A Rant on Medicine and Health that EVERYONE Should Hear!!!

A Rant on Medicine and Health that EVERYONE Should Hear!!!

We The People Insider 1776

June Ann Subject: Processed Food

June Ann Subject: Processed Food

By June Ann

Processed Foods

Our food today has been denatured through excess refining and processing. This may have made it more convenient and given it a longer shelf life, but it has stripped it of its freshness, aliveness and
nutrition, leaving it devoid of quality. It is bulk to fill up our stomachs but without much nutritional density, meaning our body is left craving more.

To make matters worse, processed food is routinely produced with a massive range of toxic chemical ingredients, designed to change its appearance, change its flavor and make it addictive – so you’ll keep buying more and more.

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is used in many foods today (e.g. noodles, chips) and is sometimes disguised as yeast extract, potassium glutamate, autolyzed yeast, yeast food, yeast nutrient, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, hydrolyzed oat flour, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, textured protein, maltodextrin, malt extract, bouillon/broth/stock, any flavors or flavoring, natural flavoring, artificial flavoring, natural beef flavoring, natural chicken flavoring, seasoning, spices or autolyzed yeast extract. The truth is that MSG is a dangerous excitotoxin which can cause migraine headaches and balance difficulties, precipitate severe shortness of breath, asthma attacks and heart irregularities, cause disabling arthritis and depression, not to mention behavioral problems in children.

HCFS (high fructose corn syrup) is another dangerous ingredient that is used as a sugar substitute in many foods today, and has been implicated as a major cause of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, dementia, liver failure, tooth decay and cancer.

Then there are the thousands of synthetic dyes, colors, preservatives and other ingredients which are placed in our food and end up in our bodies, accumulating and slowly causing disease over time.

One of the best solutions to all of this is to buy organic, buy local (e.g. from a Farmer’s market) and eat food that comes from farms not factories. Eat food as close to the raw state as you can, so there is minimal processing, but, detoxing what the body has accumulated over time is also recommended to prevent diseases that may occur as a result of theaccumulation these toxins. Get the stuff out of the body! A regimen of 4 drops of liquid Zeolite in a beverage plus 4 sprays of Extra Strength in the morning and the same at night will protect from the abundance of toxins, chemtrail metals, nano particles, and radiation that we have accumulated. We can overcome all this and prosper.

Good Health To Us All

June Ann

Sharing My experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

CGI: Sharing my experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 17-Feb-2019

By KarinLLightworker:

Medical disclaimer: RMN can not endorse Liver flushes (we’re not Doctors nor medical personal) and the RMN reader does them at their own risk. Please read up on them before you do one. Several of our agents have done them in the past.


Sharing my experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush


Hi, dear Ground Crew;

When the galactic pulse is going to hit you, washing over and through your body, affecting your every cell, do you believe your body can handle that impact? Or do you worry that you may faint and collapse or even die? When people talk about preparation they speak of having water, food, items and money in store for a possible break down of the system during and after any disaster or event.

What about prepping the body?

Humanity will experience the galactic pulse in 7.5 billion individual ways. The range of experience may be from immediate death due to overloading and short-circuiting your system – all the way to instantly upgrading your physical hologram and ascending in your lightbody to graduate from Earth.

As a ground crew member I am living consciously as a conduit or anchor for Source Energy; I always strive to be as clear as I can be, since I’m committed to serve as a portal in creating the New Earth reality. In this article I’d like to share how I increased my physical preparedness.

Sharing my experience with The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

The greatest contribution to the whole we can make is our own self-healing.

Early on I followed Jesus’ advice of “Physician Heal yourself”. At age 72 I haven’t seen a doctor in 35 years. Over the decades I accumulated a magic bag of self-healing tools to keep me healthy and vibrant.

One year ago I came across the book “The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush” by Andreas Moritz.

I instantly recognized what a precious gift had come my way! I studied Andreas’ website http://www.ener-chi.com , I read the ebook, watched his youtube interviews, and watched many videos by people who shared their experience with the amazing liver and gallbladder cleanse.

Once I was familiar with the protocol and completely confident that this modality is for me, I gathered the ingredients and started my cleanse in early 2018.

I did a liver and gallbladder flush every three weeks. Altogether I needed 17 flushes. The first three flushes were rather difficult. I realized that I am not as robust as other people. I kept vomiting after the Epsom Salt intake and had to take a new run at it the next day. I felt no pain but unpleasant movement in my liver area. I was nauseous and felt emotionally out of balance. However, things got easier with each cleanse.

I did not expel any stones, instead large amounts of green sludge and gravel came out of my liver. I was shocked to see that my liver was so congested. I have been a vegetarian for most of my life and rarely drank alcohol. In fact, I haven’t had any alcohol in decades.

According to Andreas Moritz, 98% of the population have clogged up livers and gallbladders to some degree or another due to living in conditions of heavy air, water and food pollution in our societies.

Andreas Moritz wrote his book “for all those who wish to take responsibility for their own health and who care about the health and wellbeing of their fellow human beings.”

