Intel: Ascension Time – Energy Update: Cosmic Recalibration, You Are Not Alone!

Ascension Time – Energy Update: Cosmic Recalibration, You Are Not Alone!

Published on Jun 29, 2017

“The consensus on the cosmic cyber street is this wave is a doozie. Intense shaking, sudden overwhelming need to sleep, low energy, aches and pains, blurry vision and disturbed sleep (waking up at 2.22, 3.33, 1.23) are common symptoms of DNA upgrades, recalibration, see ’10 Signs you are experiencing recalibration of your mind body soul system’ for more info.

Deeply buried emotions bubbling to the surface, triggered for karmic release, can overwhelm us. Our relationships go through great changes as we raise our frequencies. Masks come off as our third eye is activated and we see people for who they truly are. This can be a very upsetting and challenging part of the awakening process. We can feel intensely frustrated by 3d conversations, increasingly preferring solitude. Before we were concerned with social lives, friendship groups, family expectation and cultural convention, matrix programming of what the ‘perfect life’ should look like. Awakening changes all of this, it expands our consciousness, mutes the ego and liberates us from the limited rules and regulations of this reality. We turn inward instead of obsessing about our outward lives. We stop caring about what others say about us, we grow beyond convention and see a bigger world.

Integrating upgrades whilst trying to stay on top of our everyday lives, can cause us to feel irritable, tearful and off kilter. We can feel lonely and disconnected, let down by people we thought cared more about us, depressed by the state of the world and worn down by the daily demands of the matrix. As we struggle to integrate higher frequencies and raise our own vibration to accommodate further recalibration we reach out, looking for other awakening people. The internet is our friend when we wake up, it is where we find information and other people on this path to higher dimensions.

Gregg Prescott’s In5d on fb, web and YouTube is a brilliant source of knowledge about this transformation on Gaia. Michelle Walling’s website and internet radio show offers tonnes of information on how to exit the matrix, what is happening now and what is coming next. Sacred Scribes is the best site on the web for the meanings of number sequences. Higher Self on YouTube is the go to place for all things metaphysical, multi dimensional and magical about the evolution of our planet and her people. Cosmicgypsy333 will answer all your questions on soul tribe. International Starseed Network has chat forums, discussion pages and more. ”

by Morag


Terra Zetzz 

FBI Anon Speaks Out About Syria as it Relates to Pedogate

April 12, 2017

FBI Anon Speaks Out About Syria as it Relates to Pedogate

Several of our viewers have asked if FBI Anon has any information regarding Syria and they are wondering if the current situation puts pedogate on the back burner now.

The responses FBI Anon gave are below:

Q: Are there any thoughts on Syria, and is Pedogate still on Sessions radar?

A: You have to assume the Syrian False flag is a distraction created by those in office who fear a federal investigation.

Q: Any hints as to who, in control, that would be?

A: Various members of both parties, a song bird and his mistress, Anthony Wiener’s guru.

Q: Ok, so McCain, Graham, Schumer – all of those same names keep popping up.

A: There is a reason for this.

Q: Has Trump been compromised?

A: Jared Kushner was instructed to show his wife the most visceral pictures of dead babies.Worked like a charm.

Q. Who ordered Kushner to do this?

A: Nobody ordered. It was suggested. A month ago, Israel lost a jet fighter when the Syrian army shot it down. Netanyahu covered up the story, with help from the Brits, and American MSM. Netanyahu looks weak if the story gets out. Your guests like McConnell and Steele are also correct that the Israeli lobby has been blackmailing our politicians over their pedophilia acts. So, the question should be, who doesn’t want a diversion? This particular Syrian false flag has many fathers, CIA, Mossad, DOD, and mainly McCain, who played middle man and has the blood of those children on his hands.

Q: How is the mood at work?

A: Frankly, we are amazed. The first thing you do when an incident of this nature occurs is that you investigate the forensics. Sarin gas has a signature. Witnesses can also identify Isis from Al Nusra, and Syrian army from local marauders

Q: Who do you think is behind it?

A: Al Nusra clearly. McCain ordered the attack. Notice how vocal he is. Notice who he blames. He blames Assad, Russia, and in part, Trump.

Q: We hear there may be some ground action soon.The date June 1st keeps coming up.

A: That’s not something I would know about. But, that date is being whispered. Perhaps a DOD leak. It happens.

Benjamin Fulford Updates – April 12, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Updates – April 12, 2017

Warning from Japanese military police of possible April 13th mass terror attack on Tokyo.
The Japanese royal family is not going to be in Tokyo on that day. It is also a day of occult significance for the Satan worshippers. It is also in the middle of pass over, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the killing of innocent Egyptians through poison, germ warfare, infanticide etc.
The gnostic illuminati have issued the following warning to the Satanists: If you attack Tokyo then say goodbye to Jerusalem and Rome.

~Benjamin Fulford


April 12, 2017

Many people died to obtain the sent to me by the individual below who, for good reasons, wishes to remain anonymous

I like to comment about something you said in the video titled: “Benjamin Fulford On David Rockefeller’s Passing & the Power Vacuum Created. The Ochelli Effect 2017”

In the video you say that you believe “the Rothchilds are neutral and just want to be left alone”. I can tell you that all those in positions of absolute power like the Queen of England, The Rothchilds, The Bushes, The Clintons, The Rockefellers, The Pope, The hidden Jesuit Hierarchy, etc. they are all ONE big happy blood family. They are all cousins, nephews, uncles & nieces to each other. I know some of these people so don’t let them fool you!

They are like Medusa, one single but intricate brain with many little serpent heads attached. The main figures are not even in the public eye, the top of the pyramid are known as the black nobility AKA Ancient Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers; The Saturnalia brotherhood, “The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati”

The following list of crime families are in total control of the company of Jesus (Jesuits), High Grey Council Of Ten, the Black Pope, the White Pope and everything else you often talk about including all kingdoms around the globe. These are the families that make up the intricate brain/head of the serpent. The self-designated Luciferian Demi-Gods who rule over their own G.O.D. (Gold-Oil-Drugs):

  • House of Borja
  • House of Breakspeare
  • House of Somaglia
  • House of Orsini (Orso)
  • House of Conti
  • House of Chigi
  • House of Colonna
  • House of Farnese
  • House of Medici
  • House of Gaetani
  • House of Pamphili
  • House of Este
  • House of Aldobrandini

