Galactic Federation: This Is The Beginning


Messenger: Aurora Ray

This is the beginning of the establishment of an intergalactic confederation as the old system is crumbling in front of the eyes of earth’s population.
The Galactic Federation confirms that the light forces are taking over now.
We are moving into a heightened state of awakening of the masses.
The unbelievers and mind-controlled population of earth are now moving into the first stage of awakening.
For many, this will come as a shock, and they will inevitably experience the dark night of the soul now.
This is necessary to process and shed layers of programming and false beliefs.
The US election 2020 has been utilized to become the greatest coup d’état in universal history.
The whole world is watching as the old system is being dismantled. The corruption is surfacing at rapid speed.
This is the final battle, and the victory of light is imminent.
Current events have been carefully premeditated, planned, and executed as a corporation between the light forces and the earth alliance.
Only a landslide of this caliber is powerful enough to Shake and awaken the sleepers.
The events of 2020 have forced many to reevaluate their belief systems.
The political situation in the United States of America is the culmination of events that will bring the victory of light over darkness.
This marks the ultimate death of a corrupt system that does not honor earth and does not honor life.
You are now moving into the golden age of Gaia at an accelerated speed.
Do not engage in political discussions with those who still cling to their matrix programming. It would drag you down and lower your frequency.
At this point, the tables are turning rapidly and even the MSM will soon be forced to report unbiased.
The forces of light are in full control and will begin to adjust the narrative now.
You are being asked to assist by keeping your frequency and holding on to your vision of liberty, peace, and love for the human race.
The revelation of truth is near. All darkness is coming to light. Many will be devastated and feel lost or trapped.
The programming is severe and people on earth identify with their beliefs. As these beliefs are beginning to be crushed, they will be confused not knowing who they are.
This is where we need you to hold the light. You are the ones who have chosen this assignment. This is why you are [awake] and enlightened …. so, you can be the wayshowers, light-bearers, warriors of light, and galactic wayseers that your fellow earth inhabitants now need more than ever.
Many will start coming to you, asking for moral support and compassion during these stressful times.
We want to assure you that we see and appreciate all the hard work you have done to help raise the vibration of earth.
The collective consciousness is ready to receive the higher light codes now.
We continue to blast earth with photon gamma light beams. These codes carry a frequency designed to make this transition process as smooth as possible or as the individual consciousness allows.
For those who have already gone through the process of awakening, these codes will trigger your blueprints and place you on the superhighway to 5D ascension.
The official dismantling of the old paradigm has begun as the cabal leaders have fallen into their own trap.
Rejoice, dear ones, you will forget all the hardship you had to endured and experience harmony and love, unlike anything you’ve ever dreamed of.
Your world’s abundance will be given back to you, and laid at your feet. It has begun.
We love you. We are here with you.
We are in control now.
This is the victory of light over darkness and the coming of the new dawn of Gaia.

Nesara Gesara Are You Ready?

Very Important! Nesara & Gesara 1 – 9

It is well worth your time to watch or listen to each one of these videos. This education is hard to find all in one place, and we know that the Lie Stream Media will never tell you or want this for us.

God bless America and God bless Our GREAT President Donald Trump.

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara Part 1 ~ It has Started ~

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 2

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 3 MUST WATCH

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 4

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 5

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 6

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 7

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 8

Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 9

Note from Angel4Light:

Now the Dream I had about numbers (seems like it was May 2020). Where I was instructed to write down a phone number phone: 888 then 8315. Now it makes sense to me. 8315=17 also several 8’s could represent the many exciting things that will happen this month. Infinite years of prosperity and blessings. Could have something to do with the Lions Gate as well. You decide.

Excited? I am! So this means Bank Loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, and Student Loans will be forgiven.

Stock up on food and water in case. Better to be prepared than not.

We are at war with an unseen enemy of humanity and they are kicking and screaming. God wins!


9 Types of Lightworkers: Which Ones Do You Resonate With?

By: Fractal Enlightenment

9 Types of Lightworkers: Which Ones Do You Resonate With?



Gridworkers work on the grids and gateways of the earth. If you’re familiar with the earth’s ley lines then you’ll be familiar with the belief that the earth has chakras and is a living, breathing organism.

