Benjamin Fulford: It is time to remind China of its Place

It’s time to remind China of its place

By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society

The start today (March 26, 2018) of oil futures trading in gold-backed Chinese yuan is being widely seen as a Chinese victory in the ongoing financial war for control of the planet Earth. It is also a good time to remind China that the world will NEVER swap Khazarian mafia control for Chinese mafia control.

The West will be eternally grateful for the help provided by Asian secret societies in its battle to free itself from the control of the satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia. As we will point out, this battle is about to end in victory for humanity.

However, the Khazarians, who should never be underestimated, are appealing to the ego of certain Chinese leaders by promising them the role of Babylonian god-king of the planet Earth. In exchange for Chinese support, many Chinese leaders are falling for this and dreaming of a Chinese dictatorship over the entire planet.

China thus needs to be reminded of a few things. The first is that the West still has the power to entirely wipe China out of existence. The White Dragon Society (WDS) and its allies fought hard to defeat a faction in the West that wanted to do exactly that. Thus, instead of obliterating China, the West deliberately transferred its industrial and technical expertise in order to help China modernize and develop. That’s because it was the right thing to do, and because the West wants Asian help in a campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Also, China and other Asian countries were helped in their modernization because a deal between East and West for world peace is necessary to end the quarantine the planet earth is now under. In other words, certain Chinese radical factions need to be reminded that the end goal is to achieve a win-win solution for everybody.

With that in mind, let us now look at the latest news in the ongoing battle for the planet Earth. On this front, there is very serious brinkmanship going on between the U.S. and China in the run-up to the start of the Chinese Gold/Oil/Yuan (GOY) trading that is rightly being seen as a threat to the petrodollar and U.S. hegemony.

The U.S. reaction was to impose tariffs on $60 billion worth of Chinese imports and hire warmongering radical neocon John Bolton as National Security Adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump. The U.S. message to China was clearly, “We will stop buying your stuff, cut off your Middle-East oil supply, and use North Korea as an excuse to start war.” The Chinese reaction, in contrast, was to seek compromise and peaceful negotiation while reminding the U.S. side that it was fully prepared for any eventuality.

Despite the U.S. bluster, a quick look at the cards each side is holding makes it obvious China is likely to emerge as a pyrrhic victor in any trade war. This can be seen by taking things to an extreme and imagining the U.S. stopping all trade with China, and China dumping all of its U.S. Treasury holdings. Americans would see an immediate plunge in their living standards as they would lose access to cheap Chinese goods, while a plunging dollar would make imports from the rest of the world more expensive. Also, it would take many years for the Americans to build factories to replace the goods it is used to getting from China, and the end result would be far more expensive.

China, for its part, would lose access to U.S. soybeans and grains, but would be able to replace these with supplies from sources like Russia and Brazil. The loss of U.S. dollars earned through its trade surplus with America would also deprive China of a lot of the hard currency it has been using to enhance its power around the world. However, it is likely that China has set up the GOY trading in part to have a ready substitute for the petrodollars it would lose in a trade war with the U.S.

It is interesting to note, by the way, that one of the most active traders in the first day of the Shanghai GOY trading was the Rothschild firm Glencore. It is also interesting to note that “around 12 million barrels of Shanghai’s most-active September contract changed hands in the first 55 minutes of trade, more than the most-active contract for Brent.”

On the surface, thus it appears the Rothschilds and their Khazarian brethren were right to side with China against the U.S. However, if you analyze things on a deeper level, a very different picture emerges. In this one, the Rothschilds and their fellow Khazarian mafiosi face a catastrophic defeat.

In reality, Pentagon sources say the trade war with China “provides a cover for the U.S. military so that they can crash the stock market and confiscate trillions of dollars of stolen assets worldwide.”

“March madness began on March 23 as Trump ‘reluctantly’ signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill to fund the military so they can drain the swamp with covert and overt operations across the globe,” the Pentagon sources say. The six-month omnibus bill gives Trump carte blanche so he can “fund any agency or program, or defund bad ones like the CIA or aid for Israel,” the sources explain.

“The 2,232-page omnibus spending bill, which nobody reads, actually provides tons of money for witnesses, GITMO, Diego Garcia, and it empowers and funds the Inspector General across the government to expose crimes of the cabal,” they say.

In addition, the “DOJ Inspector General report of 1.2M pages will reveal massive pedophilia, murder, extortion, corruption, treason, and sedition as Trump seeks the death penalty for drug traffickers like in Singapore,” the sources continue.

If anybody still has doubts that a purge has already begun at the highest levels, they should stop and think about the resignation of “pope maledict,” the abdication of a whole series of monarchs including the Emperor of Japan, the retirement of scores of U.S. senators and members of Congress, and the disappearance of people like George Soros and Bill Gates, etc.

Now there is a very visible attack taking place against Khazarian mafia control of Internet giants like Facebook and Google. On this front, Pentagon sources say David Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg (Greenberg) “is going down for spying and insider trading just as Steve Wynn (Weinberg) was forced, finally, to sell all his shares.” It should be noted that Wynn, the former finance chair of the Republican Party, owned the hotels used in the mass murder event and attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Las Vegas last October.

The purge in Europe is also continuing, with former French President Nicholas Sarkozy being formally charged last week with receiving illegal campaign financing from Libya. Also, French Rothschild-slave President Emmanuel Macron is facing mass strikes and protests over his attempts to cut the wages of French workers in order to make his oligarch masters richer.

In Italy, meanwhile, the anti-establishment Northern League and Five Star Movement parties are close to forming a government that is certain to challenge the fascist EU and its Euro currency.

The Khazarian mafia, of course, have still not given up in their fanatical attempt to start World War 3. In the past week they have been caught yet again fabricating poison gas attacks in Syria and the UK in an attempt to start war with Russia.

CIA sources are saying that the Khazarians blackmailed U.S. President Donald Trump to force him to hire radical neocon warmonger John Bolton as National Security Adviser. These sources, as well as Pentagon sources, say Bolton is damaged goods who is being blackmailed with pedophilia charges. However, the Pentagon sources say, “John Bolton may not last long and has a mandate to purge while the military runs the show.”