As you noticed the Rothchilds don’t make it to the top 13. There are of course other powerful crime families like the Maximus Family, The Pallavicini (Maria Camila Pallavicini is more powerful than Queen Elizabeth) Yes, Queen Elizabeth is a subordinate to this people. The most powerful man in the word is The Grey Pope, his name is Pepe Orsini and he lives somewhere in Italy, most likely Venice & The Vatican. He controls the Black & White Popes who are now both commoners. The Grey Pope always remains unseen!
Did you notice David Rothchild married Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini? Because they are all one huge family who are always changing their last names to keep the conspiracy hidden and to avoid public scrutiny. Many of this people now live in Asia, mainly China, India, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. What does that tell you, Yes, to create the New NWO with Asia at the helm? This is why they slowly moved all the US manufacturing infrastructure to Asia & China.
In short, the Black Pope is the President of this world and the Bourbon King of Spain is the Monarch of the world (Not Queen Elizabeth as most believe) He controls the vatican through the Jesuits -The Spanish Borgias/Borja created the Jesuits- He is also Known as the King Of Jerusalem (What does this tells you about who secretly rules Zionists-Khazarian rough state of Israel?) and the Grey Pope is the “designated” Ruler of it all!

If you are wondering why are always Italians & not Spaniards ruling Vatican city? Because their modus operandi is to always run the show behind the scenes without any publicity or public acclaim and as to not arouse the 500+ age- old Italian hatred for the Spanish. (for details of this see the history of terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI & also The Divorce of Henry VIII -England- from Catherine of Aragon -Spain)

We need to stop looking at Countries as enemies and start looking for those bloodlines & their foot soldiers such as the Comm. of 300, Builderbergs, Trilateral Comm., etc. as the true enemies not only of the human race but of all life upon this planet! if we really want to create the Power vacuum we need on the top of the Pyramid of power to effectively start implementing some real changes we need to move on this Demonized people. Don’t mind about the art & treasure stored within their compounds, for every year one of them live 100,000 of us die. What treasure could be worth that much? We need to nuke them before they nuke us, simple logic Benjamin.

One last note, the best US political leader we have is by far, Ron Paul. He has proven to be the ideal leader for the USA, research him carefully. Lets not support another clown for office. Paul Ryan or any military man would be disastrous as well. They only know to follow orders, it is amazing how mind controlled the military people is, alway following orders blindly (see this 1 min video):

It was such relief to read what you said about Donald Trump in this week report. I am glad you now see him for what he truly is..

~Benjamin Fulford


New Benjamin Fulford Interview – David Rockefeller, The Ochelli Effect – 2017

New Benjamin Fulford Interview – David Rockefeller, The Ochelli Effect – 2017
Thanks to The Event Chronicle for posting……..

Benjamin Fulford joins Chuck on The Ochelli Effect to talk about his experience interviewing global oligarch David Rockefeller who recently passed away. They also discuss the repercussions of the power vacuum created by Rockefeller’s passing.


Saint Germain: We Need A Passion for Compassion 

We Need A Passion for Compassion Saint Germain

Event Is Coming Soon

Published on Apr 10, 2017

Prepare for Change:
We Need A Passion for Compassion ~ Saint Germain

by Therese Zumi Sumner

TZ here: About five years ago I listened to a woman being interviewed about her experiences of growing up in an Illuminati bloodline family. She was in hiding after managing to escape from the group. I will give you some details about two of the events from her life that she described as I recall them. About 4-5 years old she was left alone in a room in her home without food or water for several days. On the second day her mother comes in with a jar of water and a glass. The mother then proceeds to drink a glass of water and when the child asks for some the mother pours the remaining water over her head and leaves the room. When the ritual/test ends, a high ranking male member of the illuminati group that her family is connected with comes into the room and congratulates her on being a strong young woman and having passed her test.

Aged 11-12 she is flown from the European country she lives in to Rome and The Vatican. There, along with two other children of the same age whom she has not previously met, she is taken to a room in the catacombs under the Vatican where a red robed priest is to initiate these three children into the Illuminati. The three children have to stand and look on while the priest ritually murders a baby upon a marble slab in front of them. She recalls that the marble table has a deeper part round the edge for the blood to run into. She says that the baby must have been drugged because she/he did not cry. All she remembers was that she kept saying to herself over and over, again and again through the entire ceremony something like “let it be over soon – let it be over soon – let it be over soon”.

Would you have a problem forgiving this woman for having been a part of, being born into a family like this? I doubt it. We need to remember in these days right now that there are thousands of light human beings that have been incarnated into these families. Some of those who have escaped have been helping the light resistance movement. Cobra has always said that many would leave the groups/families in the end days.

When Saint Germain spoke to us earlier this year through the channel Linda Dillon he spoke at length on this subject of compassion and acceptance. He wants us to have compassion for everyone.

Some of the first updates that we have received from Cobra in 2012 provided details about the so called elite that we often call the cabal. We learned that the core Jesuit group have been ‘running the show on Earth’ for the last 500 years. They have been aided by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers all over the globe. Behind the Jesuit rulers have been the archons controlling their minions mainly from the plasma planes except for some archon leaders who have incarnated into the black nobility families.

If you are among those who have just recently been reading some of the great amount of information regarding how human beings have been controlled by the so called elite, it is very likely and understandable that you are feeling anger towards these dark leaders. Those angry feelings will have to run their course, will need to be allowed, accepted, yet in the end we reach a point of knowing and understanding that people’s actions and choices are always connected to their past experiences and programming.

If you have been ‘at war’ forever then you know nothing else. If you have had to experience trauma, be ready to do anything to survive, then you know nothing else. These souls ~ these extremely sad lost souls ~ have totally lost contact with their hearts. They have learned to stop feeling as a way of surviving.

There Is Always A Choice

Trying to support and love a soul that has closed off their heart to feeling is almost like doing the impossible. Someone who has known war and strife and fear as a way of existing for eons has learned to survive through control and manipulation and they are always on the watch out, always suspicious of, someone who gives unconditionally. All of these souls will always have a choice to choose the light path and go through a process of healing. Many will choose this path and many will not and they will return to the Galactic Central Sun and eventually begin their journey as a new soul all over again.

Here is a quote from Cobra’s update about the Terms of Surrender for the various cabal groups where he also provides details of Each groups origins.