Gridworkers tap into the crystalline grid, which can be likened to the earth’s nervous system, and is believed to be one of the ways the earth was seeded. The crystalline grid is a creation theory of the history of the earth, and whether you believe it or not, there are many lightworkers who use their abilities to sense where dark energies exist on a spatial plane.

Gridworkers could also be seen as spatial empaths; people who sense a karmic imprint when they enter a certain building, town, stretch of coast etc and are able to use that sense to transmute those dense energies with their compassion and loving presence.

For those who believe in archangels you may be familiar with Archangel Michael’s violet flame; a visualization technique that can be adopted by those who know themselves to be a lightworker sensitive to spaces. When you recognise you’re in a place that holds those dense energies, rather than become overwhelmed by them, send a loving violet flame into that area in order to cleanse it.

Frequency Workers

A more general lightworker’s path is to be someone who aims to keep their frequencies high and transmute denser energies as they encounter them. This is easier said than done, especially when it appears that the whole ‘matrix’ or third dimensional reality – one which has a dualistic framework and thrives on the law of polarity – is dense and will constantly lower your frequencies as you practice not being affected by it.

The experience is similar to surviving in a mad house where you know you’re sane but nobody believes you. Instead, try keeping your abilities and knowledge to yourself and nurture and cleanse yourself constantly.

Being a frequency worker is tough because you are sensitive to news stories, people, places, agreements, beliefs… you may feel like you don’t want to leave the house. Instead, try to not take anything personally and integrate a solid attitude of self care into your existence.

It’s good to have a few trusted friends or a site (like this one!) or youtube channel where you can increase your frequencies and know you are safe and understood. You are embodying the light and that is an amazing service. Hats off to you.


Transmuting Darkness/ A Timeline Worker

If you are a particularly powerful empath and lightworker then you will be aware of timelines and the bleeding together and compression of time and action. That is, once you become aware of your ability to change a timeline (like stepping on to a parallel reality – one you’d prefer to be on obviously); you become aware of how this decision and action changes everyone else’s reality too.

A timeline worker is able to take responsibility for an ancestral timeline for example, and absolve their family karma if their ancestors have racked up a lot of karma. A timeline worker embodies the knowledge that we are One, and takes the helm of this transmutation, lighting the way for others to follow. What you will find is the more you progress, the increasing number of darker entities will be attracted to you.

They desire your compassion and actually need help. This is why, during meditation or throughout our day, those with strong empathic qualities will find thoughts that are sometimes alarming and extremely dark floating into their heads. They really don’t belong to us, and that is why meditation is fantastic because it offers us the tools for dissolving them with loving compassion.

Third Eye/Future Seers

Also known as clairvoyants. Seeing into the future is also a side effect of becoming aware of timelines. Third eye seers may get confused as to what everyone else’s reality is and may feel isolated from and misunderstood by others, but they will also be excellent at personal and even instant manifestation.

The trouble, they may find, is that knowing the outcome can detract them from the process they desire and be surprised by the universe and therefore can trip themselves up before they’ve even begun.

Bringing reality up to the same level of your expert third eye will be the challenge, as well as remembering to lovingly help others and not just use your abilities for personal gain.

Blueprint Workers

Holding the divine blueprint for the awakened earth and the whole of humanity may seem like a stretch of the imagination at first, and, much like the frequency and third eye lightworkers, you may be seen as weird or on drugs if you feel the need to share your visions with friends and family, but please keep the faith. Holding the blueprint for the new earth, or a heavenly version of human’s existence here on this planet is possible. So what does it look like? This is up to you to imagine and manifest through your own speech and actions.


Astral Travellers

Arriving at this vision may require you to better pay attention to your dreams or out of body experiences, if you are able to have and be aware of them.

In becoming a lucid dreamer you can voluntarily enter the Akashic records and access this ripple of potential or well of experience; asking questions and discovering what this alternative and harmonious ways of living could look like.