Also CIA sources are also saying a Khazarian mafia plan to replace Trump with Vice-President Mike Pence is doomed to fail because Pence is one of the people who is going to be arrested on pedophilia charges.

In any case, WDS sources say Bolton will serve a useful role to threaten war against Iran, and thus a cut-off of Middle-Eastern oil, as a card in negotiations with Asia over the new financial system.

Russian WDS members, for their part, note that Russia, along with its Turkish, Egyptian, and Iranian allies, holds a veto over any Western plan to cut off Middle-Eastern oil. The Russians want world peace and friendly, law-based relations between nations, the sources say. They will not fully trust the West until the warmongering Khazarians behind the fake gas attacks, etc. are all removed from power, they say.

On a final note, this writer was invited to a ceremony at the Japan Freemason headquarters near Tokyo Tower last week. This is the first time he has ever participated in such an event. The Freemasons invited him as a part of their new campaign to dispel misunderstandings about them by opening their doors to the public at large. What this writer saw was a fairly innocuous ceremony. Below is a photograph of that event.

Generally speaking, the Freemasons have had a big impact on Western history because influential people got to meet and know each other at their lodges. For those who want to know more, the 97-minute video at the link below is a fairly good overview of what the Freemasons are all about.

As far as this writer is concerned, it is mostly accurate except for the bit where they claim the Illuminati does not exist. The Illuminati are real and are divided into the Gnostic Illuminati, who are against bloodline rule, and the P2 Lodge Illuminati, who want a world government controlled by ancient Roman bloodlines.

In any case, it looks like the Freemasons support White Dragon Society and Asian Secret Society goals of world peace and friendship between peoples

Benjamin Fulford Update – (FULL REPORT) Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

November 30, 2017
Benjamin Fulford Update – (FULL REPORT) Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

Benjamin Fulford has allowed his full report to become public each Thursday. 

This report was first published by Benjamin Fulford at on November 27, 2017.

Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian cabal debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.

The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “[U.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.

This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.

The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labeled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation, but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue.

In addition to cutting off heroin money from Afghanistan, the cutting off of air flights and land connections to North Korea has stopped the flow of amphetamine money to the Khazarian cabal as well, according to Asian secret society sources.

The mass arrests and deportation of the MS-13 El Salvadorian gang who are hired killers for drug kingpin El Chapo, as well as a new attack on the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels, means cocaine money from South America is also being cut off. The ongoing legalization of marijuana worldwide has also cut off that source of Khazarian black money.

With CIA drug money influence drying up, the International Criminal Court is poised to prosecute the CIA and the Bush cabal for torture and other war crimes in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere, the Pentagon and other sources say.

Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian cabal colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia.

The Japanese criminals involved in the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear mass-murder attack on Japan, fearing for their lives, have detained whistleblower and Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster “Alexander Romanov,” aka Slasha Zaric, and confined him in inhuman conditions at the Hasegawa Hospital in Fuchu, Tokyo. The hospital phone number is 81-422-31-8600. Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, the mayor of Koganei City, the Police Chief of Koganei City, and all other criminals involved in the Fukushima crime against humanity will be jailed and eventually executed unless they release Zaric and immediately hold press conferences to confess their sins. Their assets will be impounded and Zaric will be compensated for the harm that has been done to him, say White Dragon Society (WDS) sources. Of course, senior masterminds in the U.S., Italy, and Switzerland will also be brought to justice for these crimes.

Many top Khazarian mobsters like Bill Gates and George Soros have already been “taken out of commission,” WDS sources say. Next among the most prominent people expected to be taken down are Eric Schmidt of Google, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, as well as
Masayoshi Son of Softbank, and many other oligarchs who have been used as funnels to launder privately-owned central-bank fiat money into the real economy. Japanese right-wing sources say that Son has “already been dealt with.”

Meanwhile, a source within U.S. Marine headquarters also provided sordid detail of other Khazarian crimes that were uncovered in the raid. This was received via e-mail from a CIA white-hat:

From a Marine at CIA headquarters
Sent from my iPhone

The U.S. Marines raided the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia this past weekend. The Marines retrieved a lot of evidence implicating well-known politicians of embezzlement, election rigging, identity fraud, assassination plots, murders, domestic terrorism, and pedophilia. I’ve listed the following 23 ITEMS to pique your interest and summarize what’s happening:

ITEM 1: CIA headquarters has been raided, the FBI has been neutralized, and $35 trillion of U.S. Treasury embezzled funds have been recovered. About $100 trillion has been embezzled by the Bushs and the Clintons.

ITEM 2: President Donald Trump reopened the President John F. Kennedy assassination files and George H.W. Bush was behind it. JFK autopsy photographs were falsified.

ITEM 3: The sexual harassment outings of all these members of Congress is a mainstream media distraction for what’s really going on (U.S. Marines raid CIA Headquarters and President Trump imposes military martial law) behind the scene.

ITEM 4: Alex Jones of Infowars is a traitor and national security threat who is connected with a division of the Mossad, the State of Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service.

ITEM 5: Hillary Rodham Clinton had ordered the murders, through domestic assassination squads, of Ron Brown (Commerce Secretary), William Colby (Director of Central Intelligence), Vince Foster (Deputy White House Counsel), and John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of assassinated President John F. Kennedy) — and others.

ITEM 6: Then-Republican Presidential candidate Trump was right that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father was implicated with Lee Harvey Oswald.

ITEM 7: California Rep. Adam Schiff, Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, former White House Chief of Staff for U.S. President Barack Obama, are connected with the Mossad. Both Schiff and Emmanuel are pedophiles.

ITEM 8: Barack Obama was born in Kenya and the former President has committed identity fraud. Obama should be arrested for identity fraud.

ITEM 9: Sen. Cruz is a Canadian citizen who faked his birth certificate to become U.S. Senator and has committed identity fraud. Cruz should be arrested for identity fraud.