Andreas writes on page 3 of the book:

“If you suffer any of the following symptoms, or similar conditions, you likely have numerous gallstones in your liver and gallbladder:

Low appetite – Diarrhea – Hernia – Dull pain on the right side – Hepatitis – Pancreatitis –

Duodenal ulcers – Depression – Prostate diseases – Menstrual and menopausal disorders –

Skin disorders – Loss of muscle tone – Pain at the top of a shoulder blade and/or between the shoulder blades – Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or yellow – Frozen shoulder –

Headaches and migraines – Sciatica – Knee problems – Chronic fatigue – MS – Excessive heat

and perspiration in the upper part of the body – Difficulty sleeping, insomnia – Hot and cold flashes –

Food cravings – Constipation – Flatulence – Difficulty breathing – Most infections – Heart disease

– Nausea and vomiting – Impotence – Urinary problems – Problems with vision – Liver spots, especially those on the back of the hands and facial area – Excessive weight – Dark color under the eyes – Scoliosis – Stiff neck – Tooth and gum problems

– Numbness and paralysis of legs – Osteoporosis – Kidney diseases

– Alzheimer’s disease – Very greasy hair and hair loss – Nightmares – Digestive disorders – Clay-colored stool – Hemorrhoids – Liver cirrhosis – High cholesterol – Brain disorders – A ‘bilious’ or angry personality – Other sexual problems – Hormonal imbalances – Puffy eyes – Dizziness and fainting spells – Strong shoulder and back pain – Gout – Asthma – Yellowness of the eyes and skin – Joint diseases – Obesity – Cancer – Cold extremities – Cuts or wounds that keep bleeding and don’t want to heal – Stiffness of joints and muscles.” (end of quotation)

About Andreas Moritz

Andreas Moritz was a Medical Intuitive, practitioner of Ayurveda, Shiatsu, Iridology, and other.

He suddenly died in 2012 at age 58.

Andreas developed his liver and gallbladder cleanse in response to his own many childhood illnesses. As a teenager he began studying his case and experimented with his diet. As a young adult he suffered through 40 gallbladder attacks that led him to research and test liver cleansing methods and finally developing his “amazing liver and gallbladder flush”.

Andreas writes: “During my first real liver cleanse, I passed over 500 gallstones. My gallbladder attacks stopped from that very day. After 12 cleanses and 3,500 gallstones less, my liver was completely clean and, at last, my health was the way I always wanted it to be.

“The amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush” was written in 1998. It became very popular and got translated in many languages. There many millions of people all over the world integrating the liver and gallbladder flush in their lives. Andreas wrote 16 more books and gave 220 video and audio interviews.

Excerpts from the book

“Liver congestion and stagnation are among the most common health problems, yet conventional medicine makes no reference to them, nor does it have a way to diagnose these conditions. In other words, liver cleanse is an important chapter missing in the medical profession.”

Andreas says in one of his interviews that his patients were told by their doctors to remove the gallbladder for it is not needed. Yet after removing the gallbladder surgically the digestive system can never function properly again.

“Gallstones are a major cause of illness in the body. They impair the functioning of the most complex, versatile and influential organ of the body—the liver. Nobody has ever devised an artificial liver because it is so complex. Second only to the brain in complexity, the liver masterminds the most intricate processes of digestion and metabolism, thereby affecting the life and health of every cell in the body. By removing the obstacles that prevent the liver from doing its job properly and efficiently, the body can return to a state of continuous balance and vitality.”

“The failure to recognize the incidence of gallstone formation in the liver may very well be the most unfortunate oversight that has ever been made in the field of medicine, both orthodox and complementary. Relying so heavily on blood tests for diagnostic purposes, as conventional medicine does, may be a big disadvantage with regard to assessing liver health. Most people who have a physical complaint of sorts have perfectly normal liver enzyme levels in the blood, despite suffering liver congestion.”

“Age is no impediment for the body to be healthy. As long as your liver is alive, the liver cleanse can help you improve its functions and, thereby, increase the nutrient and energy supply to the cells of your body. The negative aspect of aging is just a progressive state of malnourishment and toxicity, both of which can be helped with a series of liver cleanses and adjustment of diet.”

“Clearing the liver and gallbladder from all accumulated stones helps to restore homeostasis, balance weight and set the precondition for the body to heal itself; it also is one of the best precautions one can take to protect against illness in the future. To have a clean liver is to have a new lease of life.”

“The liver cleanse has direct implications on how you feel about yourself and others. Anger arises when gallstones prevent proper bile flow. A bilious nature is one that keeps toxins trapped—toxins that the liver tries to eliminate via bile. Vice versa, anger can trigger gallstone formation. People who cleaned their liver don’t get angry anymore.”

“The liver cleanse is one of the most invaluable and effective methods to regain one’s health. There are no risks involved if all of the directions are followed to the letter. Please take the following instruction very seriously. There are many people who followed a liver flush recipe that they received from friends or through the Internet, and suffered unnecessary complications. They did not have complete knowledge of the procedure and the way it works, and believed that just expelling the stones from the liver and gallbladder is sufficient.”

Brief Description of the Liver and Gallbladder Flush

My intent with this article is to help spreading this simple self-healing method by sharing my own experience. May it inspire you to read the book and watch Andreas Moritz’s video interviews, plus youtube videos by people sharing their liver cleanse experience. Again, be advised that the liver and gallbladder flush is not to be taken lightly.


For the 5 – 6 preparation days you need about 5 – 6 teaspoons of food-grade malic acid powder.

(drink 32 oz of malic acid water or 32 oz of apple juice throughout the day)

Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) – 4 tablespoons

Olive oil, best organic quality, 4 oz

2 juicy grapefruit for 6 oz of juice.


I’m going to describe the protocol the way I applied it for my 17 liver and gallbladder flushes.

In preparation I drank for five days 32 oz malic acid water
in order to soften the gallstones.

I added some apple juice to improve the taste of the sour water.

I ate my regular mostly vegan diet throughout the preparation days.

Day 5

I had my regular hot oatmeal breakfast.

Between breakfast and lunch I drank 2 glasses of malic acid water.

At 1 pm I had for lunch Basmati rice with broccoli as my last meal of the day. I ate Basmati rice with broccoli as recommended by Andreas as a ritual on day 5 throughout all of my liver cleanses.

At 3 pm, 4 pm, and 5 pm I gave myself a water enema.

I prepared 4 glasses of 6 oz water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salt each, well dissolved.

At 6 pm I drank one serving.

At 8 pm I drank the second serving.

At around 9 pm I went to the toilet several times to eliminate.

I prepared for the actual liver flush at 10 pm.

I set the alarm clock to 6 am. I propped up the pillows.

