no interference. I usually like to turn the lights off and have candles or low lighting. Burning incense helps to cleanse the air of any negative Energies. If you wish to put some Himalayan pink salt around portals in your house to help provide protection and a cleansing. Now if you’re ready start the breathing process do this breathing process continuously through the first two parts of this video until you get to the affirmation. By the time you get to the affirmation you may begin to see and feel the Violet Flame I did and I think you will as well.

Try to do this meditation daily. I have other medications available for you that I will be uploading soon.

I am looking forward to our transformation as I know that you are as well and thank you for listening.

What is Orgone? Why Is It Beneficial?



In the 1930’s and 1940’s, Dr. Wilhelm Reich was able to detect and measure the existence of etheric (life
energy, chi, etc.), which he called orgone, using a modified Geiger counter. Dr. Reich determined that
stacking alternating layers of fiberglass (an organic substance) and steel wool (an inorganic substance) would actually attract and collect orgone/etheric energy of both the life-beneficial positive form (which Reich called “OR” or “POR” ) and harmful negative etheric energy (“Deadly Orgone”or “DOR”). He constructed large boxes called orgone accumulators or “Oracs” using this simple layering principle and was able to successfully heal his patients of various ailments, including various forms of cancer, by having them sit inside the box for periods of time.

Reich’s work was continued in earnest in the 1960’s by more open-minded Russian scientists , who also scientifically proved that such unseen energies indeed exist all around us, and who’s Reich-inspired work led to the unfortunate development of practical Soviet military defense applications which utilized principles of so-called “Torsion Fields” (e.g., etheric energy). Kozyrev’s work, which indeed confirms both Reich’s research and our empirical experiences with Orgone, was classified until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Following in their footsteps, thousands of Ph.D.-level researchers from both sides of the Iron Curtain spanning multiple generations have continued Kozyrev and Reich’s pioneering work, slowly forcing mainstream Western science to finally, “officially recognize” the concept of a universal, unseen energy medium they call “dark matter,” “vacuum flux” or “zero-point energy,” depending on who you ask.

It is commonly understood among orgone enthusiasts that these are all essentially describing the same thing,
which Reich called “Orgone”


In 2000, researchers discovered that mixing catalyzed organic fiberglass resin with inorganic metal shavings
would produce a substance which would attract etheric energy similarly to Reich’s accumulators.

A further step was taken by adding a small quartz crystal to the mixture , for their ability to efficiently collect, transmute and emit etheric energy. This addition to the resin/metal matrix creates a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient DOR/POR (negative to positive) energy transmutation factory.

When Orgone is within range of a source of DOR/negative energy, it will efficiently and continuously transform it into POR/positive energy as it is being transmitted, which essentially creates positive energy transmitters out of any and all emitters of harmful negative energy, which are totally defenseless against the effect.

The resin in Orgone shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically. It is believed this is also what causes the Orgone to function so effectively as a positive energy generator.

Thus orgone represents a very significant improvement over Reich’s early work with orgone accumulators,
since Reich’s “oracs” attract deadly orgone energy as well as positive and do nothing to transmute it into a
purely beneficial form, which orgone does inherently and continuously.


In short, it has to do with EMF pollution!

When Are EMFs Dangerous?

2.5 mG is the generally accepted limit of ELF magnetic field exposure but no one tells you that the average hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, or can opener you use EMITS AN AMAZING 300 mG or more!!!

Computers, wi-fi, business machines, satellites and cellular phones and towers are filling our environment
with incredible amounts of non-ionizing radiation. Some scientists believe this continuous, incoherent low-level radiation is the final “straw” that breaks the “camel’s back” of our delicate immune systems, already weakened by chemicals, drugs, and poisons in the air, water and food.

Dr. Gerber, M.D., in his book “Vibrational Medicine” clearly shows that human life processes are the result of a series of interacting multi-dimensional subtle-energy systems. If these systems become unbalanced, there may be resulting pathological symptoms that manifest on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes.

When the energy systems of human beings are weakened or are out of balance, the body’s energy fields oscillate at a different or less harmonic frequency. The energy fields must be balanced and the source of interference counteracted or eliminated for the body to return to a high level of health and vitality.