“Second, the Cabal members that surrender willingly will go through a psychological transition to become part of the Light forces and will be treated fairly. They will all be stardusted so if any of them tries something funny before they fully accept the Light, they will be paralyzed immediately and then removed from the planet. During the reconciliation process they will need to fully disclose their past actions and come face to face with people’s anger, but will not be allowed to be treated violently and will not be punished. The biggest punishment for them will be their conscience after they wake up and fully realize what they have done. They will go through a psychological healing process and will live the rest of their lives in service to humanity and Light.” To read this entire update go here;

Saint Germain

Earlier this year Saint Germain had a very important message** for Lightworkers at this time. He said He wanted to discuss 2 categories. He began by discussing the old and unresolved issues that were surfacing – coming to the front both individually and collectively. He strongly urges us to “welcome them with our hearts flung wide open”. I personally have been dealing with my old issues these past months and I’m sure that many of you will recognize this. You think that ‘your there’ that you have finally seen the light and finally ‘got it’ and then that same old issue turns up again and again until you give up and leave it in the Mothers Hands and She lovingly leads you to a calm harbour.

Saint Germain goes on to explain that when these old issues surface that these are things that have not been addressed or seen to. He says “there is no need for drama, there is no need for disassociation. We need ACCEPTANCE – because in acceptance we enter the flow”. He reminded us that at Christmas time we were advised by the Co. of Heaven to be in “willingness and forgiving, however when we are in acceptance we bring forth our alignment with our divine will. Be in your sacred willingness and simply accept and allow this unfoldment”.

Then he continued with the second category and said, “at the same time a second thing is going on – a rapid acceleration of the creations, of your dreams – of your hearts desires* that you are wishing to bring forth. That is the good fulfillment as you are beginning to understand more fully how this process of ascension and fulfillment is working.”

He wants us to “accept in glee, joy, gratitude because then this creation energy will grow and blossom”.

I recall Cobra pointing out in an interview this winter that we should not be waiting for The Event to arrive for everything to change but that we should begin manifesting* our hopes and dreams now. You will all recall that Cobra has been asked by Saint Germaine to help support the arrival of the Nova Gaia new society “Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.”

Wounds and Scars of Wars

Saint Germain told us that we are all recovering on some level from war and the wounds of war. When He says ‘all’ He does mean everyone including all of those people/beings that are holding us hostage. He explained that we are healing the wounds of war as far back as the intergalactic wars, as far back as Atlantis from which all of humanity is suffering from. He reminds us that in this time of rapid change this time of the Fulfillment of the Mothers Plan (which he points out is ‘no pie in the sky’ but very real), the time of Ascension, we are transmuting, letting go of, healing, our burdens, wounds, belief systems, everything that has hurt us.

He discusses the deep mental, emotional and spiritual scars resulting from the many wars here, that are coming to the surface to heal so that “a new skin forms”. One very important part of this healing besides willingness and forgiveness is compassion.

“it is this deep abiding compassion for everybody because everyone has to a greater or lesser extent…you have all been victims, all been robbed of peace….it needs to be healed and it is done with great great compassion.

You have need to adopt a system, a posture, a passion for compassion and I mean this my beloveds for everybody. For those who are totally involved in ISIL, for those involved in the illuminati, those who have been involved in terrible deeds of abuse of power, political social, institutional, structural especially political.

It is understanding with a heart full of love that these people, these fellow human beings who have also all come in the fulfillment of the Mothers Dream, that they have been victims and that in many ways their wounds of war are even deeper because they have engaged in false belief systems. They have engaged in violence with a firm belief that they were on path or correct, ignoring their inner or outer self – it matters not – there cannot be one shred of judgement because it is in this way that you all go forth – that we all go forth together.”

Most Important Now Is Our Balance Emotionally

Let us not allow the final battle that is now taking place to dictate our moods at this time. The cabal are in full panic mode right now and if we allow every new piece of news about the ongoing battle to affect our equilibrium so that some days we feel high with joy and other days down in the depths of despair, then these coming weeks and months will be like a roller coaster ride.

We know that we will have full disclosure. Cobra has said time and time again that no matter what we hear regarding efforts to ‘feed us’ with a partial disclosure this will not happen! We will have full disclosure and nothing else. This is an article on this subject that I wrote a year ago;

The Inferior Is Going the Superior Is Coming

We had amazing results from that last ‘Etheric Liberation Meditation’ indeed Cobra described the results as epic. This meditation reduced the expected remaining time prior to The Event in half! We can be sure that when the time is right the Resistance Movement will suggest that we unite again in a special meditation that will ultimately fast forward The Event arriving at the speed of Love. Next time we must point out clearly that anyone wishing to take part should immediately download the necessary information so that they do not have to rely upon reaching the information as the meditation is about to start. A server crashed last time because up to one million people attempted to access the info simultaneously. This info about a new meditation for peace came in from Cobra just as I was putting the finishing details to this post.

Let us stay calm and in balance at all times connecting daily to Source / Mother – Father One and to Gaia. Balance in every way possible physically, emotionally and mentally is paramount at this time. Do not allow others to steal your energy on any level.

We are in the process of anchoring our divine will on Gaia. Divine Mother – Goddess – Maat needs us working in tandem with Her Divine Will. Earlier this year we were informed that we are doing what needs to be done in this time on Gaia of the rebirth of true democracy – true community – based on the expression of Love and trust, where there is no desire to control with any lies but where integrity and truth are omnipresent.

I recall that Saint Germain mentions in his message** that we have done a “fantastic, fabulous, phenomenal job” even while sometimes waiting impatiently for the ‘fulfillment’ of our Sacred Mother. He points out that by being in acceptance – in the flow – able to forgive, we are allowing the unfoldment.

We are now aware of the fact that we are true sovereign beings with the freedom to create our destiny. We cannot fail because we are working in tandem with the entire Co. of Heaven, with our star brothers and sisters and the entire Galactic Confederation and with the Resistance Movement.

Remember what our Divine Mother reminded us a while ago namely that we need to remember the potential that each of us carry. She said that we “need to comprehend the scope of what you are capable of – independent of how you see yourself – that you are of my Essence.”

She told us that She has “heard our cries, pleas and tears in the night – not sure that we can go on – yet also that you know it’s the time of the fulfillment of your plan and My plan…. (which entails) the unfoldment of Love – the re-anchoring of Love as the fundamental energy and guiding principle of existence in this realm.”

After The Event

The Plan after The Event is for us to fully anchor our roles as co-creators of Mothers Divine Will. We are right now laying the ground to solidify and cement those goals. Things are starting to speed up. There is a sense that things could happen at a quicker pace. We need to personally take precautions to secure what has been gained. We are being led every step of the way on the entire journey and nothing can go wrong.

We should stay in our heart, let our heart lead the way in correcting any situation. We know the truth and we should not allow any old ego fears to hold us back. We know who we are now. Change is the only constant – Mother is moving on and She needs us with Her now.