At 9:45 pm I put 4 oz of olive oil in a mason jar; I squeezed the 2 grapefruit.

I thoroughly shook the concoction of 4 oz olive oil and 6 oz of grapefruit juice.

At 10 pm I drank the mix while standing next to my bed. I immediately laid down, on my back, with propped up pillows, completely still for half an hour. (The liver is the most active during the time from 10 pm to 2 am.)

With the rambling in my belly I usually was not able to find much sleep during the liver flush night.

At 6 am I drank the third serving glass of Epsom Salt water.

At 8 am I drank the fourth serving.

At this time I started expelling green sludge and gravel from my liver. It usually took at least ten trips to the bathroom. I examined the sludge, it’s colors and texture, and made notes.

I always felt exhausted and weakened from the procedure and sleepless night and spent most of the day in bed, resting between the bathroom visits. I could sense how the liver flushes caused subtle changes in my bodily functions, even shifting my bio-rhythm, and also how it influenced my emotional state of being.

I drank some grapefruit juice later in the morning and at lunchtime had my regular oatmeal breakfast.

In the evening I gave myself two water enemas. More sludge and gravel got expelled.

The liver flushes became easier each time.

Andreas Moritz states that the liver flushes can cause tiny stones ending up as sand in the kidneys, therefore he advises to do after every four liver flushes a kidney cleanse with herbs, which I did.

As another important consideration, once you have started cleansing the liver, you must continue the liver flushes until no more stones come out. Leaving the liver half clean for a longer period of time can cause problems when the loosened toxic stones get deposited in the digestive tract.

Younger people may need only a few liver and gallbladder flushes to clean their system, depending on lifestyle and diet. Older people may need thirty or more liver cleanses over a period of two years to regain a healthy body.

According to Andreas Moritz, once the liver is free of stones, one should still carry out two more consecutive liver flushes to ensure the liver is squeaky clean. From then on it takes the liver six months to heal and rejuvenate itself.

The pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex

More and more people are waking up and realizing what is happening on Earth.

All areas of society such as banking, government, media, military, religion, etc. have been taken over by the negative global elite as our leaders and controllers. They are writing the global narrative. Their plan for humanity is the New World Order of total tyranny with a population deduction down to 500 million humans.

The masses have been conditioned to live within the parameters of the installed healthcare system. The pharmaceutical industry goes hand in hand with the corrupt government department that is overseeing the food production industry. They promote inhumane factory farming and GMO foods. The large food store chains swallowed the small food stores. They mostly sell lifeless processed food, fortified with chemical byproducts from the petrol industry. Right inside these huge food stores are the pharmacies, selling the pharmaceuticals that the TV commercials announce as treatments for the people’s ever increasing health and mental problems.

As a result the majority of people are in dire condition: toxified, obese, plagued with ailments and diseases, emotionally numb, functioning at the low third-dimensional level of existence or struggle for survival. In this deplorable condition the American mainstream population is easy to herd and control.

The healthcare industry is all about the almighty dollar. It is about mining the human body for money. The parasitic pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex is “infested with the greed virus”, making $3.5 Trillion a year. The medical doctors have become their slaves, as well as all others working in the healthcare system.

Over the last years, many holistic medical doctors and scientists have been assassinated by the ruling elite for blowing the whistle about the methods of weakening and reducing the population through vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, cancer treatments, surgery, etc.

By now we know that whistleblowers are being “suicided” via secret weapons that make their death look like a heart attack, suicide, or car crash. Often their entire families are assassinated.

Sooner or later, all crimes of victimizing the population in the name of the healthcare system will be brought to light.


During each of my 17 liver flushes, as I was laying still on my back to let the olive oil concoction push the stones towards the two main bile ducts for elimination, in my thoughts I thanked Andreas Moritz for gifting humanity with this simple self-healing procedure.

Since I live below the poverty level and rarely can buy organic food, I’ve been doing my best to keep my physical vessel clean through regular fasting. I appreciate that the liver cleanse is so inexpensive and simple that it could be done by everyone. From now on I’ll be doing every six months a liver cleanse to keep my body free of toxins and capable of coping with existing in our rough and harsh world.

After cleansing my liver throughout the entire last year I am now vibrating at a higher frequency. It was well worth the effort. The liver flushes became easier each time.

Also, it was truly a visceral experience and I now feel well grounded. I am pure inside and out, my mind is clear and easy to focus. I’m ready to shift higher as my input into the collective.

The liver and gallbladder flush is the way of the future! Eventually, all people will awaken and regain their sense of responsibility for their precious physical vessel. Hospitals, clinics, and rest homes will provide the services to facilitate the amazing liver and gallbladder flush, thus making it accessible for everyone.

People are awakening to the truth that those who claim to care about us, are intentionally harming us. Once people have enough of being the victims of the system they will rise up and dismantle the Healthcare System.

In six months from now I plan to create a video as an addendum to this article in which I will share my healing experience.

In service,



“Healing Therapies” by Grateful Gal

“Healing Therapies” by Grateful Gal


These are some of the types of healing resources I am looking forward to using, post RV. Red Spirit Energy Healing is one that I have contacted (a couple of years ago), for a “House and Property Report” which was done remotely. Seems we have a Portal in our front yard. “Allowing miscreant energies to go in and out”, as I recall. Looking forward to the “House and Property Clearing” package as soon as possible.

Grateful Gal

Somatic Attachment and Trauma Resolution:



Desert Alchemy:







Red Spirit Energy Healing:







The Seed of Life:


Access Spirit:


Terra Zetzz

Note from Angel4Light:

Reverse your age: (until we get our med beds, this does work and helps in so many ways. I suggest taking two pills a day. It does detox your body from heavy metals and has helped many people.

The Age Pill (join as distributor for great discounts)


Can you reverse your age - Absolutely!