Rather than acting on these visions, you may be a lightworker good at carrying messages. Though popular entertainment may have its pitfalls, it has been the most prevalent medium for messages to filter through into the mainstream consciousness for years, something which has escalated in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The mainstream population don’t just get their knowledge from popular culture for no reason; think The Matrix, E.T, Donnie Darko, The Davinci Code, Cloud Atlas, not to mention the lyrics of legendary singers such as Bob Marley. These ‘messages’ carry an imprint with them and are often channelled in moments of heightened creativity where the conduit moves up into 4th or 5th dimensional frameworks and is able to channel the themes into a creative piece of art. Forget muses, a messenger lightworker is able to communicate these higher patterns to the masses in the form of undercover service, heightening vibrations and the collective unconscious.

Active Blueprint Weavers

Having accessed the Akashic records during a dream exploration, or perhaps moving up through the dimensions whilst raising their frequencies, an active lightworker will carry back an idea; usually an invention (think Nikola Telsa) or idea that can enhance our lives and manifest the global awakening by putting it into action.

These kind of lightworkers are what the world needs more than ever and will replace political figures, bankers and business men who have been serving themselves for thousands of years. Indigo, rainbow and crystal children especially have been springing up in this capacity; bringing fantastic inventions that could rock the world and completely reduce pollution and the abuse of resources.

These active blueprint weavers must start by removing their own carbon footprints and living in harmonious co-creation with others and start from there.


The Wayshowers are those who have done it; they’re the ascended first wave who are teaching others how to ascend and join them in the 5th dimension.

The 5th dimension is not a place, rather the same reality but where an individual is vibrating at a different frequency and are embodying the enlightened human. Their outer reality reflects their inner one and they are not suffering, rather are living their truth and are prosperous having mastered (and gone beyond) the 3rd dimensional material reality. This is often misunderstood in that we see Wayshowers as being monastic and owning nothing. That they’ve dedicated their lives to the truth.

Rather than being without, they have simply transcended the fear of lack. This means that they don’t need to plan for the future but trust that their higher selves will direct them and the universe has provided them with everything they need; life flowers for them in the moment and they have no need to survive but simply be.

So there it is the 9 types of lightworkers. You may find you have all or some of these attributes, but you most likely have at least one. There is a wealth of knowledge out there for each specific lightworker path, and last but certainly not least, the fountain of your own inner knowing.

Message to Lightworkers – by Caroline Oceans Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers

by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends!

We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.We are aware that many carry concerns that are twofold, and quite understandably.

On one side are your Earth life demands— health or financial concerns, or other personal issues that weigh heavily upon you.On the other side is the state of the world, and in the next breath, you find yourself facing the state of your own Ascension journey.

Any of this can feel heavy or overwhelming at times, particularly now as your Earth shifts so powerfully in Her vibration, Ascending to a new and higher level every day.

Earth’s “power spots” or energy vortices are geared to a particularly high frequency at the moment, and these are working as points of transmission, sending out messages from higher dimensional beings, including galactics and Angelic beings, as well as connecting you all the more powerfully to Earth’s magnetic grid, and to the Crystal Kingdom.

Earth Herself is also speaking to you in ways you have not heard and answered for millennia (or ever before).You are all of you picking up on these messages as pure higher Light, and learning to respond in energetic terms that are also pure Light code, as your DNA resonates with that energy in increasingly empowered ways.

We understand that the messages you are receiving from many of your media sources are difficult to hear or watch.We completely empathize that being in a situation in which you are constantly fed information that depletes your outlook and enthusiasm, while seeing dense and difficult scenarios you feel bound to heal and assist, can feel to be a very heavy weight on your spirit some days.

There will be days when you are able to successfully block out the denser mental programming, and also days in which you receive it purely out of habit, and the expectation that these sources hold at least some truth.

Whether the mainstream news sources carry truth in their messages or not, their energy transmissions, including the use of specific colors, sounds, images, and words convey a particular energy signature.

This is why they are broadcast to the public.

Your own broadcast, from your higher self and guides, and Earth’s own energy broadcast, are far more what you need to focus on now.

This is one great area of assistance, if you wish to escape the ongoing density of what seeks to draw your attention from the glorious breakthrough Earth and humanity are experiencing now.