Victory to the Light

Link: St. Germaine on Personal and Global Healing ~ An Hour with an Angel

Therese Zumi


Kent Dunn Intel Update: List of Bribed Republican Politicians, Nuclear Bombs And More

January 4, 2017

Kent Dunn Intel Update – List of Bribed Republican Politicians, Nuclear Bombs Defused In New York, CIA vs NSA Gun Battle, & More – January 4, 2017

Notes, Commentary, and Additional Research by: AscensionWithEarth.Com

Video by: Gary Larrabee YouTube Channel

Intel Report by: Kent Dunn

Date: January 4, 2017

A List of Names of Bribed Republican Party Leaders Paid Off By Hillary Clinton

A computer hard drive that belonged to the Clinton Foundation was stolen back in 2009.  It contained information related to the ‘pizzagate & pedogate’ pedophilia network, including billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island, also information about Hillary Clinton selling chemical weapons to Iraq.  Which was a false flag operation to give the USA Corporation a reason to go to war with Saddam Hussein in Iraq.  This hard drive is now in the hands of the agency White Hats and the contents of this hard drive are scheduled to be released through Wikileaks headed by Julian Assange.
Kent Dunn says that when Hillary Clinton was running against Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, her Super PAC was bribing the republican leadership that were running against Donald Trump.
Side note: Research shows that Hillary Clinton’s largest Super PAC supporter, Priorities USA Action, raised a total of $192,052,125 according to OpenSecrets.Org. George Soros was listed as the largest donor of this Super PAC at $6 million.

Kent Dunn continues to name all the elite politicians that accepted bribes from Hillary Clinton’s Super PACs.

Bribed Politicians

Jeb Bush

Carly Fiorina

John Kasich

John McCain

Lindsey Graham

Paul Ryan
Kent Dunn says that Paul Ryan is turning against Trump including personally attacking Assange saying that Assange is ‘a sycophant for Russia’ .  Most people at this point in time know that it was the White Hats in the CIA and NSA that was handing off the information to a former English Ambassador, named Craig Murray.  Ambassador Craig Murray publicly came out in December 2016 and testified that it was people from inside the United States that gave him Hillary Clinton’s emails and declared it was not Russia.
You can read Ambassador Murray’s public testimony about this situation from the Daily Mail UK here, or Zero Hedge here.  Even former CIA White Hat Black Ops Commander, Dr. Steve Pieczenik claims that the WikiLeaks emails from Hillary and John Podesta are from multiple US agencies and not Russia.
Later in the video, Kent Dunn says that they, the six republicans named, will all have to answer as to why they have taken money from the Super PACs of Hillary Clinton.   The reason for these bribes was to turn the republican political leadership against Donald Trump so that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 presidential election.

CIA vs. NSA – Gun battle between the Intelligence Agencies on the streets of Manhattan, New York
NSA Building In Manhattan, NY

Side Note:
Kent Dunn states in the video that TITAN POINT is the name of the CIA operation, whereas Dr. William Mount and Sorcha Faal have reported today that TITANPOINTE is the call sign of the NSA ‘listening’ station in Manhattan.
It reads like a spy thriller novel but according to the New York Daily News, police officers reported that there was a car chase that took place and the two drivers involved, began firing their guns from their vehicles. A man was wounded in the gun battle and refused to talk with police after being questioned at the hospital.  According to a report from Sorcha Faal that was released on January 4th, states that the man that was shot was working for the CIA. The elites are fighting each other openly on the streets of New York which shows signs of desperation from the dark cabal.

Here is the exact quote from the New York Daily News.

    “Cops said two drivers were chasing each other, and someone began firing from one of vehicles, hitting an occupant of the other car. The wounded man, 31, walked into New York-Presbyterian Hospital Lower Manhattan on his own and reported he was shot. Cops tried to question him, but he was uncooperative and refused to provide details, a police source said.” Source: New York Daily News

Nuclear Bombs in New York City

The great news shared by Kent Dunn is that multiple nuclear bombs have been cleared out of the tunnel systems of New York including the one placed underneath Trump Towers.

The Sheeple are awakening

Mass Arrests The 15,000 arrest warrants are still being acted upon in the United States and now China is doing their own mass arrest operations against cabal operatives in their country as well. 

 Major clean up is taking place to remove the negative influences in these major super power countries.

Chicago and FBI Corruption

Kent Dunn says the dark hats within the FBI have been caught giving guns and drugs to the street gangs and drug dealers in Chicago, Illinois.  Buffalo Airlines was importing the drugs and guns into the United States which have been link to the Bush Cabal in previous intel reports.  This is a major concern for the citizens of Chicago and the police as it is considered a major epidemic for 2016, as a record number of shooting and homicides took place.
    A long and violent year [2016] in Chicago ended with a record number of shootings and the most homicides in two decades, police say. The Windy City saw 3,550 shooting incidents and 762 murders last year, a grim total that works out to an average of more than two murders and nearly 10 shootings every single day. Source: ABC News

Gold and Silver Spot Price To Jump Dramatically
The Chinese had a meeting in Antarctica and agreed to fix the spot price of gold and silver.  Below is the listed spot price that is rumored to be the corrected value of Gold and Silver per ounce.  Shanghai Gold Exchange and the London gold exchange are prepared to raise the spot price of these two precious metals.

Gold – $9,098 an ounce

Silver – $1,000 an ounce

Who are Kent Dunn Intel Sources?
Kent Dunn says that his sources are coming from the Secret Space Program , FBI, and other government agencies.

Dave Schmidt “Dinar Guru”
Kent Dunn says that Dave Schmidt out of Sedona Arizona, a controversial Dinar Guru, is under investigation by the FBI. FBI source state that they already have a case built up against Dave Schmidt.

Eric Holder
Former U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, was being investigate for money laundering and other crimes by the White Hats and was interrogated.  Eric Holder “sang like a bird” and named many cabal members who now will be tried at a Military or World Wide Tribunal for crimes against humanity.

Final Commentary
As with all information presented on this blog, please use discernment and conduct your own investigation into the information presented.  It is up to you to continue to question everything that enters your Awareness and find the answers that fits your belief system.
Thank you to Gary Larrabee, Kent Dunn, and his deep sources for continuing to put out incredible information that challenges the status quo of main stream media.  Fantastic news and intelligence reports continue to come in from various sources like Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Yosef, Benjamin Fulford, Kent Dunn, Al Hodges, Stew Webb, Tom Heneghan, Sorcha Faal, Preston James, Gordon Duff, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Cobra, including the many amazing alternative news blogs. Blog will continue to report on the most controversial, leading edge, and news worth developments from around the world and across the universe.  Stay tuned for more ‘fake news’!