Superfoods to combat arthritis

Superfoods to combat arthritis: Ginger, berries, fish and other anti-inflammatory foods

Superfoods to combat arthritis: Ginger, berries, fish and other anti-inflammatory foods

December 11, 2017 

by: Zoey Sky
(Natural News) Individuals diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis can experience mild to severe joint pain, and this often affects their daily lives. Thankfully, there are some superfoods that can help you deal with this kind of pain.
These superfoods help lower oxidative stress, or the body’s ability to “counteract or detoxify harmful chemicals.” Dr. Bhawna Gupta, from KIIT University in India, said, “‘Regular consumption of specific dietary fibers, vegetables, fruits, and spices, as well as the elimination of components that cause inflammation and damage, can help patients to manage the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. 

Incorporating probiotics into the diet can also reduce the progression and symptoms of this disease.” She also advised patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis to switch from “omnivorous diets, drinking alcohol, and smoking” to “Mediterranean, vegan, elemental, or elimination diets,” after consulting their doctor or dietitian.

Based on a recent study, some of the superfoods that you can eat to help fight the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) include blueberries, ginger, green tea, and olive oil. Scientists advise sufferers to incorporate more of the foods listed below in their diet because they can help slow down the progressive and debilitating autoimmune disease. (Related: Arthritis – How to relieve the pain and heal naturally.)

Here are some superfoods that you can eat to help ease arthritic pain.

Anti-inflammatory foods to ease arthritis

  • Dairy — Yogurt (curd)
  • Fruits — Dried plums, grapefruits, grapes, blueberries, pomegranates, mangoesbananas, peaches, and apples
  • Herbs — Sallaki (Boswellia serrata), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Legumes — Black soybean, black gram
  • Oils — Olive oil, fish oil, borage seed oil capsules
  • Spices — Ginger, turmeric
  • Tea — Green tea and basil (tulsi) tea
  • Whole grains and cereals — Wheat, rice, oats, corn, rye, barley, millets, sorghum, and canary seed

It’s difficult to detect the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis and if left undetected or misdiagnosed, the disease can rapidly progress in the first few years. Dr. Gupta advised, “‘Supporting disease management through food and diet does not pose any harmful side effects and is relatively cheap and easy.” She continued, “Doctors, physicians and dietitians can use our study to summarize current proven knowledge on the links between certain foods and rheumatoid arthritis.” According to Gupta, if doctors determine the nutritional and medicinal requirements of their patients, it can be used to improve their health.

Medical experts often suggest different dietary plans for rheumatoid arthritis, like Mediterranean, vegan, and seven to 10 days of fasting. The research team’s study is only the second overall assessment of diet and food regarding arthritis and was published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition. The study also focused on reporting dietary interventions and specific foods that have proven long-term effects.

The researchers hope that their study will prove useful as a reference for the development of new medicines. Dr. Gupta shared, “Our review focused on specific dietary components and phytochemicals from foods that have a proven beneficial effect on rheumatoid arthritis… 

Pharmaceutical companies may use this information to formulate nutraceuticals.” The doctor also believes that nutraceuticals have a distinct advantage over chemically-tailored medicines since the former do not have side effects, are made from natural sources, and are cheaper.

Dr. Gupta’s team also reviewed research from several laboratory experiments under different conditions. According to the research, since dietary components can vary based on geography and weather conditions, patients must look into their allergies, nutritional requirements, and other food-related disease history. She concluded that the general public must talk to their health care providers and dietitians first before following any diet program or food compounds covered by the study.

Other recommended foods to fight rheumatoid arthritis

If you want to eat more foods that can help combat the symptoms of this disease, check out the list below:

Blackstrap molasses — While scientific research into the effectiveness of molasses is limited, it can help relieve pain because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients like magnesium. Magnesium helps preserve nerve and muscle function as well as joint cartilage, says the Arthritis Foundation.

— Also known as cilantro and Chinese parsley, coriander is one of the many natural remedies that can have a beneficial effect on chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, according to a study published in Toxicology and Industrial Health in September 2014.

— The stem of a pineapple contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme that can help reduce inflammation in people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. But since pineapple stems are inedible, you can increase your bromelain intake by taking supplements in capsule or pill form.

You can learn more about superfoods and other natural cures at Cures.news.

Sources include:


More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money – Anti News Network


More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money:

It happens more often than you can imagine, but more doctors are finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and fraudulently diagnosing healthy patients with cancer to turn a quick buck from kickbacks on chemotherapy poisons.

Why shouldn’t Doctors lie when the entire cancer industry is one gigantic fabrication from start to finish?

Is it any wonder that cancer societies worldwide put a far greater financial initiative on chemotherapy and radiation research than disease prevention techniques? Preventing disease doesn’t make money, but treating disease certainly does.

Take Dr. Farid Fata, a prominent cancer doctor in Michigan who admitted in court one year ago to intentionally and wrongfully diagnosing healthy people with cancer. Fata also admitted to giving them chemotherapy drugs for the purpose of making a profit.

Were his patients shocked? You bet they were. Who would ever suspect a Doctor of faking a diagnosis to collect money. It’s unconscionable. Yet it happens with cancer and almost every disease that medical doctors can generate income through kickbacks and commissions based on the volume of patients treated with specific pharmaceuticals. Like anything people are used as a comodity.

“Many of these unscrupulous Physicians are like businessmen without a conscience. The only difference is they have your health and trust in their hands–a very dangerous combination when money is involved,” said Dr. Sayed Mohammed, a retired Oncologist who admits seeing the trend more than a decade ago.

“It is my choice,” Fata said on Tuesday of his surprise guilty plea, which included rattling off the names of numerous drugs he prescribed for his patients over the years. In each admission, he uttered these words:

“I knew that it was medically unnecessary.”

Fata was charged with running a $35-million Medicare fraud scheme that involved billing the government for medically unnecessary oncology and hematology treatments.