Dr. Robert Becker, one of the most respected research scientists in the world stated, “We now live in a sea of
electromagnetic radiation that we cannot sense and that never before existed on this earth. New evidence
suggests that this massive radiation may be producing stress, disease and other harmful effects all over the
world by interfering with the most basic levels of brain function.” In his book, “The Body Electric,” he says,
“Three dangers overshadow all others. The first has been conclusively proven: ELF (extremely low frequency) electromagnetic field vibrations at about 30 to 100 Hz, even if they’re weaker than the earth’s field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed; chronic stress and impaired disease resistance result.

Secondly, the available evidence strongly suggests that regulation of cellular growth processes is impaired
by electropollution. The danger is immediate and overwhelming. In the long run, however, I believe the ultimate weapon is manipulation of our electromagnetic environment, because it’s imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself.”

Examples of things that emit harmful radiations are cell phone towers (these companies go over their legal FCC radiation limit EVERY DAY), HAARP, satellite dishes, radar, wi-fi, wi-max, and telecommunication towers. Cell phone towers are pulsed at anywhere from 3 KHz to 3,000GHz moving at the speed of light according to the FCC. Even televisions and computer monitors are pulsed typically from 60Hz (same as the electrical energy grid) to 480Hz.

When dealing with energy, one must realize that our bodies respond on a cellular level to these pulses that we don’t necessarily see, hear, or smell. Our bodies feel them, but not all of us notice the feelings, however, some people are so sensitive to this, that they can hardly survive within city limits. When the cells in our body are constantly pulsed at a single frequency or range of frequencies, then our body is no longer at it’s natural vibrational level because it becomes in tune with what it is experiencing. Orgone returns ones cells to a natural vibration. Often times users experience a drastic change in their mind and body when they first spend a substantial time around Orgone.


  • Enhances your innate psychic ability.
  • Promotes health and well being.
  • Creates a calmer home and work environment.
  • Increases spiritual growth.
  • Transmutes negative energy.
  • Centers and Balances your own natural energy.
  • Works continuously.
  • Purifies the atmosphere
  • Detoxifies water and ends drought. Helps plants grow better: Repel pests, require less water.
  • Mitigates harmful effects of EMF radiation.
  • Inspires a pleasant demeanor and balanced, happier moods.
  • Frequently remedies insomnia and chronic nightmares.
  • Holds a specific and clear vibration in your environment.


I create beautiful Orgone Jewelry and EMF pocket pieces as well as Crystal Jewelry and Spiritual Ascension Tools.

Each piece is unique and even the piece you see may be different when received as these are all One-Of-A-Kind creations.

Click here to view:

A HIGHER ORDER OF HEALING plus Mental Clarity Solutions


Source: Dr. Edward F. Group Wake Up World

Like any part of your body, the brain can become stressed and unwell. It can also stay healthy, sharp, and clear. Your brain is an incredible machine if you think about it. That 3-pound organ contains billions of cells with trillions of connections — creating your thoughts, impulses, memories, and movements. If you nurture your brain for mental clarity, you can keep a clear, active mind. Simple exercises can help. Certain herbs can pep up your brain, as well.

This article will show you how to create better concentration, clear your head, and stay on top of your game.


When your mind is clear, you can easily make decisions, and you feel sharp, alert, and aware of your surroundings.

When your mind isn’t clear, you might feel anxious, distracted, and unable to concentrate. Some people call this collection of symptoms brain fog.[1, 2]

We all experience declines in mental clarity, perhaps due to stress, diet, or lack of sleep. Temporary changes in your blood sugar, blood pressure, or hormones can affect your mental clarity. Daily stress and anxiety also affect your mental clarity. This is all the more reason to engage in these simple ideas.


Mental fogginess is something you can change. At any given time, a full 25 percent of your blood is in the brain at any one time. Oxygen in your blood feeds all the brain and nerve cells. Getting oxygen to your brain plays a key role in keeping your mind focused. So is clearing your mind of stray and anxious thoughts.

Whether you start meditating, do a cleanse, exercise more, or try mind-clearing herbs, you can create more focus, a happier mood, and better clarity.

Read on for several simple, practical ideas.


You are what you eat, and that’s also true for your mind. The wholesome nutrients — or lack thereof — in the foods you eat is one of the single greatest factors affecting your mental clarity.