Sheldan Nidle Update: January 3, 2016


Sheldan Nidle Update – January 3, 2016

Etznab, 1 Chen, 13 Caban

Dratzo! After several further serious discussions about the reasons for an ever-changing “philosophie de guerre,” the funding projects continue to move forward. Essential differences concerned how the new post-prosperity world was to be governed. The lack of a thorough worldview was exposed and, in an earnest series of in-depth discussions, reviewed by all parties, a detailed agenda was proclaimed. We are presently united in a number of goals and the timing to correctly implement them. This much-needed prologue occurred owing to a number of attempted shenanigans employed by the illegal US Corp. What is exciting is that we are truly on the same page. The new governance is a revolutionary and diverse group of individuals who, at times, have not always worked harmoniously together. This organic process has gone through its own quiet revolution and emerged whole. We are changing many fundamental processes and formulating a way for the group to successfully manage this very complex situation. This has resulted in a style that can now produce a really wondrous set of required solutions! At present we are preparing a general schedule of events and are confident that the best is yet to come.

   The inner workings of a definitive solution are owing, in part, to a long overdue meeting of minds. We now feel deeply that this new general agreement is the essential next step to move your world beyond the old system produced by the Anunnaki, which was for the sole benefit of their minions. We are creating a global society that is in tune with the increasing new global consciousness. This future realm is to be prosperous, free and, most importantly, sovereign. Its mindset is to be capable of understanding the new goals of this still-forming society. It possesses a multitude of variations that are to be supported by regional governance. This process is to allow new levels of mutual tolerance to grow and prosper. Every day, it is also moving you toward an atmosphere of disclosure. This one fact shows us how rapidly your “pursuit of happiness” is altering your realm. It is in this world that we are gladly to appear. Our introduction, and that of the Agarthans, is to be the glorious final stage of this ever-continuing change. You are evolving quickly into the stages that anticipate the rise of a truly remarkable galactic society!

   As you grow in consciousness, you grow in other ways as well that alter how you perceive this ever-changing reality. Humanity first devolved in the latter days of Atlantis and then slowly, after the last Golden Ages, began to re-evolve. This time was marked by a gradual upward movement, from the endless barbarity of the world in 20th century B.C. to the present. We carefully watched this forward movement as we ourselves pushed avatar after avatar at you. Heaven added to this process as special heavenly sisterhoods and brotherhoods were added to hasten this wondrous process. Thus, the present time is a sweeping operation by Heaven to ensure that the dark abandons this reality at the right divine time. This is now unfolding and the complex process that you call “ascension symptoms” is ever ongoing. This, therefore, is a special time to prepare surface humanity for its coming tasks so it is able to resume its guardian role with Gaia and her many ecosystems. This time is also a preparation for you to accept us, and your Agarthan cousins.

   This process is deeply tied to your upward shift in consciousness. Heaven is committed to raising your perceptions of this realm and to make you aware of how interconnected a process it truly is. You have already learned about this sacred connection in the course of the global ecology movement. Now, you need to go further and discover a number of divine rules by which Heaven spreads and maintains life, not only on Gaia, but throughout this galaxy. As we moved through this galaxy, we became privy to the many different ways that Spirit maintains life. This series of sacred operations still amazes us. It is this wisdom that you are to encounter as you become a galactic human. We have had the privilege of discovering seemingly infinite varieties of life. Each was connected to a specific order of environment, showing the abiding wonder of life and its truly endless diversity. We look forward to watching you, as you journey through this magnificent realty.

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Over the past few decades, we have seen a kind of roller coaster scenario in effect. Our intent is for the primary goals of this quiet spiritual revolution to forge ahead. Heaven, in its infinite mercy, has allowed our associates to proceed in a most irregular manner. Thus, the various projects have moved forward in the oddest ways. We commend each one of you for maintaining your positive energies, even though the results have yet to manifest. It is important for you to know that Heaven is working with us to see that this new Gregorian year of 2017 begins with a degree of overt manifestation that can quickly become evident to all. At times, this process can become quite disconcerting. Our associates have been able to let go of all the past difficulties. Hence, they have finally agreed to terms that will make possible the release of the many instruments that are the sources for funding. This is to signal that many critical events are nearing completion.

   Heaven released a great many energies at the end of the past year to cleanse this solar system and commence a rapid change in separate realities. Over the past millennia, this solar system has been held in a kind of suspension. Planetary hosts and accompanying Angels have been blocked by the constant intervention of the dark. This condition ceased with the near-solar nova event in the early 1970s. Venus, Mars and Pax are now being readied for your occupation in the near future. This heavenly operation is another sign that the delay that has been the overriding condition of this reality is approaching a well-deserved conclusion. At present, the major planets of the life belt in this solar system are, in fact, quite active. This is yet another sign of positive progress. The DIVINE WILL of Heaven is about to emerge. Hence, this is to be a most joyous year for everyone!

   You are a remarkable group of Beings who have incarnated on Gaia at this time. Heaven has fashioned a unique set of agreements with you. Our sacred task is to provide the necessary rare and divine grace to enable you to fulfill the prime reasons why you are here. This task has provided an opportunity to discover how we relate to each other, and this process is constantly evolving as we approach the moment when all of these points intersect. It is to include a teaching that is to give you a true history of this society, from its rough beginnings at the fall of Atlantis. This will be the time when you are able to see why we need to embrace this new reality. This is to lead to a meeting with the Agarthans and, most of all, with our spiritual and space families. Much is destined to occur and many things are to be disclosed. Be in Peace and, most of all, be secure with what is shortly to happen. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we have had yet another chance to see what is truly happening on the surface of this most beautiful orb. Remain patient! It has taken a LONG time to reach our current state. A number of events are preparing to manifest and transform all the frustration that up until now has continuously surrounded you. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)







Photo by Angel4Light


Great things Are happening and more. Be in Joy!

The Breakthrough is Near: Current Events & Intel Compilation

The Breakthrough is Near — Current Events & Intel Compilation

Video by Event Is Coming Soon

Published on Dec 31, 2016

By Jonathan Carty.

Greetings everyone, I hope you are all doing well. In this article I would like to present a compilation of current events and intel that show how close we are to a final breakthrough here on Earth.