We do not say this taking lightly the fact that many millions are suffering, and many leaving the Earth.

These are trying times for most, and we bow to your bravery in returning quite purposefully to be here at this time.We would say, that the time for thinking of “outer” situations and requirements as separate from your “inner” journey is well over now.

Certainly for centuries this was the case, as the density of Earth life was so deep, that spiritually aware people had to operate on two levels in life simultaneously.

They would create a sort of social mask which they wore even around their own families, and removed it to return to their own authenticity only in private times of quiet contemplation, prayer, or creative expression.

In these times, the veil you may have grown up with, those of you over age 40 in particular, has now dissolved.

This is one reason why this generation of children can see beings that are purely in the etheric, and do not have the density of an Earth body.

They see these beings far more easily than earlier generations of children would have, though much was visible to them also, till the age of two or three, and particularly by age seven, when the third dimensional fear vibration and social training required them to shut down those abilities.We would say, that all of you have those abilities now, and are blocking them on a subconscious level due to the already considerable stresses you are experiencing now in matters of health, economy, politics, and other dense situations.

We are heartened that most of you have turned all the more to meditation, prayer, song, creative pursuits, and time in Nature, rather than away from these things, as if they do not speak to the issues.

For you know that they speak powerfully to the issues! And not only because you convene with your soul families and Spirit team in those moments.

You are fully engaged now, day and night, with developing the Light vehicles that will transport you easily from dimension to another, from one timeline to another, and reveal to you, in their vibrational outlay, Who you are and Why you came.

Yes, you know some of that already.We rejoice with you in every new piece of that fabric uncovered and woven into the conscious whole.Yet what is unfolding now is utterly cosmic in nature; a revealing of other worlds that exist simultaneously with your own, and of timeline shifts and intergalactic and interdimensional communications that elude the density of the old regime and its outmoded plans and tools.

And so, we invite you to look beyond the dark images and dire warnings all around you now, dear one.

We invite you to open up joyfully to that new Earth which you see now only “through a glass, darkly” and yet, yes—it is there.

So many beings, higher frequencies, and the new Earth timeline are here to assist you now in unforeseen ways that speak not of the end of all you Love, but the beginning—finally, the beginning.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.

Very Important! Nesara & Gesara 1 – 5

Very Important! Nesara & Gesara 1 – 5

By Angel4Light

It is well worth your time to watch or listen to each one of these videos. This education is hard to find all in one place, and we know that the Lie Stream Media will never tell you or want this for us.
God bless America and God bless Our GREAT President Donald Trump.
Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara Part 1 ~ It has Started ~
Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 2
Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 3 MUST WATCH
Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 4
Are you ready mentally for Nesara & Gesara ~ It has Started ~ Part 5
Now the Dream I had about numbers seems like it was in May 2020, in this dream, I was instructed 3 times to write down a phone number: 888 then 8315. Now it makes sense to me. 8315=17 also the several 8’s could represent the many exciting things that will happen this month. Also means Infinite years of prosperity and blessings. Could it have something to do with the Lions Gate as well? You decide.
Excited? I am! So this means Bank Loans, Credit Cards, Mortgages, and Student Loans will be forgiven.
Stock up on food and water in case. Better to be prepared than not.
We are at war with an unseen enemy of humanity and they are kicking and screaming. God wins!

Saint Germain and the Brotherhood of Light

Saint Germain and the Brotherhood of Light

May 1st is the day we celebrate and thank our Beloved Ascended Brother, Saint Germain. He took His Ascension on this day in 1684, and as well, on May 1st, 1954, Saint Germain received the Crown from Beloved Jesus, and the Authority of being the Sponsor and Directing Authority for mankind and the Earth’s next 2,000-year cycle. Below is some explanation as to the purpose and the ceremony that took place, as well as the basic purpose behind the Seventh (Violet Ray), and why Saint Germain’s special Quality of Freedom is what the world needed most!