ITEM 10: President Trump has got the file of every journalist (e.g. Anderson Cooper [CNN/CBS], Chris Matthews [MSNBC], Wolf Blitzer [CNN], and possibly Alex Jones [InfoWars]) that’s on the CIA payroll.

ITEM 11: The U.S. Marines removed computers from CIA headquarters this past weekend.

ITEM 12: They now have proof and evidence that Hillary Rodham Clinton has committed election fraud, treason, and sedition. She’s a drug dealer. She’s committed mass murders. She’s murdered people at the State Department as a murder-for-hire scheme.

ITEM 13: Bill Plante, who retired as a CBS News correspondent in November 2016, confirmed that JFK was shot from the front, Tennessee Sen./Democratic President candidate Al Gore actually won the 2000 election, and the whole 9/11 terrorist attack was rigged. Plante said none of this will be reported because reporters are afraid for their lives.

ITEM 14: This country will not have a deficit once protocols are implemented. $100 trillion comes in, $35 trillion goes right into the U.S. Treasury, and there’s a $15 trillion surplus. We can cut taxes, rebuild the military, create a great infrastructure program for this country, and Donald Trump will go down as the greatest President since Ronald Reagan.

ITEM 15: George H.W. Bush tried to assassinate President Reagan three times during Reagan’s eight-year presidency.

ITEM 16: “Daddy Bush” (and Hillary Clinton) have also tried to assassinate President Donald Trump seven times. And Bush, throughout the years, has been involved with 25 assassination plots against other major political figures — specifically, Congress members and Senators.

ITEM 17: If Gore had taken office and the Bushs weren’t able to steal the election, there was a plot to remove Gore and put Vice Presidential candidate Al Lieberman as President.

ITEM 18: There’s a coverup involving California Rep. Maxine Waters and the Blue Moon Bank in Thailand.

ITEM 19: The November 3, 2017 Rene Boucher assault on anti-war/pro-life Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was attempted murder. “That guy [Boucher] was chipped,” because Paul knows too much and he can’t be controlled.

ITEM 20: A reporter in a major network was going to break a story — which he is sitting on to this day — that the government contacted orphanages around the country and paid these orphanages to transport orphans to Washington D.C. so Dick Cheney and George H.W. Bush and other pedophiles (e.g. Barney Frank) could pick out the kids they wanted to have sex with. Then they took those kids to parties. Hookers were present at these parties. Congress members were drugged and photographs were taken of politicians and these orphans in sexually compromising positions. A huge portion of Congress was (and now is) controlled through blackmail.

ITEM 21: When the U.S. Marines raided the CIA buildings, they recovered pre-9/11 terrorist attack financial transactions, insurance documents, plus other papers. All these documents are now in possession of U.S. Marine Intelligence.

ITEM 22: The State of Wisconsin, the Federal Reserve, and former (from 2001-2005) Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson were involved with theft of trillions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker should turn over everything he has or he will be subpoenaed.

ITEM 23: California Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown has ordered a pedogate investigation of his own party, involving California Rep./Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris.

The information above is not entirely in accord with what our own sources have been telling us, but it is comprehensive enough that we have posted it practically verbatim. For example, our own sources say that Barack Obama was actually born in the U.S. but has committed identity fraud, since his real father was the American Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis.

Also, we cannot confirm that the Wanta protocols will be activated and $100 trillion will come in. However, we can confirm that Janet Yellen was forced to resign as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board even though her term was supposed to extend until 2024. This means that the US $ printing press will be taken away from the Khazarian mob and, in theory, that unlimited funds can be made available to make America great again along with the rest of the world .

There is still a lot left to be done, though, before the Khazarian mob is truly defeated, so now is no time to rest on our laurels.

In the U.S., the corporate propaganda media still has to be taken down and forced to start reporting the truth. Many steps have been taken in that direction last week. For example, the Washington Post and the Khazarian-owned Advance Publications are facing defamation lawsuits by Senator Roy Moore of Alabama after their sex abuse allegations were exposed as lies, Pentagon sources say. Donald Trump supports Moore.

Also, an attempt by the Khazarian mob to force Rupert Murdoch to sell Fox is being stopped by the Trump administration, according to Pentagon sources. As a first step, the Department of Justice is going to force Comcast to divest NBCUniversal and give up their attempt to take over Fox, the sources say. The arrest of top media bosses is also imminent, they say.

The Khazarians, for their part, are also circling the wagons in Israel and Saudi Arabia, with Israeli forces and the mercenary armies in Saudi Arabia combining to defend Khazarian control over much of the world’s oil.

However, according to Pentagon sources, “Israel is under an arms embargo, as longtime customer India scrapped a $500 million antitank missile deal. Germany post-Merkel may stop building subs, Israel may not get more F-35’s and will be denied parts, and the 10-year $38 billion military aid package made under Obama may be cancelled.”

Overall, it was been truly a spectacular week of victories for the people of planet Earth. There are undeniable signs as well that regime change is coming for Israel, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and England. If this happens and is followed by mass arrests, we will know the nightmare of Khazarian Babylonian debt slavery is truly ending.

A new dawn for humanity is arising. Let us all keep up the pressure to make it happen.

Benjamin Fulford Update: US Elections to be Cancelled and War Crimes Tribunals to be Held


Thank you: Ascension with Mother Earth and Current State of Affairs


Originally published October 10, 2016

Benjamin Fulford Update – US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held

Pentagon and CIA sources say
US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held

Posted by benjamin

October 10, 2016

The US Presidential election due for November 8th will be cancelled and instead there will be war crimes tribunals held, sources in both the Pentagon and the CIA say. The excuse for cancelling the election will be the resignation of one of the presidential candiates, the CIA sources say.

Here is the raw intel from the CIA:

    “There is now a 90% probability that the elections will be postponed.”

    I asked my contact in DC why? His answer was:

    “You can’t have an election with one candidate”

    I asked him which one will be removed. His reply was:

    “I am not allowed to tell you, let’s just say that Obama will make the announcement very soon.”

The Pentagon sources, for their part, say “The 911 law will push Saudi Arabia to expose Israel, Bandar bin Sultan and the Bush cabal behind 911 and will lead to a real truth commission and a war crimes tribunal.”