Eat fruits, especially berries, as well as a variety of colorful vegetables for a clear mind. They can reduce age-related cognitive challenges at any stage of life![3, 4] Nuts and seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health.[4] It’s best to eliminate meat and eat a plant-based diet.

Eliminating trigger foods is just as crucial for mental clarity as feeding your body with healthy whole foods. Many people are sensitive to foods without even realizing it. Common triggers include gluten, lectins, animal foods, and nightshades. When you eat these foods, not only can they affect your digestion, but also your mind. If you can, go organic to eliminate the traces of pesticides on foods, or, at minimum, clean your veggies thoroughly before eating.


If your diet is unhealthy, you will not be able to experience the brightest, happiest state of mind. You can fix that. Engage your body’s self-healing by doing a body detox or cleanse. While there are hundreds of options, the basic concept involves eliminating all trigger foods and toxins for a period of time.

A week works well, followed by a slow reintroduction of foods. Adding various foods gradually enables you to identify how your body and mind react. If you find a drop in mental clarity, then seriously consider cutting that food out for good.

Cleansing is a great way to give up bad-habit foods, like sugar, caffeine, or excessive carbs. It’s a great way to kick-start healthy new habits. Your brain will thank you.

If you want to take it to the next level, try a juice or water fast. This involves eliminating all solid food and consuming only liquids for a period of time. Check with your healthcare provider before starting a fast, especially if you take any medications or have any health conditions. Fasting is an incredible tool for body healing.[6]


Declutter your mind — and refresh your surroundings with a lovely scent — by using essential oils. Certain oils can improve your attention span and decrease stress. Add a few drops into a diffuser and allow it to work its mind-clearing magic. The best choices for mental clarity include the following:

This herb has a stimulating effect, which can impact brain wave activity and mood.[7]

Smelling peppermint oil can increase alertness and improve memory, two important facets of mental clarity.[8]

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) can increase alertness, boost mood, and even help problem-solving.[9, 10]


Sleep and mental clarity are closely linked. When you’re overly tired, your brain can’t work at full capacity.[11] Furthermore, not getting seven to nine hours per night is a cause of brain fog.[1]

When you sleep, your brain makes connections between neurons — sort of like clearing out cobwebs. Restorative sleep involves several cycles of REM (rapid eye movement), dreams, and other periods when your body and mind are healing and resting. If you have trouble falling asleep or you wake during the night, try our helpful suggestions for a good night’s rest.


Writing is a powerful tool to release the thoughts, worries, and distractions that clutter your mind. Some people call it a brain dump. Buy a journal that you love, or just find an old empty notebook, and get it all out. Try doing morning pages — the act of writing two to three full pages before starting your main daily activities.

Your writing does not have to be profound or even good. Just get the rambling, random thoughts from your brain onto the page! If it helps, you can also write a to-do list to get all those things you need to remember from your mind and onto a page. This clears your thoughts and allows you to stay focused on the task at hand.


Meditation is one of the most profound and proven ways to clear the restless mind and have a more positive attitude, improved concentration, and relaxation.[12] If you’ve never meditated before, we have some meditation tips for beginners.

Find a peaceful spot with quiet and peaceful stimuli, such as relaxing lighting or a diffuser full of essential oils. Sit or lie down comfortably. Set a timer for 10 minutes — though you can do more or less. During the meditation period, concentrate on your breath and try to allow the extraneous thoughts that come to just pass away like clouds. Don’t worry if you don’t have a clear mind during meditation.

It takes time and practice, but your body and mind will see a difference before long. The best part? The clearer mind often comes after the meditation and can last all day long.


Exercise, including light activity such as yoga, can also improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed.[13] Any physical activity has the added benefit of improving your sleep as well.[13]

Other than diet, exercise has the greatest impact on your health — and directly affects your mental clarity. Whether you go for long walks outdoors, engage in yoga, take a full-on boot camp, or lift weights in the gym, exercise pays dividends.


Herbal supplements can help reduce brain fog and decrease stress. Several of these herbs have a long history of traditional use. Some can interact with other medicines, so discuss with your healthcare provider if needed.

Bacopa monnieri, an Ayurvedic herb also known as Brahmi, is traditionally used to reduce stress. Scientists found that Bacopa also improves mood and your ability to think clearly.[14] The fresh leaves have a lemony, earthy smell. An organic Brahmi supplement or tea might help you reduce the clutter in your mind.