The Great Being Whom we know and honor as Saint Germain made His Ascension in 1684. For many centuries He had worked to bring Freedom to mankind, taking embodiment again and again, endeavoring to stimulate the desire for Freedom in the people of the various countries of the world. His special Quality is FREEDOM, and He is the Ascended Master in charge of the next 2000 year Cycle which will be known as the ERA OF FREEDOM. Just as Jesus was in charge of the Christian Dispensation over the past 2000 years, so the Ascended Master Saint Germain has the privilege, honor and responsibility of bringing FREEDOM to every part of life, human, elemental and imprisoned Angels, during this coming Cycle of 2000 years. There will come a time when age, sickness, poverty, and distress of every kind will be no more – and even so-called death itself will disappear.

From the time of Saint Germain’s Ascension in 1684, He made preparation to become Chohan of the Seventh Ray. In the year 1786, He took over that Office from the Lady Master Kwan Yin, and again from that time until May 1st, 1954, He prepared for the tremendous responsibility of becoming the Cosmic Director for the coming 2000 year Cycle. This Blessed Ascended Master has asked for the prayers, devotions and assistance of all who love Him at this Cosmic Hour, for He has lived but to serve Life, and NOW is His great Hour of Opportunity to bring His Gift of Freedom to the Earth.


Once every 2000 years, a New Ray strikes the Earth, and as this Cosmic Wheel turns, requiring 14000 years for one complete revolution, the Chohan Who becomes the Representative of this New Ray is crowned the Cosmic Authority for the evolution of the planet and its people during this time. The SIXTH RAY, under the supervision of the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus, completed its service on January 1st, 1954, and allowing for an over-lapping of a few months, the SEVENTH RAY officially began Its Cosmic Outpouring on May 1st, 1954. The Activity from 1930 to 1954 was a preparatory activity – a John the Baptist endeavor. At Shamballa on May 1st, 1954, the great Ceremony of transferring the Crown, Scepter, Sword and Vestment of the Officiating Chohan, the Ascended Master Jesus, to the new Chohan, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, took place. The Crown, which symbolizes this Authority, came to Earth with the first of mankind to embody – upon the Head of Archangel Michael, and every 2000 years since then it has been transferred to the Authority of the succeeding Ray. Thus, in 14000 years the Seven Presiding Chohans would each wear it for 2000 years. It is, therefore, 14000 years since a Chohan of the Seventh Ray wore this Crown, but only 2000 years since a Chohan received it from His predecessor – the Sixth Ray having received it from the Fifth Ray, and so on.

Every Member of the Hierarchy then came forward in order of rank and knelt before the new King, Saint Germain, and gave allegiance and offered some specific blessing from Their own life; the Angels and Elementals doing likewise extending down through the human kingdom who knew of this Cosmic Event.

The Service of the Seventh Ray is to teach men how to transmute mistakes by the VIOLET FIRE OF FREEDOM’S LOVE, and to inspire them with a desire to live a purer, cleaner and happier way of life. The VIOLET FIRE and Its Mighty Transmuting Power is the Divine Tool by which this can be done in a painless way.

The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Transmutation, of Sublimation, and also of Magnetization, for within the beating Flame in your heart is the power to magnetize Light, and the Light which you magnetize becomes yours to qualify and direct into the Universe for good or ill. You qualify it by your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and acts, and that Light, moving in the irrevocable Circle, sweeps out and then back to its creative center – YOU – for redemption. Each one of you took primal life and stamped upon it something of yourself, and that life, returning to you, is the karma of your various limitations and distress. All such imperfections can be transmuted by the use of the VIOLET FIRE OF FREEDOM’S LOVE.

The Service of the Seventh Ray to the evolution of the planet and its people lies in the education of the consciousness of the people in the power of INVOKING, DIRECTING, and SUSTAINING Spiritual Forces for the upliftment of all life.

What is the CAUSE of FREEDOM? God is that CAUSE! The God part of every man has within it the realization that FREEDOM and GODLINESS are one. The Divine Fiat of Life is Expansion, Unfoldment, Perfection – and all these qualities require FREEDOM in order to manifest. There is no such thing as progress or evolution without FREEDOM. FREEDOM IS GOD IN ACTION!

It is right, and God’s Divine Plan, that all Life have the FREEDOM to express their Divine Plan – which includes the animals, the Elemental Kingdom, imprisoned Angels, and all that lives.