Since it is only a few weeks before the election, it will not be long before we see if these predictions come to pass.

In any case, the data dump of over one million documents revealing the extensive crimes of the Clinton Foundation make it clear there is a powerful faction within the military industrial complex that is fighting to overthrow the Khazarian mafia. That is because such a data dump cannot be carried out by individual hackers and requires a governmental organization with access to high level  computer systems. At the same time, the fact the corporate media and net giants like Google are censoring this data makes it clear the owners of the big corporations (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller/Rothschild etc.) are in battle against white hats in the military and the agencies.

No matter what though, the Khazarians are not going be able to murder themselves out of trouble this time because too many people are now aware of them and their crimes. That does not mean they will not try though.

Bill Clinton, who is close to death from HIV, recently issued a death threat against this writer and Neil Keenan. The signs are that Neil Keenan has already been murdered. Although he used contact this writer regularly on Skype, the current person pretending to be Neil Keenan on Skype is unable to answer a simple question that only the real Neil would know the answer too. Furthermore, the Neil Keenan website is now promoting Bush/Clinton mafia con jobs like the Zimbabwe currency scam. Revenge for Keenan’s death will be comprehensive and thorough, White Dragon Society sources promise.

Furthermore, if this writer is killed, you can be sure the entire 13 ruling bloodlines will be wiped out going back 5 generations to the founding of the Federal Reserve Board.

The families must think hard if they are willing to sacrifice the entire tree just to try in vain to save a rotten branch.

In any case, the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller branch of the Khazarian mafia is now desperate for money. The recent Hurricane Mathew scam (the hurricane only existed in Khazarian mafia controlled media, not in the real world) was carried out do that the Khazarian mafia could make some money by short selling stocks in insurance companies, CIA sources say. “Follow the money, it is the same as the shorting of airline stocks before 911,” one CIA source says. The perpetrators of this fraud have been identified and will face long overdue justice soon, the sources say.

Pentagon sources say that the end of the Chinese National Day Golden Week holiday and the end of the October 3-9th World Bank and IMF annual meeting, together with ongoing, systematic “cabal terminations,” should propel big moves towards the new financial system starting this week. It is also worth noting that the upcoming October 16th full moon is known as the “Hunter’s moon,” and it is open season on murderous Khazarian gangsters, the sources say.

There also appears to be some sort of hit campaign going on in relation to North Korea. Sources in Japanese right wing organizations say that the top North Korean agent in Japan was fatally poisoned recently by a “CIA female agent” who “appeared to be just an ordinary Japanese woman.” Another source Japanese right wing source says North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un has also been killed.

CIA sources in Asia confirm this and say “Kim Jong Un has been replaced with a double, who is now under our control. The original went way off the reservation and had to be removed.”

This news report, for its part, says China is planning “decapitation strikes” against North Korea.

That may no longer be necessary.

Other sources, meanwhile, provided evidence to this writer that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a Bush agent. Dr. Michael Meiring, who later changed his name to Dr. Michael Van de Meer, claimed in a video recorded before his death that Duterte, at the time mayor of Davao city, planted the bomb that blew off his legs and that he did so on the orders of George Bush Sr.

Continue Reading at ….


Benjamin Fulford: August 8th: Khazarian mafia offer ASEAN plus Japan and Korea to China

Benjamin Fulford — August 8th 2016: Khazarian mafia offer ASEAN + Japan and Korea to China | Stillne… –

Asian governments ‘think’ that they know what’s going on????? Unless they are already in cahoots with the dark cabal …


quote {{  An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Society last week that Hillary Clinton had offered to hand over Korea, ASEAN and Japan to help create a “United States of China,” if the Chinese supported her bid to become President of the United States. Clinton also told the Chinese that a short sharp war with the US military would be needed to put this plan in place and establish China as the world’s number 1 superpower. For this reason China supports Clinton, the official said.

Related Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock – Illuminati Salvage Plan – The Cabal’s Attempt at Damage Control from the World of Entertainment


The WDS representative told the Chinese that Khazarian gangsters like Hillary tell people what they want to hear but always betray them as soon as they get a chance. He was also told that no matter how many times the US military ran simulations of an all-out war with China, the result was always 90% of the world’s population dying and the Northern hemisphere of the planet becoming uninhabitable.

Related WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Stunning Connection to ISIS — Mainstream Media Blackout Ensues

It was further explained to the official that, according to British Intelligence, when George Bush Sr. went fishing with Vladimir Putin in 2007 he invited Putin to join a plot to destroy China. The scenario Bush painted was for the US and Russia to start a new cold war. This would give Russia, the US, Europe and Japan an excuse to re-arm. During this cold war, Russia would pretend to be China’s friend. However, in the end NATO, Russia, Japan and Korea would all attack China and divide it into six countries so that China would never rise to be a threat to Western power.

Related Vladimir Putin Just Issued a Chilling Warning to the United States

The official was also told that Clinton was part of the Bush Nazi mafia so whatever promises she was making were only to buy time and get money from the Chinese so that they could carry out this plan. As a result of this conversation, the Chinese official agreed China should not support Clinton.

The other thing the Khazarians did was to force their puppet the Emperor of Japan to announce his resignation on August 8th, an auspicious day for China. The Chinese were told this was to get crown Prince Naruhito on the throne so he could help with the plan to unite Japan with China. Naruhito is married to Masako Owada who is the daughter of Rockefeller slave and world court judge Hisashi Owada. Again the Chinese were told this was just a Khazarian attempt to bribe China by offering to hand over their puppet government in Japan. Furthermore, the imperial family would never willingly accede to such a plan and so it was just a Khazarian lie. The emperor is resigning because of poor health and because he does not want to get involved in the ongoing fight over the gold bunkers in Japan. In conclusion, the WDS explained very clearly to the Chinese this was a Khazarian trick designed to fool the Chinese into war with the US.