I know the words near, soon and imminent have been used to death but when we realize how long this planet has been in quarantine and under control of the dark forces, 25,000 years, it makes a few months or years seem manageable; do-able, if you will. Or perhaps survival-able is better. Yes that one sounds more correct.

Now no one knows when The Event will happen. We can try to pinpoint a date or time period but it’s not easy to do this as there are billions of people with free will who are constantly changing the course of events, not to mention the clearing of the remaining Plasmic Toplet Bombs to ensure the safety of the planet and its inhabitants. The main timeline though, per Cobra’s sources and intel, is a positive one and victory of the light has been assured, so we needn’t put too much focus into the negative.

One of the ways we can tell we are close to a grand change is the highly discussed wave of energy hitting the planet right now. This information got me really excited as it lined up with some of Cobra’s information about the Galactic Center (the Pleroma):


“Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one…”

Here is another excerpt about the Galactic Wave from a previous post on Cobra’s blog:

“This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings…”



One Who Believes: Here we are at the end of evil, Thank God.

Please share this video. 

One Who Believes: Here we are at the end. I expect It to go today/tomorrow (Friday/Saturday)

gary larrabee

Published on Dec 30, 2016

Importantly, it has already “officially” started on Thursday the 22nd
We are now waiting for the “Public” go time (800#s)
I call it public because when the 800#s come out, it will be on public screens in the Banks.
We go first when it is “Public” and then later they will Announce that it is public.
Big difference between the two.
Mass Arrests 15,000 of them start on Sunday the 1st.
Once this starts, life as you know it on Planet Earth will NEVER be the same.
There will be something new and exciting each and every day for the rest of your life.
Tick Tock, Time is on our side!
Your Friend,
P.S. If anything big happens, I will send you an email!!!
More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 12-30-16 
From Recaps Comment Section:

Ralph:  From the various sources I have maintained over the past four plus years, I will report the following on what I have been told. Please realize that this information DOES NOT ORIGINATE with me and use your own discernment.

The information is as follows: Certain “fires were lit” before the Christmas Holiday to insure that the GCR/RV process would remain on track for a timely occurrence to what we are both wanting and needing.

The “fires were lit” by a very prominent and public figure which from what I know and who I know, I personally believe this to be true.

None of these sources gave either a “window of time” or an “exact time” as to when this occurrence might transpire, but from the questions I asked and the answers given, I could certainly tell from their tone of voice that we will not be waiting much longer.

It is my sincere hope that the aforementioned comments bring both hope and clarity to this event. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!! Ralph


No more war or the Enslavement of Humanity


Be ready for a GREAT life starting NOW


Karma is kicking butt starting NOW. The 1% are freaking out!



From Angel4Light


Galactic Connection




Posted by stevew | Dec 28, 2016 | 2016, Alexandra’s Missions, Ascension, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog, Video | 0 |
Please Note: The I AM text is added at bottom.


In this video, Alexandra delivers an exciting and historic message from Prime Creator. She precedes the message with a summary of recent events that attest to the remarkable changes the world is going through.

Good Morning Folks!

I did not get the verbiage attached to the video message in time but am sending it now. The statements suggested by Prime Creator are in bold. Thank all of you for the beautiful and supportive messages coming in. And many have asked about defining a sector.

Here it is:

1 Sector equals the following:

13 stellar galactics

13 cosmos

13 galaxies

13 universes

1 solar system

1 planetary system

Prime Creation’s creations make up 250,000 quad trillion sectors.

OK – lots of love



December 23, 2016

Dear Alexandra

I am here to give you an up-to-date message of what people are wondering as to what is transpiring with them both physically and spiritually.

There is so much happening to the physical shell as well as the physical world at this time.  I will keep it to a minimum so all have some sort of understanding without all the lengthy details.  As many of you are aware, you are all going through the last phases of Ascension physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Let’s look at all of these parts individually.

Physical structural changes that are occurring in the physical body:

Your body structure that you currently have was made of a clay based structure, with a carbon-based structure combined with elements that will not be disclosed at this time.  These structures include your essence, peptides, the nucleus, subatomic structures, atoms, and quantum entanglement with someone else’s genetic make-up that was not pure and did not come from the Prime Creator.  The original structure of the Prime Creator and that lineage is and was of a crystalline structure.  I have created a new crystalline structure never experienced before that you will have and are changing into.

These imposter beings created a plane that then created quantum entanglement that was not made from love, and therefore not made by the Prime Creator. These beings were all of a similar frequency and came from other sectors convinced they were the only beings who existed.  There were 75 sectors and a Creator for of each one of them.

These beings concocted a plan to conquer, defeat, and destroy the Prime Creator of all things that the Prime Creator was, is, and will be.  This was demonstrated through unspeakable acts done to the Prime Creator and his lineage.  Firstly, the beings created the big bang, shattering the crystalline structure of the Prime Creator and other beings that were nearby who were shattered as well.  This act allowed them to manipulate and experiment on others that were not shattered.   These beings then proceeded to pillage the Prime Creator’s Library of Books of Creation and other assets of the Prime Creator, with the hope that they would someday be what the Prime Creator was, is and will be.  They hoped they would be and obtain all the Prime Creator’s wisdom, knowledge, Intelligence, abilities, attributes, and spiritual tools.  These acts were then repeated on the Prime Creator’s lineage with the intention of amassing all the benefits of Prime Creator’s gifts strictly for themselves. They were driven to be the greatest rulers there ever was.   What they did not understand is they may have destroyed the physical crystalline shell that housed My essence and My soul but they never really destroyed Me or my lineage.

Now with the simplified explanation provided, I can now explain what you are transforming out of.  I have created a brand new crystalline structure of a physical shell those who are ascending to a higher vibration will be physically transformed into.  This will be done while releasing all the old structures that you were made of.  There will be no recreating anything that was created prior to this ever again.  So, if you are being told to reactivate or recreate your old blueprint please steer clear of these things, as it is indicative of the imposters trying to trick you back into their looping system.

Now with this new information, I would like to bring something of great importance to your attention! You all must understand how badly you have been deceived.  You have been told many times that all is the illusion and false information.  Understand you exist at the farthest point of these events which took place, meaning you are the largest and most extreme amplification of those original events.  Think of the original pin hole being projected out and away. The farther away you get from the hole the larger the pin hole is.