The Seventh Ray also brings with it not only the Transmutation of the misuse of God’s Energy and the Ordered Service which all life will one day become, but it also brings the assistance of the Goddess of OPPORTUNITY and JUSTICE – the Beloved Portia – with Opportunity to be free and to establish the Kingdom of God here on Earth. Saint Germain is dependent upon each dear student to help Him make of the Earth FREEDOM’S STAR – where Angels, men and Elementals shall walk hand in hand again – serving in the redemption of the Earth.

The VIOLET FIRE OF MERCY AND COMPASSION is the ‘Divine Tool’ to bring this about, and Saint Germain urges each one to USE THIS VIOLET FIRE dynamically and set yourselves FREE, and then persevere with the use of this Sacred Fire for the sake of all that lives. Much literature has been written of metaphysical knowledge, but the REQUIREMENT OF THE HOUR is to present simple instructions which can be APPLIED individually and collectively Lo tie the energies of mankind to the energies of the Great White Brotherhood in co-operative service.

Note from Angel4Light:

Here is a great FREE Meditation for the Violet Flame that has helped me for a very long time and I feel that it will be of help to you as well.


The Sequence of Your Existence Activation by Archangel Metatron

The Sequence of Your Existence Activation by Archangel Metatron

Channeled through Natalie GlassonSacred School of OmNa

Angelic greetings of expansion and awakening, I am Archangel Metatron. It is an honour to bring forth the expansion and awakening energies of the Creator and the Angelic Kingdom to you, in order to inspire a greater recognition of the same within you. Expansion and awakening may appear to be similar qualities and energies when embodied, however, the expansion allows you to become and embody while awakening supports a reflection deeper into yourself. Coupled together, you can dive deep into your inner truth embodying the Creator’s truth into infinity. It is this journey I bring to you and inspire from within you into manifestation. Take a moment to contemplate yourself and your journey with the presence of expansion and awakening.

I, Archangel Metatron, ignite within you the presence of expansion and awakening in order to activate the sequence of your existence. This energy is very sacred, it holds the purity of your being, the mission of your soul and accounts of every experience of your soul and soul group. Thus, it is the story of your existence, offering you the remembrance of past, present and that which you have yet to experience. The story of your soul has already been experienced by you fully and yet it hasn’t even begun! In truth, you are already the entire and complete story or experiences of your soul and soul group, which means that all memories, wisdom and information are ready for you to grasp, download and use now. Can you imagine you already know and have experienced your soul and soul groups mission on the Earth and the inner planes? You have already merged completely with the Creator and you have already been created or birthed from the Creator. You are able to experience and embody everything between these two landmarks as well in your current embodiment.

Contemplate for a moment the volume of wisdom available for you to grasp.

Contemplate the realisation you are already your soul and soul groups mission, everything they wish to embody and learn. This means that everything you could ever possibly need and require is ready and available to you.

Contemplate that you are already a part of the divine plan and have already played your sacred role. You have already completed all the missions your soul set out to engage with, embody and experience. Can you imagine you are already everything you could possibly dream of for yourself and spiritual evolution, as well as so much more that is difficult to contemplate at this moment?

When you begin to focus in this way you enter into a space of deep knowingness, nothingness and unlimited abundance within you, which further illuminated and activates your being. You move beyond a sense of yourself into an awareness of all that is possible and already created.

Everything has already been created, nothing is new. You may wish to take time to ponder this sentence, allowing awakenings to dawn within you. You may find yourself asking the question, can this always be the case? Yes, it can.

Can you imagine that within you is the understanding of the creation of the Universe and each moment of creation of your being?

It is time to shift your perspective through expansion and awakening to realise an activation is taking place within you which is allowing you to glimpse the truth of your being on all dimensions of the Creator’s Universe and beyond.