The WDS and the Chinese also discussed the future of the US dollar and the global financial system. The Chinese delegate said China’s plan was to replace the US dollar with bitcoin. He said the recent hacking of bitcoin was a setback to this plan but that a new generation Chinese supercomputers would be powerful enough to keep bitcoin secure.  }} unquote >>>>> Read on …………….

An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Society last week that Hillary Clinton had offered to hand over Korea, ASEAN and Japan to help create a “United States of China,” if the Chinese supported her bid to become President of the United States. Clinton also told the Chinese that a short sharp war with the US military would be needed to put this plan in place and establish China as the world’s number 1 superpower. For this reason China supports Clinton, the official said. ….. >>> Readon ……..

Source: Benjamin Fulford — August 8th 2016: Khazarian mafia offer ASEAN, Japan and Korea to China | Stillness in the Storm

Here is an Audio version for those your convenience:

Cobra Update And Benjamin Fulford Bounty

Cobra Update 7-30-16… “Terms of Surrender Update” –

Found this link in a comment by guizi on Ben Fulford’s latest.

“First, the mass arrest plan is still valid and in full force. The Light forces will not wait for any dark individual or Cabal faction to surrender, they will arrest them as soon as they can do that in a way that is safe for humanity to go through the transition.

“There is a certain possibility that the Rothschild faction as a whole will surrender and start cooperating before the Event. The Rothschilds are fallen angels from the Rigel star system in the Orion constellation. In the past, many members of the Cabal originating from Rigel have surrendered to the Light when they were shown that Light is stronger than darkness.

“The Rockefeller faction is Draconian by its origin and will never surrender, they will fight back with their false flags until they are removed into the Galactic Central Sun. The Draconian race has evolved from dense matter and the more negative members of that race do not have sufficient contact with the spirit to be redeemed.

“Second, the Cabal members that surrender willingly will go through a psychological transition to become part of the Light forces and will be treated fairly. They will all be stardusted so if any of them tries something funny before they fully accept the Light, they will be paralyzed immediately and then removed from the planet… Third, the bounty for the capture of the Cabal members will most likely not work because the other side has put even bigger bounty on some Lightwarriors on the surface of the planet. This reflects a centuries old treaty with the Chimera that says „we will not touch your leaders and you will not touch ours.“”



Terms of Surrender Update

There are some clarifications that need to be made about the terms of surrender.

First, the mass arrest plan is still valid and in full force. The Light forces will not wait for any dark individual or Cabal faction to surrender, they will arrest them as soon as they can do that in a way that is safe for humanity to go through the transition. Those members of the Cabal that surrender before the mass arrests will have more favorable conditions. It is very unlikely that many individual members of the Cabal will surrender before the Event because they fear the revenge from other Cabal members, as they will be perceived as „traitors“.

There is a certain possibility that the Rothschild faction as a whole will surrender and start cooperating before the Event. The Rothschilds are fallen angels from the Rigel star system in the Orion constellation. In the past, many members of the Cabal originating from Rigel have surrendered to the Light when they were shown that Light is stronger than darkness. The Rigelians have a tendency to side with the one that is stronger and many of them, when arrested or faced with strong enough opposition, will actually show signs of relief that finally someone was powerful enough to stop their negative actions. This will be a proof to them that Light is stronger that darkness and will begin to cooperate. The Rigelian race descended from spirit into mater by implantation process, their connection with spirit is still there to a certain extent and many of them will be able to ascend when this duality nightmare is over.


The Jesuits, the Archons and the Chimera all come from negative races from Andromeda Galaxy. They are all fallen angels, meaning that they have descended from spirit into matter by implantation process, and quite many will be able to ascend when the duality is over.

The Chimera group is not involved in the surrender negotiations because no surface positive faction is strong enough to be able to deal with them. The Resistance is dealing with them directly.

The Rockefeller faction is Draconian by its origin and will never surrender, they will fight back with their false flags until they are removed into the Galactic Central Sun. The Draconian race has evolved from dense matter and the more negative members of that race do not have sufficient contact with the spirit to be redeemed.


Second, the Cabal members that surrender willingly will go through a psychological transition to become part of the Light forces and will be treated fairly. They will all be stardusted so if any of them tries something funny before they fully accept the Light, they will be paralyzed immediately and then removed from the planet. During the reconciliation process they will need to fully disclose their past actions and come face to face with people’s anger, but will not be allowed to be treated violently and will not be punished. The biggest punishment for them will be their conscience after they wake up and fully realize what they have done. They will go through a psychological healing process and will live the rest of their lives in service to humanity and Light.

Third, the bounty for the capture of the Cabal members will most likely not work because the other side has put even bigger bounty on some Lightwarriors on the surface of the planet. This reflects a centuries old treaty with the Chimera that says „we will not touch your leaders and you will not touch ours.“ It is expected that this deadlock will continue until the Event when finally the breakthrough will happen and the Chimera will be check-mated.

Victory of the Light!



Benjamin Fulford News Flash – This Could Finally Bring Down The Rothschild Dynasty

Benjamin Fulford News Flash – This Could Finally Bring Down The Rothschild Dynasty..

Gary Larrabee 

Published on Jul 30, 2016

Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 30-Jul-2016 14:02:53 

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak indicted in multi-billion dollar embezzlement scandal, is seeking immunity in exchange for testimony against the Rothschilds 

By Benjamin Fulford 

July 30, 2016 

CIA sources in East Asia alerted us to the fact the US Justice Department has indicted Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak for embezzling over $1 billion from a fund meant to be used for Malaysian economic development. 

The indictment is calling for the seizure of all the profits from the Hollywood hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street, because it was financed with embezzled funds. The indictment also mentions Saudi Arabian royals, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschild. 

The CIA sources source say Najib has asked for immunity and placement for him and his family in the witness protection program in exchange for testifying about the links between the embezzlement scandal, the Rothschild family and missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370. If so, this could be the case that finally brings down the Rothschild dynasty. The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton branch of the Khazarian mafia is already being brought down in the US so if the Rothschilds are also brought down, this will mean liberation for humanity for the horrors of Babylonian debt slavery. 

More details will be made available in the Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis report due out on Monday, August 1st, 2016.