The next piece of information I need to explain is that everyone has their own books of creation.  These books match your energy signature.  So, when someone else attempts to duplicate your touch and use your books, it creates another energy signature with quantum entanglement and can be identified. This is because once again everyone and everything has it’s own unique energy signature.  So hopefully with this clarification you can now understand the repercussions of what occurred when my books were stolen from me. When these beings were using my books, they found my formulas encrypted and did not understand them. Due to this lack of understanding, they changed My original formulas when creating things.  Because these were My books of Creation, it appeared that what was created by these beings came from Prime Creator and naturally all felt that it was my responsibility to correct their miscreations.  It was never My responsibility to save them from what they did and whom they did it to.

Their plans had always worked with other beings in other sectors. Frankly, this is how they went from one sector to 75.  They always used the same devices, same patterns, same plans, and same repeating templates to create how to get what they wanted at no cost to themselves.  Nor did they care what they did to achieve that.  They were and are missing many genetic structures and a lack of intelligence, knowledge, and abilities.  Everything they have every created is miscalculated, distorted, what they call imperfect, and incorrect.  They never looked to review the future of what they have created or how these creations have effects anyone or anything.  They just create a plane and move on, disregarding what they do or what effects they have on all of life.

Now, with this knowledge presented, I would suggest you stop participating in the following, because the energy that it creates and comes from is these same beings. I refer to them as the false Gods that many follow religiously. These suggestions are as follows:

Refrain from all things that are invocations, incantations, covenants, ceremonial magic which includes some sort of ceremonial religion – (for example, the sign of the cross literally shatters your energy and gives your power away to another giving the service).  Even a blessing is stronger than a curse. And this is only highlighting what these things do to you.

When you participate in these sorts of things, you are giving up parts of yourself! Here is how:

1st You are being bound, embodied through righteousness, entitlement, ownership, and enslavement – giving up all the good things you have created to these beings and leaving you with bread crumbs. Also, you are allowing and accepting it which means you are giving permission to have this happen!

2nd If this is done on earth, you are also allowing, accepting, and giving permission for them to exchange whatever they desire for their services rendered.  You actually receive all their karmic debt that they transferred onto you and it is done in the manner of a repeating infinity symbol, meaning no exit point…or should I say the debt can never be paid off.

I want you to stop looking outside yourself for truth. it is within you and has always been there all along.  You have your own team of you and your aspects of you

You can start by talking to your I AM who is a part of you. Start by saying the following:

“I AM only working with my I AM and my Divine Self and the Prime Creator.

I AM only to receive all work and hear all information from the one’s I have consciously chosen to work with.

I AM, please remove all impersonators, imposters, and shapeshifters who at this time I AM unable to discern who the true being is by their energy signature.

I AM please teach and show me how to discern a true energy signature of myself, my Divine Self and Prime Creator so I may stop being deceived. 

I AM please teach and show me how to discern true information from false information.

I AM please bring me the Prime Creator’s truth on all this information as mine is distorted.  Thank you it is done.

You all need to understand you are in class with me, the Prime Creator every night. I am teaching you with full comprehension everything that is happening on earth and off earth at this time.  You are never uninformed as to what is happening with you.   You have the latest information each and every night as to all the work that is being done for you, humanity.  This is why I am telling you to go within to receive this information! You already have it! What I am going to tell you is that this is a time to keep this information to yourself as many of you are not able to discern who is around you that fell from grace.
For example, there are only 125 of my direct lineage on the earth at this time. (thus, the proverbial needle in the haystack these beings are looking for).  80% of the population that is leaving are mostly beings that created this illusion, what is coined as the grand experiment.  And this reference has been made because these beings do not understand what it means to create with accountability and taking full responsibility of what one creates.

You may be surprised to hear that anything created with a triad and expands out from that triad, connects to sacred geometry. They create a triad of 3 beings to create a force of energy. Everything they create is mechanical and from a triangle. All triangles are being uncreated and everything connected to them is being uncreated, dismantled in all sectors from all things with a consciousness. The triangle was a creation after their original “V” which traverses energy from a beginning point through the being they are traversing energy to, and then to whatever they are creating.  They also use binary code, vector codes, and algorithms to keep us bound, as well as to conquer, defeat, and separate you. Look up the definition of an algorithm and absorb it’s true meaning! This is a binding action which creates a force of energy that is not made from love.  Love is free flowing energy and never bound to and by any shape! Remember to let go of all you thought to believe to be truth, and include all the identities of who you are were, or would have been. The Identity keeps you separate from you, all of your aspects, and your soul.

Time does not exist – time and all its wheels and all it connections have been uncreated – time keeps you on the wheel of perpetual motion with no exit point once again.  It keeps everything repeating in cycles of 1 millennia, which = 25,000 years – repeating the same process from the beginning of this “Illusion” with an infinity symbol. The question is “are you done playing this game of theirs yet?”

At this time, you may be experiencing with your mind, and physical body a loss of time, a loss of thoughts, a sense that your surroundings seem the same but different.  This is part of the quantum shift of releasing out of the old energy into a higher energy that is different.

Again, there are amplified reactions and symptoms of flu, sinuses, chest congestion, sore throat, ear congestion and pain, and intestinal detoxing going on. It is up to the individual to be an active participant in releasing all that is being released from the physical body. Meaning the more one resists the longer and the more amplified these symptoms can be. 

You can say now:

I Am removing wherever I AM is resisting these changes coming into and out of my body.

Please remove them now with all aspects of myself.

I am choosing grace and ease for this process. Thank you. It is done.”

All the events, repeating patterns, effects, and things described in this letter are in the process of being released in all sectors. All original beings have been located, contained and their aspects are being picked up and removed in all sectors. These beings will be and are being held accountable for what they have created.

There is so much healing being sent to all things with a consciousness now, so please accept the work that has been done on your behalf. State daily

I accept and receive the work that has done for myself, all aspects of my being, and my lineage. Thank you. It is done.”

With Love

Prime Creator

Sector of Creation




Please Share this great information

Kent Dunn Intel Update: Mass Arrests, Healings, Purges And Very Exciting News

Kent Dunn Intel Update – Mass Arrests Planned for January 2017, Healing Light Ships, Purging of Negative Inner Earth Groups – December 29, 2016

Intel Report by: Kent Dunn
Video by: Gary Larrabee YouTube Channel
Article: (Commentary is in blue italics.)

***Discernment About Kent Dunn Intel Updates From Deus Nexus and Stillness In The Storm***

Hilton Hotel Family Tied To Global Pedophile Network

Kent Dunn has been off for the past few days and much has happened. The Hilton family, famous for the establishment of the Hilton Hotels and socialite/celebrity heir Paris Hilton are involved in a global pedophilia network.  Kent Dunn sends out an alert to the White Hat and White Knight special forces to investigate the Hilton Hotel in Branson, Missouri.