The government says Fata ran the scheme from 2009 to the present, through his medical businesses, including Michigan Hematology Oncology Centers, with offices in Clarkston, Bloomfield Hills, Lapeer, Sterling Heights, Troy and Oak Park.

According to the government, Fata had a patient load of 1,200 people and received $62 million from Medicare; he billed for more than $150 million.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said she plans to seek life in prison for Fata, calling his case is “the most egregious” health care fraud case her office has seen. She said Fata not only bilked the government — which is typical in such cases — but he also harmed patients.

Lying with Statistics

Prostate cancer is another great example which doctors falsely give prognoses about without giving patients the facts. A prostate (PSA) blood test looks for prostate-specific antigen, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels are supposedly associated with prostate cancer. The problem is that the association isn’t always correct, and when it is, the prostate cancer isn’t necessarily deadly. Only about 3 percent of all men die from prostate cancer. The PSA test usually leads to overdiagnosis — biopsies and treatment in which the side effects are impotence and incontinence. Repeated biopsies may spread cancer cells into the track formed by the needle, or by spilling cancerous cells directly into the bloodstream or lymphatic system. More than 90% of Doctors who encourage cancer treatment for prostate cancer will generate a commission from each treatment the patient receives. It proves risky and often deadly in the long run for most people who don’t understand how to take care of their health and are persuaded by false statistics.

Dozens of excellent large studies have been done on men who have had cancer discovered in their prostate with a biopsy. In over 97% of the cases this cancer either never spreads outside of the gland to cause harm or the patient dies of something else long before any evidence of cancer spreading outside of the prostate occurs.

In that 3% where cancer is aggressive and harms the patient, it has already spread beyond the limits of surgical resection long before discovery; thus, these men are not helped by surgery either.

After at least seven years of post-college graduate medical education on the emotional, mental, and physical condition of the human being, you would expect a physician to be a powerhouse of goodwill for his or her patients. Unfortunately, too many doctors fail to keep the welfare of their customers at the forefront, as their main concern. The needs to boost their own egos, self-preservation, and the quest for more money often result in inappropriate care and harm to the patient.

Most women are often told that hysterectomies lead to many different cures for cancer and other ailments. This is misrepresenting the truth.

The research done so far has demonstrated no improvement in survival regardless of the aggressiveness of many of these unnecessary treatments.

Breast cancer screenings also result in an increase in breast cancer mortality and fail to address prevention. Despite no evidence ever having supported any recommendations made for regular periodic screening and mammography at any age, malicious recommendations from the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) on breast cancer screening are now suggesting that breast cancer screening should begin at age 40 and earlier in high-risk patients. Published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR), the recommendations released by the SBI and ACR state that the average patient should begin annual breast cancer screening at age 40. They also target women in their 30s if they are considered “high risk” as they stated.

The rate of advanced breast cancer for U.S. women 25 to 39 years old nearly doubled from 1976 to 2009, a difference too great to be a matter of chance and more about diagnoses.

A disturbing study published in the New England Journal of Medicine is bringing mainstream attention to the fact that mammography has caused far more harm than good in the millions of women who have employed it over the past 30 years as their primary strategy in the fight against breast cancer.

It always has been and always will be about the money. It is not time to recognize the trend?

Chemotherapy Does Not Heal The Body–It Slowly Destroys It

Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates. Most chemotherapy patients either die or are plagued with illness within 10-15 years after treatment. It destroys their immune system, increases neuro-cognitive decline, disrupts endocrine functioning and causes organ and metabolic toxicities. Patients basically live in a permanent state of disease until their death. The cancer industry marginalizes safe and effective cures while promoting their patented, expensive, and toxic remedies whose risks far exceed any benefit. This is what they do best, and they do it because it makes money, plain and simple.

The reason a 5-year relative survival rate is the standard used to assess mortality rates is due to most cancer patients going downhill after this period. It’s exceptionally bad for business and the cancer industry knows it.

They could never show the public the true 97% statistical failure rate in treating long-term metastatic cancers.

If they did publish the long-term statistics for all cancers administered cytotoxic chemotherapy, that is 10+ years and produced the objective data on rigorous evaluations including the cost-effectiveness, impact on the immune system, quality of life, morbidity and mortality, it would be very clear to the world that chemotherapy makes little to no contribution to cancer survival at all. No such study has ever been conducted by independent investigators in the history of chemotherapy.

The only studies available come from industry funded institutions and scientists and none of them have ever inclusively quantified the above variables.

Why? Money, greed and profits run the cancer industry–nothing else. The cancer establishment must retreat from the truth to treat cancer because there will never be any profit for them in in eradicating the disease. There is no governing body in the world that protects consumers from being subjected to these toxic therapies or even known carcinogens in our foods our environment, because that too, will prevent the profits from rolling in. It’s a business of mammoth proportions and must be treated as such. The most powerful anti-carcinogenic plants in the world such as cannabis must be demonized and be made illegal because they are so effective at killing cancer cells without side effects. Cannabinoids are so efficient at treating disease, that the U.S. Government patented them in 2003.

If a “magic bullet” were used FIRST by orthodox medicine, meaning the cut/burn/slash/poison treatments were avoided, a 90% true cure rate would be easy to achieve. But the fact is that the leaders in the medical community have absolutely no interest in finding a “magic bullet.” A “magic bullet” would cost the drug companies hundreds of billions of dollars, and patients would have less hospitalization and less doctor visits, etc.

You might ask your oncologist why your chances of survival are only 3% (ignoring all of their statistical gibberish such as “5-year survival rates” and deceptive terms like “remission” and “response”), when your chance of survival would be over 90% if they used something like DMSO.

Source : (Organic & Healthy)

American Heart Association wants you to stop using butter and start using toxic vegetable oils again

American Heart Association wants you to stop using butter and start using toxic vegetable oils again

Originally published June 26, 2017 

by: Isabelle Z.