A Bounty Is On All Chemtrail Pilots And Their Evil Death Squads

Ben Fulford calls for placing a bounty on ALL chemtrail pilots heads!!!

Video by Gary Larrabee 

Published on Jul 24, 2016

Gold reward offered for the capture of Khazarian gangsters.


Originally published 07/22/2016


Hi Ben
Please find below the PUBLIC LAW 95-79 etc. regarding “CHEMICAL and BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM” etc. This would include the present chemtrail operations in America, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Scandinavia, Greece, England, plus others. The records should show who originated this bill and who voted on the bill, plus who presently is in charge. Would you please discuss and send this information to your necessary Bounty contacts with a recommendation that a Bounty be levied agents this insane LAW and it’s and it’s promoters.

—— A recommendation. ——
To stop the planes from flying, an approximate 5 million dollar Bounty, could be placed on the heads of any pilot that would fly the chemtrail airplane etc.

Ben, thank you for understanding the info that I have sent you and how you have handled the information. Also many thanks from the many of us, who do understand that it was you who has been at the forefront of the wonderful changes that are now taking place in this world.. Our hats are off to you.

“The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the U.S. Department of Defense, accounting to Congressional committees with respect to the experiments and studies.”——–The Secretary of Defense [may] conduct tests and experiments involving the use of chemical and biological [warfare] agents on civilian populations [within the United States].” -SOURCE- Public Law 95-79, Title VIII, Sec. 808, July 30, 1977, 91 Stat. 334. In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 91, page 334, you will find Public Law 95-79. Public Law 97-375, title II, Sec. 203(a)(1), Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1882. In U.S. Statutes-at-Large, Vol. 96, page 1882, you will find Public Law 97-375


















Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I

Benjamin Fulford July 25, 2016 – Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I


Published on Jul 25, 2016

The final game plan of the Rothschilds was to reverse the results of World War I by reinstating the German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian monarchies, sources in Germany and the US agree. The plan that is now unfolding in Europe calls for a civil war against a “Muslim” enemy.

The so-called “Muslim” terrorists are being financed with money supposed to be spent on fighting so-called carbon induced global warming, the sources add. This is why we are seeing daily “Muslim” terror attacks that seem to always involve “lone wolves” who die in the attack. That way there is no need to have a messy trial where facts might have a chance of intruding into the public mind.

In any case the sources say that after a summer of increasingly severe terrorist attacks, European bank ATMs will be shut down, possibly in August or September. It is at this point where the royal families will present themselves as “saviors” and provide the people with huge amounts of fiat money and “security,” in exchange for the reinstatement of their monarchies.

The reinstated European royalty will be headed by a German “Kaiser” (Caesar) who will have four kings will be appointed under him, they say. The candidate for Kaiser will probably come from either the Habsburg or Hohenzollern royal families, they note. That means Karl Habsburg or the Hohenzollern Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia. Another candidate they mention is Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen.

The Tsar of Russia would be most likely Prince Michael of Kent

because he has the most Romanov blood of all the European royals. This fits in with what Russian sources have long told us and that is that Vladimir Putin was put in power by a faction in the KGB that was loyal to the Russian royal family.

This move combined with the push by Turkey’s Recep Erdogan to restore the Ottoman Turkish Empire would, if successful, restore the German, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish empires; essentially bringing Europe and the Near-East back to the situation that existed before World War I.

Benjamin Fulford: Chaos Everywhere as Current World Order Continues to Collapse

Benjamin Fulford July 19, 2016 – Chaos Everywhere as Current World Order Continues to Collapse…

Video by 369NEWS.NET 


Published on Jul 19, 2016

Benjamin Fulford update July 19, 2016

Chaos Everywhere as Current World Order Continues to Collapse While New Age Begins

The world situation is becoming increasingly chaotic with major events taking place in Turkey, France, Japan, the United States, China and elsewhere. The events are all linked to the ongoing collapse of the global structure that was put in place at the end of World War 2. Chinese government analysts believe the entire current world architecture will suffer a total systems collapse by the year 2018 after which a new, improved, structure will replace it. For this reason they expect accelerating global turmoil between now and then.

Let us start with a look at the attempted coup d’etat in Turkey last week. Mossad sources tried to pin the attempt on Russia and added “this was just round one.” However, Pentagon sources say jets piloted by Israeli trained Saudi Arabian pilots flying out of the NATO airbase in Incirlik dropped a bright flashing but not very damage causing low grade nuclear weapon in front of the Turkish Parliament building during the attempted overthrow of President Recep Erdogan.

The Pentagon sources suspect Erdogan used light shows like that as part of a staged the coup attempt against himself in order to give him an excuse to purge the Turkish military and law enforcement agencies of rivals. One Pentagon source said that “because Erdogan renewed ties to Mossad and may steal US nukes at Incirlik to arm ISIS, the coup is far from over.”

Chinese government sources, however, had a very different interpretation of events in Turkey. They say the Turkish government was attacked because it was moving away from NATO and towards the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The Turkish government is also negotiating with the Iranian government to create a Sunni/Shia Muslim alliance and renew the Caliphate. The Khazarian mafia front organization ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is trying to stop this by creating a fake Caliphate and acting in disgusting ways designed to make everybody hate Muslims. What is at stake is the $2 trillion in oil and gas money coming out of the Middle East every year.

With such high stakes, Erdogan is now a high priority assassination target and we can expect a lot more trouble in the Middle East before the dust settles. However, if Turkey is working in tandem with Iran and mending fences with Russia and Egypt as well, they appear to have the strongest hand.


The Awakening







Benjamin Fulford Complete Update 11th July 2016

Published on Prepare for Change

Benjamin Fulford Complete Update 11th July 2016
Posted July 14, 2016 by Therese Zumi Sumner

Khazarian mafia power structure crumbling in very public fashion

Posted by benjamin

July 11, 2016

There is a Soviet Union style collapse undeniably taking place in the EU and a civil war brewing in the United States as Khazarian mafia control of the West’s political apparatus continues to fall apart. This is a unique opportunity for humanity to seize freedom after thousands of years of terror and Babylonian style debt slavery.
The names in the link below are being circulated among the military and the agencies and are considered to be “actionable intelligence” about the Khazarian mafia.