Ginseng is a powerful root that grows around the world, with several different varieties. In research studies, ginseng has helped people decrease stress and improve thinking.[15, 16] You can find multiple types of ginseng blended in teas and supplements. Make sure you look for organic ginseng without unnecessary fillers.

Traditional Chinese medicine has long used ginkgo leaf extract as a complementary supplement for the mind.[17] Gingko supports overall brain health and healthy circulation — which affects mental alertness.


When your body doesn’t have the right balance of vitamins and minerals, your mind might feel unclear.[18] Here are a few types of nutrients that may aid in decreasing fogginess and improving mental clarity.

Beneficial microbes living in your gut play a crucial role in your brain health.[19] Known as probiotics, these microbes play a clearly established role in your mental wellness.[19] Support a healthy gut flora for mental clarity with a superior formula like Floratrex™, which has 25 strains and 75 billion CFU (colony-forming units). Much of the body’s serotonin is produced in the intestinal tract and depends on a healthy gut biome.

There are multiple B vitamins, including folic acid or folate, biotin, B-6, and B-12. When you are not getting enough of the B vitamins, you could experience cognitive impairment, memory loss, and general grumpiness.[21] Vitamin B-12, in particular, is connected to brain health and focus. You can try a standalone B-12 or a supplement with a broad spectrum of B vitamins.[22]

Omega-3 fatty acids are molecules with a multitude of benefits. You can find plant-based omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseed or algae oil.[23, 24] These important nutrients are connected to mental health and focus.[25] Make sure you eat organic, all-natural sources of omega-3.


Mental clarity means that you can think clearly, concentrate, and focus. If you lack mental clarity and your thoughts are running wild, the good news is that you can make simple changes to improve your cognitive function.

The single most important thing you can do is change your diet! Eliminate trigger foods that many people are sensitive to, like gluten, animal foods, and dairy. Add more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables! Also, exercise is probably the second most important lifestyle factor in creating a clear mind.

Beyond that, you can spend time calming the mind in meditation, or journal to brain-dump your anxious and worrisome daily thoughts. Make sure you get enough of the right supplements, like B-12, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics, and try mind-clearing herbs like ginseng, Bacopa, and Ginkgo biloba.

These strategies will help reduce brain fog and improve attention.

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Originally published at Global Healing Center





A guided meditation to unblock your Ajna Chakra, Third Eye

Your Clairvoyance Practice | Third Eye Activation Guided Meditation (Brow Chakra)

An easy, safe practice to develop clairvoyance and activating your third eye. Through this meditation, you can access answers to any burning questions you have. You can also learn to tap in quickly into the ‘knowing’ ability that we all have.

Use this guided meditation as often as you like. Enjoy and share!

Big LOVE, Rasa.

ByMa Nithya Swarupapriyananda


Inner Awakening!

Check out my book, Free Yourself from the International Conspiracy Against Enlightenment:…

If you feel there’s something preventing you from getting there, submit an intention form, and be sure to include your contact details, so a committed member of Swamiji’s team can guide you to manifest time, wealth and responsibility!

A lot of you have been asking whether or not it’s possible to reverse the damage caused by fluoride calcification. The answer is YES! You can decalcify the pineal gland, and restart your natural production house of seratonin, melatonin, and DMT.

Simple steps to decalcify:

1. Stop consuming fluoride in all it’s forms. (Reverse osmosis water filtration, fluoride free toothpaste, mouthwash and gum.)

2. Eat a healthy, vegetarian diet, consisting mainly of fresh, organic, non GMO fruits and vegetables! (This step was left out of the video- but very important! The bodies ability to heal and reverse the damage of fluoride poisoning is greatly accelerated when we consume foods that cleanse, rather than foods that build up.)

3. Meet your daily requirements of essential fatty acids through raw foods! (Coconut, avocado, sesame seeds, nuts, superfoods like acai and goji berries, etc.)

4. MEDITATE! The guided meditation shared here is ideal for the decalcification process, as it focuses on third eye awareness, and the reversal of verbalized thought process. Do it as often as possible, and look forward to vivid dreams, deep meditations, spiritual joy, and a natural ease of life.

When the pineal gland is working properly, life is bliss!


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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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