(Natural News) 

The American Heart Association has just issued some curious advice to cardiologists, saying that people should stop consuming butter and replace it with vegetable oils instead. While it’s not surprising to see a group with strong ties to Big Pharma promoting such careless advice, it is very concerning to think of the potential effects it could have on public health if it is followed.

The AHA has long gone after healthy fats, and this time it even went so far as to say that coconut oil is bad for your heart. They would say that, of course, because eating these healthy foods keeps people from needing the prescription drugs made by the firms that support the group.

Their irresponsible stance has been drawing criticism from doctors with a more holistic viewpoint, some of whom have said this advice is downright dangerous. The AHA is suggesting that people eat polyunsaturated fats instead, like those found in vegetable oils and spreads.

The problem is that polyunsaturated fats like corn oil and canola oil pose their own set of risks. They promote inflammation, which can lead to cancer, and slow the metabolism. If it’s not enough to make you start running in the opposite direction to hear that nearly all canola oil is GMO, consider the fact that it suppresses thyroid function and immunity and needs extra processing in your body because it contains toxins. Yet they want us to believe that a chemical that was not put on this Earth for human consumption is really so much better for us than natural butter that came from a cow?

Meanwhile, corn oil is so bad that even some food manufacturers, who are not usually known for placing a high priority on healthy ingredients, are eschewing it and other GMO oils like soy and canola.

Most people know that olive oil is one of the healthiest oils out there and that it has a number of health benefits, particularly organic extra virgin olive oil, but the mixed message here about other oils has done nothing but leave people confused about what they should be eating and what is healthy.

How does the AHA benefit from publicizing bad advice?

The AHA gets funding from Big Pharma and its livelihood comes from – you guessed it – people having heart problems. The heart attack industry is very profitable, so it’s just smart business from their point of view to avoid promoting anything that could give them fewer clients and cut into their profits.

Statins, which are said to lower the risk of heart problems, are widely prescribed and account for a significant portion of the country’s prescription drug spending. They’ve been linked to all sorts of health problems, from nerve and memory issues to liver problems and muscle pain, and yet the FDA says that people should not be afraid to take them. The heart attack industry has a lot of powerful friends, it seems.

Osteopathic doctor Jack Wolfson was quick to criticize the AHA for its attack on saturated fat. In commentary published on Natural News, he called the AHA a lobbyist group that collects almost a billion dollars each year in exchange for promoting the agendas of Big Agriculture and Big Pharma.

He called attention to an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study of half a million people that found no connection between saturated fat and coronary disease in 2010. Six years later, the same journal published a study that found that saturated fat reduces cardiac risks. He also pointed out that some foods that contain saturated fats like butter also contain other harmful ingredients, like the refined carbs and sugar in prepackaged desserts, and this could have made it a convenient scapegoat.

When will people wake up to the fact that many of these groups do not have our best interests at heart?

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American Heart Association wants you to stop using butter and start using toxic vegetable oils again

11 Top Benefits & Uses Of Bay Leaf


11 Top Benefits & Uses Of Bay Leaf


By Phyllis Bentley

Originally published March 22, 2016

Bay leaves are leaves that come from the bay laurel trees that grow over in the Mediterranean, France, Italy, North American, Central America. Bay trees are evergreens with long, aromatic leaves. Bay is a variety of laurel, and many times different varieties are referred to as bay. Bay leaves lose their health benefits after one year so discard of unused bay leaves which have lasted that whole time. Remember to store them in a cool, dry, dark place, preferably in an air-tight container.

11 Top Benefits & Uses Of Bay Leaf:

Cancer Prevention
The unique combination of antioxidants and organic compounds in bay leaves, including phytonutrients, catechins, linalool, and parthenolide, helps to protect the body from the effects of free radicals. Free radicals can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells.

Coughs & Colds
Placing a cloth soaked in water in which bay leaves have been boiled provides relief from cough, cold, bronchitis and chest infections.

Diabetes Care
Bay leaves help reduce blood glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The antioxidants in bay leaf enable the body to process insulin more efficiently, thus making it a good choice for diabetics and people with insulin resistance or Type 2 diabetes.

Aids Digestion
Bay leaf has strong pungent smell which stimulates the production of saliva and other digestive enzymes. These enzymes aid in the breakdown of food particles, thus promoting healthy digestion. Bay leaf is known to be helpful against heartburn and bloating.

Pain Reliever
Bay Leaf essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties, boosting blood circulation, easing sprains, strains, arthritis, rheumatism, general pains and aches.

Nourishes Skin
Bay leaf contains a range of antioxidants and antiseptic compounds like α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, neral, α-terpineol, and chavicol. These have been found to be beneficial for skin. Bay leaf is also rich in Vitamin-C, which helps in preventing free radical damages.

Heal Wounds
Bay leaf has been used by herbal practitioners for its antifungal and anti-bacterial properties, treating snakebite, insect stings and relieving cuts and bruises.

Stimulate immunity
Bay leaves are a rich source of vitamins A and C as well as zinc, three nutrients of great importance for a strong, healthy immune system. Vitamin C (77.5%) is probably the most potent antibacterial and antiviral agent ever discovered, strengthening our immune system and increasing the aggressiveness of our white blood cells.

Reduce Acne
Bay leaves have several compounds which are useful in curing acne. Crush bay leaves and add it to water. Boil the mixture. Strain and splash the water on the face to get relief from acne.

Bay leaves have a calming effect on the mind and have mild sedative properties and help induce sleep. Therefore bay leaves can be used in the treatment of insomnia.


[1] http://www.stylecraze.com

[2] https://www.organicfacts.net

[3] http://www.curejoy.com

[4] http://www.slideshare.net

Author: Phyllis Bentley
I have 12 years’ experience in the medical industry. As a freelance writer, I have written a number of articles which have been published in highly read publications. I have a strong knowledge base in a range of medical and wellness topics and in the business of health care.
Specialities in Family health; autoimmune diseases; mental health; diabetes, cancer; fitness and nutrition.