The people on that link are only a partial list of those who are being hunted down. A deck of gold backed playing cards will be issued later this week with the names of top Khazarian crime bosses and the size of the gold bounty that will be made available upon their capture.

Some top Khazarians like the Bushes, Clintons, the Rockefellers and senior lieutenants like Henry Kissinger are already being prevented from fleeing justice, according to CIA sources. The Khazarian mafia rats who are able to run and hide have already begun to do so.

Baron David de Rothschild, the Swiss based head of Rothschild Continuation Holdings and of UK based NM Rothschild, the effective head of the Rothschild clan, has “gone off the radar,” according to CIA sources. The group is now being run by the deputy chairman, they say. The phone number at their Zug, Switzerland compound also seems to be no longer working.

However, a CIA source in Europe who says he “talked to Rothschild last night,” says not only are the Rothschilds not in hiding but that “they believe they will be the only ones standing” when the dust settles.

Certainly, if they were the ones who pushed carbon trading as an alternative to killing 90% of the world’s population, they won’t face charges of genocide and mass murder like the Bushes and their ilk.

The Chinese government seems to think they are OK since they have told the heads of over 20 countries they favor a Rothschild/White Dragon Society alliance, Chinese government sources say. No formal deal has been reached as of this writing but, contact was made just one hour before the July 10th deadline passed.

In any case, in an interesting development, mass murderer, top Khazarian mafia henchman and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu is being investigated by Israeli authorities for “massive money laundering in very high amounts,” meaning “billions of dollars,” according to Mossad sources. For this reason Netanyahu has already made preparations to flee to his hideout in

Patagonia, Argentina. The source says either a Netanyahu double will stay behind to take the rap or else Netanyahu will fake his death through “heart attack or stroke.” However, “the real deal is off to the cold country,” the source says. This could be a reference to the Nazi Antarctic bases, the source admits.

Netanyahu may be seeking to hide because the Khazarian mafia’s situation in the US is reaching a boiling point, multiple sources inside the Pentagon and the agencies agree.

The focus of the anger is the fact the FBI refused to press criminal charges against Hillary Clinton even though FBI Director James Comey publicly accused her of crime. Here is how a Pentagon sources summarized the situation: “The mass outrage at Hillary skating and Department of Justice corruption unites the GOP, mil/intel/law enforcement community into a powerful force for regime change against the backdrop of global currency reset and new republic with gold-backed currency.”

Even though Hillary Clinton avoided criminal charges, her presidential bid has been effectively destroyed by the negative publicity surrounding this fiasco. “She is damaged goods who lost the public trust and any chance of winning the White House since she may be denied security clearances and classified intelligence briefings,” the Pentagon source explains.

The source also says “President Obama hates Hillary and leaked the e-mail server information in March, 2015 to make sure Hilary won’t win, even as he pretends to campaign for her.”

Comey’s press conference also left on the public record many grounds for Hillary to be charged with crime in the future. These include leaking state secrets to Israel, “gross negligence” with classified information, perjury to Congress over Benghazi and much more.

Public outrage has already forced the US State Department to announce they will reopen the investigation into her e-mails. The Pentagon and agencies have also cut off Hillary’s access to classified information as a result of this scandal.
In any case, the entire e-mail scandal is a distraction from the Clinton Foundation corruption that threatens to take down most of the Washington DC political establishment.

To prevent the Clinton foundation troubles from spreading, there is also “kill Bill” talk at high levels. Here is how the Pentagon source put it: “A state funeral for Bill would silence Hillary forever, but she would still be prosecuted for leaking and selling state secrets.”

Since Bill Clinton is the son of Winthrop Rockefeller, the Rockefeller faction of the Khazarian mafia may be trying to distract from Hillary’s problems by starting a race war. This was the seeming objective of last week’s Dallas police shooting, which may or may not have involved the actual killing of 5 police officers by a man claiming to “hate whites.”

The Rockefeller hand can be seen in the funding of the hate group Black Lives Matter. It can also be seen as David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook put up a huge “Black Lives Matter” banner on its headquarters after the Dallas incident.

Also, the Rockefeller controlled United Nations Corporation followed by condemning “structural and institutional racism” in the US.

Despite this, Pentagon sources promise “the George Soros-sponsored terror group Black Lives Matter will not be allowed to start race wars to install martial law or suspend elections.”

Several sources also warned there would be a big attempt to use paid thugs to disrupt the Republican convention due to start next week.

Many sources say they expect riots and trouble throughout the summer and heading into the autumn in the US. One Pentagon source went so far as to say that as far as he was concerned civil war has already started in the US.

The situation in the EU has also degenerated to the point that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted “We are in a new situation which is different from anything we have experienced before.”

Although he was referring to relations with Russia, he was also admitting the world was entering uncharted territory. This is because the United Nations Corporation, the EU and the US are all bankrupt as are their subsidiary organizations like the World Bank and the IMF.

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Attempts To Pull The Wool Over Chinese / Korean Eyes – Only To Find There’s No Wool

At least the scenario for the collapse of the EU has already been charted by the collapse of the Soviet Union. It will mean that EU countries will leave one by one until a more democratic and transparent European structure, one that includes Russia, is established.

The public squabbles between various EU leaders and factions since the British people decided to restore their independence make this evidently clear.

The fighting has included Italy proclaiming a 150 billion Euro fund to save its collapsing banking system only to have the Germans publicly rebuke them and say they would not pay. Then Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi retorted by saying Italian bank’s problems were tiny compared to the derivatives problems of other European banks. This was widely interpreted to mean Deutschebank.

Renzi may be talking tough because his party is behind in polls to the anti-EU Five Star Movement headed Bepe Grillo.

Also, a 29 billion Euro German bank has effectively gone under and may trigger a domino effect.

The French people meanwhile, are in a state of open revolt as riots there continue non-stop even though the propaganda press is trying to ignore them. Close to 90% of the population disapproves of President Francois Hollande.