The Sequence

The truth is that there is no sequence to the existence and experiences of your soul, even when in embodiment on the Earth. Your everyday life feels like it is a series of events which have an order and cycle, yet your soul’s existence and events are occurring simultaneously. Thus, the sequence of your existence is the presence of everything you are being as one, simultaneously. The mind finds this difficult to accept as it is often programmed to accept time and the linear presence of everything. If you can gaze beyond the programming of the mind you begin to open to new understandings of your own truth and that of the Creator. This means your entire existence can be experienced in a moment or explored for a lifetime and still not fully revealed. Thus, the sequence of your existence is your simultaneous embodiment of everything that is the Creator.

You are a library of everything that is the Creator

Trust and courage are required in order to examine within you the truth of the Creator to the capacity that is available to and through you. The evaluation and embodiment of expansion and awakening support the evolution of knowingness of the truth of the Creator within you. Please invite, me, Archangel Metatron, forth to empower and amplify the qualities of trust, courage, expansion and awakening within you. As you focus upon the blossoming of these four energies within you, notice how you delve and rest deeper within your being and truth, entering a space which is deeply familiar to you and yet unknown.

I, Archangel Metatron, then invite you to request me to begin and reveal to you the Sequence of Your Existence Activation. I will do so as I invite you to focus on your breathing with your attention directed inwards. Be ready for anything which requires to be revealed to you. I, Archangel Metatron, will work with your energies to create the necessary shifts and synthesis required, especially in your perceptions of yourself. Let the activation be revealed to you in the most unique, beautiful and necessary way for you.

I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to ask me to assist you in your embodiment of all that is revealed to you now and in every given moment. It is through embodiment you will recognise the true benefits of this activation.

While this activation brings numerous blessings, its greatest miracle is the growing understanding of who you are, your purpose, your mission and why you exist. Questions that often go unanswered and yet you have the capacity to bring great illumination to your being and awareness. Thus, bringing the Creator more fully into manifestation within your being, reality and the world around you. This activation brings self-awareness to a whole new level. The activation I speak of may not download fully and completely into your being instant. It is a gift that you can take time to digest, awakening your inner knowingness to the truth of All That Is. Due to the current linear programming of your mind, you may discover yourself at the birth of your existence or even the completion of your existence, able to grasp the knowledge that is needed to assist your current lifetime. There is much to explore and become aware of once more. It is important to remember that you have access to the knowledge and wisdom of the entire Universe of the Creator, this doesn’t mean you will receive everything that is available. You have the ability to connect with all that is the Creator, however, you will only grasp and understand that which is required and serves you to know and embody.

There is much to explore, I am present to serve, guide, reconnect and inspire you,

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Michael: You Are in the Midst of a Spiritual Revolution

Archangel Michael, You Are in the Midst of a Spiritual Revolution

Published on Jan 20, 2020

Archangel Michael, You Are in the Midst of a Spiritual Revolution

via Ronna Herman Vezane

This Article:…


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What You Need to Do in Order to Ascend

What You Need to Do in Order to Ascend


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Saint Germain: You Have The Power Of A Thousand Suns

You Have The Power Of A Thousand Suns

Saint Germain via James McConnell

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you in auspicious time, in these auspicious moments that you have arrived at.

For all is happening exactly as it has been foretold for eons of time. Not to the point of catastrophes and devastation which would lead to the ascension of man. But the absence of this devastation.

To the calling of all to come forth, all of you, the already awakened ones that are the forerunners, all of you now, to come forth and to share your heritage with each other and with all of those around you that are open to it, that will listen to you, that will welcome your thoughts, your ideas, your ideal. Certainly not all will. They are not meant to.

But you are here to anchor the light and to share the light. To share your love. To open up within yourselves everything that makes you who you are as a creative force, and a creative source within each and every one of you.

And that creative source within you is now creating the New Golden Age, this Age of Aquarius. We are not creating it, the Galactics are not creating it–you are. You are the creator and the created.

You speak of the Solar Flash and The Event, how it is coming, and how it is to become a part of the expression here on this planet, and to raise the consciousness everywhere. But I tell you now, as Saint Germain, in many respects it is already here. It has already arrived. Not the full blast, you might say, but many of the precursors, those waves, those events that you have been told about before have been coming, building to the grand event, building to the grand Solar Flash. The Solar Flash that you can now be able to withstand.