Video by Home Cooking And Home Remedies


Intel: Ascension Time – Energy Update: Cosmic Recalibration, You Are Not Alone!

Ascension Time – Energy Update: Cosmic Recalibration, You Are Not Alone!

Published on Jun 29, 2017

“The consensus on the cosmic cyber street is this wave is a doozie. Intense shaking, sudden overwhelming need to sleep, low energy, aches and pains, blurry vision and disturbed sleep (waking up at 2.22, 3.33, 1.23) are common symptoms of DNA upgrades, recalibration, see http://wp.me/p7Ol3s-4t ’10 Signs you are experiencing recalibration of your mind body soul system’ for more info.

Deeply buried emotions bubbling to the surface, triggered for karmic release, can overwhelm us. Our relationships go through great changes as we raise our frequencies. Masks come off as our third eye is activated and we see people for who they truly are. This can be a very upsetting and challenging part of the awakening process. We can feel intensely frustrated by 3d conversations, increasingly preferring solitude. Before we were concerned with social lives, friendship groups, family expectation and cultural convention, matrix programming of what the ‘perfect life’ should look like. Awakening changes all of this, it expands our consciousness, mutes the ego and liberates us from the limited rules and regulations of this reality. We turn inward instead of obsessing about our outward lives. We stop caring about what others say about us, we grow beyond convention and see a bigger world.

Integrating upgrades whilst trying to stay on top of our everyday lives, can cause us to feel irritable, tearful and off kilter. We can feel lonely and disconnected, let down by people we thought cared more about us, depressed by the state of the world and worn down by the daily demands of the matrix. As we struggle to integrate higher frequencies and raise our own vibration to accommodate further recalibration we reach out, looking for other awakening people. The internet is our friend when we wake up, it is where we find information and other people on this path to higher dimensions.

Gregg Prescott’s In5d on fb, web and YouTube is a brilliant source of knowledge about this transformation on Gaia. Michelle Walling’s website and internet radio show offers tonnes of information on how to exit the matrix, what is happening now and what is coming next. Sacred Scribes is the best site on the web for the meanings of number sequences. Higher Self on YouTube is the go to place for all things metaphysical, multi dimensional and magical about the evolution of our planet and her people. Cosmicgypsy333 will answer all your questions on soul tribe. International Starseed Network has chat forums, discussion pages and more. ”

by Morag


Terra Zetzz 

This antibiotic will ruin you. Mountains and Mustard Seeds

Mountains and Mustard Seeds
Don’t try to move mountains by yourself. You’ll hurt your back. God can help.

This antibiotic will ruin you.
Posted on March 18, 2017 by mountainsandmustardseeds

4739Hi there, we need to talk. My name is Amy Moser. I have almost written this post at least 20 times and got too overwhelmed and abandoned it. Well here goes…

The antibiotics you took or are taking for your sinus infection, UTI, skin infection, laser eye surgery…ect…may have already damaged you.

Cipro, Levaquin, Avalox, nearly every generic ending in “quin”, “oxacin,””ox,”…are all part of a large family of antibiotics called “Fluoroquinolones.” The FDA finally updated their warning on these antibiotics as of July 2016. They site “multiple system damage that may be irreversible. Permanent you guys. Here is the link for the warning if you are a doubting Thomas: https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm500143.htm. Take a gander real quick if you are reading this with an eyebrow raised. Trust me, I wish I had been given the opportunity to soak up this information before it was too late.

In 2010, I took Cipro for a UTI and it changed my life forever. A round of antibiotics literally changed the path I was walking, into a path that I couldn’t even crawl on. Multiple spontaneous tendon and ligament ruptures, spinal degeneration, and arthritis that is widespread. We are talking multiple joint dislocations and surgeries to most of my large joints and spine. Twenty surgeries in the last 7 years if you wanna count. I said T W E N T Y. This class of antibiotics were supposed to be only used as a last resort antibiotics, if all other options had failed. They never were supposed to be given for common infections. They damage the body so seriously because they actually damage the mitochondrial DNA. Those affect all cell function. Fantastic. You now have tissue paper tendons and ligaments. You are a human piñata at a party and life is whacking you left and right. Do you know what it feels like to hear and feel your shoulder pull apart like taffy, or your achilles pop and tear apart like an old rubber band? It gets even better. Flouroquinolones cross the blood brain barrier. This can result in psychiatric events, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I was incredibly fortunate not to have the psychiatric side of this.

Here is another sickening truth…the damage is cumulative. The more exposures you have to these antibiotics, the more damage is done to your body. Not just for some people, ALL people. A hundred percent of people who take a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic, show changes in blood flow to the tendon, cartilage, and ligament in their bodies. Each person has a different breaking point depending on their own unique DNA. Some people fall apart or die after 1 pill. I fell apart after my 4th round of Fluoroquinolone antibiotics in my life and some people are on their 25th round and are still oblivious to what is happening inside them until they break. It might not even be a physical one. It may be a psychotic one. By then, it’s too late. The damage is done.

This was my nightmare. It gets worse. There is no cure. No treatment. No relief. No specialist even. Im telling you…if it hadn’t been for the knowledge that God is ever present and with me…I would have walked out in front of a bus. He is the reason I am sane…well mostly.

I am writing this in hopes that you will educate yourself and your families. Don’t take that antibiotic in ignorance one more time. Don’t take your chances. Don’t be afraid to demand an alternative. You get only one life.

I am convinced that a large portion of why God allowed this in my life, is so that I could use my loud mouth to educate you. To share the blessings and miracles He has given me throughout this journey and to be my obnoxious self for a cause that needs to be shouted from the rooftops. If you take a Fluoroquinolone by choice…please don’t tell me. It makes me have anxiety and it makes me worry about something I can’t control. Only you can control what goes in your body. When you tell me you take these antibiotics, it makes me feel physically ill. If you only understood the risk you are taking, you wouldn’t take it. Save the explanation. There are alternatives if you demand them. I’ve refused these medications on multiple occasions and so has my mom who is allergic to penicillins and Cephalosporins and Sulfa. There are other options if you demand them. If you don’t have Anthrax poisoning, or pseudomonas bacteria…my family doctor will tell you, they can figure something else out.