In these circumstances, the EU has already lost its power to force decisions on its member nations. This was seen when the EU tried to reach a trade deal with Canada only to have Germany and France say their Parliaments needed to ratify the agreement. This prompted European Commission chief Jeane-Claude Juncker to declare that all 27 EU parliaments would have to do the same. The result is the EU leadership is now fully dysfunctional.

There is a lot more to the EU chaos but you get the general picture; things are falling apart.

In the newly independent UK, meanwhile, the official release of the long delayed Chilcot report makes it abundantly clear that the Iraqi invasion was illegal and Bush stooge Tony Blair is a war criminal. The British are now seriously reconsidering keeping a military alliance with the US so long as it remains in the control of the Khazarian mafia.

The same is happening with the Turks who have done a 180 degree turn around vis a vis Russia. Last November they shot down a Russian warplane and asked NATO to start a war with Russia. Now, according to Turkish news reports, they have invited Russian troops into Turkey. These reports were later denied but clearly the NATO country with the second largest military after the US is thinking of joining Russia and China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization together with India, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt and Israel. That would leave Saudi Arabia completely friendless unless it too abandons its alliance with the Khazarians. The loss of Saudi oil money will be a fatal blow to the Khazarians.

Of course, the dying Khazarian mob says they are going to go down fighting and we can expect provocations in areas like the South China Sea, incidents involving North Korea, terrorism, bombings, false flag attacks etc. Nonetheless, it is clear humanity is winning the battle for the planet earth.



Hot News! Ben Fulford – August 12, 2013

The Feds, desperate to keep some power, are on the move with bribes

Posted by Benjamin Fulford

Despite a request that I not be contacted unless it was urgent, phone calls from Asia and Europe and messages hand delivered to my remote cottage all indicate that some sort of fundamental change has taken place in the global power structure. For example, the Federal Reserve Board Crime syndicate has begun a massive attempt to buy historical Asian bonds offering billions to holders they previously told to buzz off, according to Asian and BIS sources. This is an attempt on their part to keep some sort of power after what they now see as an inevitable sea change in how the planet’s financial system, and thus its true power, is run, according to MI5 sources in direct contact with the Fed bond buyers.

The Feds are now offering billions of dollars for historical bond boxes they used to buy for a few hundred thousands of dollars if they decided not to kill the would-be seller instead. This may be tempting to the holders of these bonds but they need to remember that at the end of the day the Feds will be lucky to emerge from all this with their skins intact.

In any case, the White Dragon Society has suggested to bond holders that there is no need to sell bonds with a face value of trillions of dollars for a fraction of what they are worth. Instead, the WDS will meet with representatives of the Feds, of Asian Secret Societies, of the illuminati and the committee of 300 in the autumn to try to come up with a win-win solution for everybody. In the meantime, it is recommended that people enjoy the rest of their holidays and charge their batteries for what is likely to be a historical fall in more than one sense.

The big geopolitical change that precipitated this sudden Fed change of heart is the move by Putin, the gnostic illuminati and their allies to force the US corporate government to close embassies throughout the Middle East. This has underlined, for all to see, the biggest geopolitical sea change in the West since the fall of the Soviet Union. Western Europe, which is deeply in debt to the rest of the world is now relying on Putin and his allies for energy. That means, in essence, Western Europe and the Middle East are no longer under cabal military control.

The Pentagon, although still in charge of by far the most potent military force on earth, no longer wishes to work for cabal oil interests in the Middle East. Instead, they are concentrating on successfully surfing the big switch in financial power to Asia and to anti-fascist forces in the West.

The background for this is that Asian royal families and other interests are now looking like they will finally get justice after over 100 years of being lied to and manipulated by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.

In specific financial terms, hundreds of trillions of dollars of bonds issued by the Feds in exchange for Asian gold are likely to be used in a move to bankrupt the Federal Reserve Board. The Neil Keenan lawsuit is part of this effort.

Rather than be declared bankrupt, the families behind the Feds are now trying to buy up as many of these bonds as possible so that even if the Federal Reserve Board goes belly up, they can claim to have trillions of dollars’ worth of these bonds that are suddenly morphing from historical antiques into sources of major power.

A large portion of these bonds, several trillion dollars’ worth, have been pledged to the WDS banner. In addition, gold holders and military forces are lining themselves up to WDS goals. These are to start a massive project to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on a path of exponential expansion into the universe. Compare this to cabal goals of a never ending fake, “war on terror” or a fraudulent global warming con job. The top leadership of the cabal was simply hoping to keep in power indefinitely by killing 5 billion people and enslaving the rest. This is extremely well documented.

In such circumstances it is a good idea to step back and look at the big picture. Global GDP, including offshore financial centers, is less than $100 trillion. Suddenly dumping tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars into the world economy will cause vast changes of the sort anybody could see.

If the money is just handed out like free booze, there would be a huge party followed by a huge hang over. At the end of the day, the same old gangsters would still be in charge.

However, just putting a trillion dollars a year into development projects would mean spending 20 times more than the World Bank, the cabal controlled world order’s largest development institution. That alone would be enough to end poverty.

On a deeper level, we need to realize that current so-called global institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the World Court etc. have been run, in secret, by the families behind the Federal Reserve Board. The 20th century was largely their creation. They brought us two world wars, a cold war, terrorism, constant small wars and the accumulation of all of the world’s wealth and power into a tiny in-bred mafia clan. During that same century they have failed to end extreme poverty even as they presided over the extinction of 30% of all of the world’s species. That is the largest extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out.

What has happened, in a nutshell, is that the people who control the world’s military power have decided that the people they worked for, the ones who controlled the magical Fed private bank money printing press, needed to be replaced.

The big delay so far has not been any love for the people in charge but rather disagreement over what will happen next. Those disagreements are now ending. There are still no firm dates for when the big, visible changes will happen but they will happen.

There is still a lot that cannot be written about yet but rest assured the good guys are winning and the fascist coup d’etat seen in the West after 911 has ended in failure. Enjoy your summer holidays.


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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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