(A quick google search for Hilton Hotels in Branson, Missouri turns up a couple of Hilton affiliated hotels. The upscale resort venue is called Hilton Promenade at Branson Landing, which features fine dinning, golf course, located within a shopping and entertainment district.  More information about the Hilton hotels in Branson, Missouri can be seen at the following link

Mass Arrests

After January 1, 2017 the U.S. government has 15,000 arrest warrants.  They have about 30,000 FBI agents to act on these arrests warrants which are targeting dark cabal members. 10,000 bankers from around the world have already been arrested.

Anunnaki and Negative Inner Earth Groups

The Anunnaki bloodline families that have been born on earth are not allowed to leave the planet.  Some of them have switched sides and are now working with the light warriors, asking for protection because they know that their time of rule has ended.

Kent Dunn says that multidimensional light beings such as the Archangels and God are actively trying to shift the frequency of the earth to higher vibration frequencies to match that of 7th dimensional all the way up to 16th dimensional energy frequencies.  This is done in order to force the negative inner earth groups to the surface of the planet. Kent Dunn states that the energy will be so intense on these negative beings who live in inner earth, that they will not be able to handle the new energy changes.  Kent Dunn is quoted as saying “they are going to be bleeding from every orifice”.

Kent Dunn names some of these negative groups as the Reptilians, Anunnaki, Arcturians.  The light forces are purging this earth of all negative energy influences.  Other E.T. groups aligned with the so called “Light Forces” will move their space ships into position around earth during this influx of energy.  When the negative beings in inner earth emerge from out of the ground, the ‘E.T. Light Forces’ will capture them.

(It should be noted here that to claim a whole group or race is negative is not accurate and is more of a racist ideology.    Just as if one human commits a horrible act, the entire human race is not responsible for the action of that one individual.  Doing a search of the Arcturians brings up more positive messages than negative ones.  More information should be provided by Kent Dunn about this group since other messages in the alternative community contradict Kent’s message of the Arcturians.

Could it be that Kent Dunn is trying to convey the message that negative beings who are not in frequency alignment with the incoming galactic waves of energy will be severely effected?

Based on the more general interpretation of the incoming energetic waves affecting beings of lower vibrational frequency would correlate better with information coming from Corey Goode and David Wilcock.  As you may know they have been relaying messages from the Blue Avians and Sphere Being Alliance stating that the Blue Spheres are actively trying to soften the impact of the galactic waves of energy hitting earth.  The Blue Avians mention that if the cosmic energy was not being buffered at this moment, humanity would be experiencing something to the effect of “end time madness”.

Here is a brief dialog about the galactic waves of energy between David Wilcock and Corey Goode.)

    Corey: And with all of these new influxes of galactic energy that are coming in through the sun and being buffered by the spheres, we’re seeing a lot of strange behavior in people. And they’re not immune from it.

    David: Right. So this vibrational increase is causing, as you’ve said to me off camera, end time madness. People are acting more crazy. They’re emotionally agitated. You also mentioned that their karma, old karma is coming up for them.

    Corey: Right. People are being forced into karmic cycles until they learn what they need to learn and accomplish what they need to accomplish. – Source: Sphere Being Alliance

(The report from Kent Dunn is very hard to fathom even for the already awakened community so it will be interesting to see how this frequency bombardment on earth actually affects each individual person as opposed to specific groups or races of beings.)

Star War’s Actress Carrie Fisher and Her Family

Kent Dunn continues to make some incredible claims about how Star War’s actress Carrie Fisher and her famous mother Debbie Reynolds were part of the cabal and had many dirty secrets, suggesting that both Fisher and Reynolds were murdered this past week.  Apparently Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd is also “in on it” and Kent Dunn does not know how Mrs. Lourd will be dealt with.

New Zealand

Kent Dunn says that the dark cabal are planning to move to New Zealand for an unknown reason.  The White Hats and White Knights are aware of this situation and will not allow the cabal to retreat to New Zealand.  Kent Dunn says to look for something to happen near New Zealand very shortly.


Kent Dunn states that in February 2017, space ships will start coming out of the Antarctica bases for the purpose of healing people.  The healing ships will be able to scan an individual in 3 minutes to identify a persons health problems and in 8 minutes completely heal an individual of any health problems including age regression.  (This intel update concerning Antarctica is unique as data from other sources have not mentioned these types of operations occurring out of Antarctica.  It would be interesting to get comment from Corey Goode about this specific intel coming from Kent Dunn)


Humanities DNA is waking up from its slumber and changing due to the cosmic influx of energies.  Everything is shifting and working according to a divine plan.

Global Currency Rest & Revaluation of Currencies

Currency rate changes are supposed to come out today. Kent also heard that January 2017 is supposed to be the best time for people who hold currency.

Kent Dunn addresses the skeptics and negative reactions to his intel and commentary.  Kent says that his contacts are putting their life on the line to bring information out to the public.  This is Kent’s mission to disseminate truth to the public.

Gary Larrabee ends this video with a prayer.

End of Video

Article and Commentary:


Kent Dunn Second Update On December 29, 2016

Kent Dunn Delivers a Divine Message from God for all of You Chosen Light Workers World Wide



NOTE from Angel4Light:

Here is yet another update that I find exciting and mind blowing intel.


Many find this information too far out to believe, but trust is key here.

Over 10 years ago GOD appeared to me in my vehicle driving in heavy traffic at 45mph, the inside of my car lit up like a light. I couldn’t see anything but GOD and felt his Devine glory. He appeared to me as Jesus and stretched out his hands as a father would do to embrace you. I cried with tears of joy and expressed my love and devotion. He said with a voice of LOVE “Bring my Children to me”.

I was concerned about the people driving around me that morning as they might not be ready to leave, I was concerned that they hadn’t been right with GOD and might need time to mend their ways. I was aware that my car was moving with the traffic, although I couldn’t see anything but the bright light and GOD before me. I asked GOD then to give the people more time, and he did. Not because of just my wish but it was GOD’s will to do so. It seemed like a long time that I got to talk to GOD that faithful morning. I had no concerns but to serve the best way that I could. The car seemed to drive itself but I know that GOD was at the wheel. The rest of the story is glorious and I will share it with you later.

For now, I want to get this published to share the great deeds that are being done for humanity.

I say to all my brothers and sisters of the light, keep shining and keep those prayers and meditations going, they are Nukes to Satan and  the evil minions.

Victory to the light!




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Violet Rays Healing our DNA

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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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