The Solar Flash that will help all of mankind reach deep down into themselves and realize, just as you have, who you are. Yes, certainly there will be those who will shy away from the Light, who are blinded by the Light. But even many of them will recognize that they are a part of the Light, just as much as all of you are. It is the Light that is your salvation. It is the Light that continues to pull you on.

It is the Light within each and every one of you that brings the creative force within you forward. To begin to use more and more your imagination, your imaging process, your visualization skills, to create this new Age of Aquarius. And create it in any way that you want. It is your universe, both within you and outside of you. It is your creation.

Up until recently, the collective consciousness of man has believed that the creation process was outside of themselves, not within. Even though Yeshua told those that were gathered with him the kingdom of heaven is within. Many did not believe it nor understand it. But those of you now are beginning to more and more fully understand just what that meant, what he meant by that, the kingdom of heaven is within.

The creation source of your being is within. You have the power within you to create outside of yourself, create whatever it is you want. For you have the power of thousands of suns within you, if you would only come to believe and fully acknowledge that power within you.

Many things are changing, and more are about to change. Your financial system is coming very close, coming to the threshold, you might say, of a major shift, where all across the planet will come more and more to be equal. Balance, that is so sought after by so many of you, will be realized.

Many of those who have sought to hold the evolution of man back will now realize their folly and their futility of being able to do so. As if they could hold the power of those thousands of suns back. And, of course, they cannot. They will realize, and will be taken into custody as the times are right for it.

Those of you that have been waiting for the many ships to begin to show themselves, that is also coming closer and closer.

Allow the truth to come forward. Know that it cannot be held back much longer. For the truth is everything. The truth is the creative process. And the creative process brings the truth forward.

Be patient just a little while longer within your sense of time. But know that your sense of time is also changing and shifting, and will continue to do so until you come to the point when your sense of time becomes no time. Continue to allow for the process to continue to move both through you and outside of you. For as it moves through you, it continues to create the world around you.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave you now in peace and love, and the Violet Flame to burn and purge within each and every one of you all of the old programming that still may be present within you, still may be held within your lower chakra centers.

But each and every day see those centers purged out by the Violet Flame, so that eventually there is no more programming left, and the past is forgotten, and the present moment becomes your all.

KejRaj Report: Open Contact, Intense Energies, Final Showdown

KejRaj Report: Open Contact, Intense Energies, Final Showdown

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.

Today I’m going to bring the Era of Light Report with something unique. Much different from previous reports. I aim to ignite within the reader the spark of a possible (near) future timeline of not only disclosure, but full open contact between humanity of Earth and extraterrestrials. For such an event is much closer than many may think.

In my Universe there are certain things that I believe so strongly that no thing and no one can change until there is overwhelming evidence that would prove otherwise. And one of those things is the fact that no matter how much love the Galactics may have for humanity here on Earth, they still underestimate and are in doubt of humanity’s ability to adapt and accept new realities.

In this instance I speak of extraterrestrial disclosure. No, let me rephrase that. I speak of full open contact.

At this time humanity would be overly excited and most welcoming of our family from the stars if the Galactics were to suddenly appear en masse.

There is only one thing that may need a little bit of an adjustment. And this would be the mainstream media. Which is still in the hands of the fading old regime.

The mainstream media would label the Galactics’ arrival as an invasion, or the news reporters would snap out of it, have heart for once and go off script and tell the truth.

However I would not take that chance. I would much rather the news outlets be in the hands of positive forces, whether on the ground positive forces or invite the Galactics to ‘adjust programming’, so no fake news makes it on the air waves.

The Collective of Humanity stands ready, with open arms to meet and greet our family from the stars.

Can you imagine the jump in vibration from the excitement?

Yes, there are many that would be shocked, but not reject or refuse to accept the new reality or the beginning of a new journey.

We must mention that there are millions around the world who are aware of the Galactics. And billions who believe in the existence of extraterrestrials.

Allow us to remind you of the hundreds of thousands of lightworkers world wide who would approach the crews of the ships with sheer joy, and the rest would follow. It is time. We are open, inviting and ready for open contact with our family from the stars.

From heart to heart, I am Kejraj!

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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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