I am going to share some trustworthy Fluoroquinolone warning links. If you look them up…I am sure you will be glad you did. Do it for yourself and do it for your friends and your family.


FDA: Warning for Fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Department of Health and Human Services: Warning for Cipro
New England Journal of Medicine: Achilles Tendinitis and Tendon Rupture Due to Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics
New York Times: Popular Antibiotics May Carry Serious Side Effects
ResearchGate: Musculoskeletal Complications of Fluoroquinolones: Guidelines and Precautions for Usage in the Athletic Population
Medscape: Musculoskeletal Complications of Fluoroquinolones: Guidelines and Precautions for Usage in the Athletic Population
PubMed: The mitochondria targeted antioxidant MitoQ protects against fluoroquinolone-induced oxidative stress and mitochondrial membrane damage in human Achilles tendon cells
WebMD’s warning about Cipro and similar antibiotics
Oxford Journals: Fluoroquinolone-Associated Tendinopathy: A Critical Review of the Literature
Oxford Journals: Electrochemical characteristics of five quinolone drags and their effect on DNA damage and repair in Escherichia coli
NATA Journals: Fluoroquinolones and Tendinopathy: A Guide for Athletes and Sports Clinicians and a Systematic Review of the Literature
The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology: The Risk of Fluoroquinolone-induced Tendinopathy and Tendon Rupture: What Does The Clinician Need To Know?
NCBI: The vasculature and its role in the damaged and healing tendon
Medication Sense: New Warnings for Cipro, Levaquin, and other Quinolone Antibiotics













Over the last 7 years, I’ve been to 3 Rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons and spine surgeons, physical therapists, physical medicine and rehab specialists and 3 different primary care doctors. There is no treatment but to try to put back together what breaks.

I have seen multiple docs from Mayo clinic and they are in the same boat as the others. They don’t know how to reverse it. They can’t. The science is not there yet. I contacted a doctor from Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota, his name was Jay Smith, and he had been part of a research study of the effects of Fluoroquinolones on the musculoskeletal system in the athletic population. He actually wrote me back when I asked him for a consult and told him I would even fly there for an appointment if he thought he could help me. He said that he didn’t know how to treat it. They know the science behind the damage that Fluoroquinolones cause, but the science is not there yet in how to reverse it.

I will tell you this. I reached an incredibly low and dark place when he responded with this. You have to understand that I have had a miracle. God is what has gotten me through this and I can’t put the credit on anything else. The ministers at my church prayed for me with blessed oil. In the Bible it talks about this in James chapter 5. I had an incredible experience during that “administration.” My son was 8 years old at the time and he had a dream that night where God spoke to him and told him that “He was going to heal his mom, but we had to be patient.” This was 5 years ago. I am hiking mountains regularly now. My body still has many problems but my progress has been a miracle and all my surgeons and doctors will tell you the same. God is the great physician, and He alone is the answer. I did write a book about this. It’s called “The Magnificent Story of a Lame Author.” It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, and Kobo. There is also a link directly to Amazon from my blog homepage. I have had countless blessings through this and the credit for the improvement is God’s.

We have to get this information out there. Spread it to everyone you know. Print the FDA warning and show it to your friends and family and even your doctors. Sometimes the warnings slip through the cracks and they don’t know. You could save their lives. Alright people, let’s make a positive difference! Below are further medical study links and warnings associated with Fluoroquinolones. They were sent by a German contact who has compiled this information. Some cannot be directly linked, but if copied and pasted in the search bar, will be accessible.

Ciprofloxacin not only damages cartilage in children and young people, but also in adults:

https://www.ncbi .nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC164164/pdf/412562.pdf

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10663387 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11685846

Cipro causes serious arthropathies in adults:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8453165 → DOI: 10.1177/106002809302700308

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-72450-3_21 http://www.zeitschrift-sportmedizin.de/fileadmin/content/archiv2003/heft06/Martinek.pdf

Tendon damage and tears (and other muscle-scelettal issues) can occur months after discountinuation of the medication:



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20215992 → DOI: 10.1097/CND.0b013e3181d23a9c https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4080593/

For patients with Myasthenia gravis the use of this medication can lead to death:

https://www.arznei-telegramm. de/html/2012_09/1209404_01.html

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21879778 → DOI: 10.2165/11593110-000000000-00000
The medication can lead to myalgies which require emergency treatments:

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/24196595_Ciprofloxacin-related_acute_severe_myalgia_necessitating_emergency_care_treatment_A_case_report_and_review_of_the_lite rature

Cipro can lead to lasting vision disorders:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17300586 → DOI: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2007.01427.x


Central nervous system disorders including suicide:


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51139497_Quinolones_Review_of_Psychiatric_and_Neurological_Ad verse_Reactions.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2360825/pdf/postmedj00087-0063.pdf http://www.psychosomaticsjournal.com/article/S0033-3182(07)71051-4/abstract https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3513220/

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301640337_Quinolone_antibiotics_and_suicidal_behavior_analysis_ of_the_World_Health_Organization %27s_adverse_drug_reactions_database_and_discussion_of_potential_mechanisms

Heart ailments and arrythmias:

https://www.ncbi .nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11505790 → DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1300083

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17388913 http://www.bvmj.bu.edu.eg/issues/25-1/13.pdf



http://www.oapublishinglondon.com/article/1372 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15851230


http://www.revespcardiol.org/en/a-case-of-prolonged-qt/articulo/13146861/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21075583 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16386810 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18319500 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22259166 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21271486

Hypoglycemia and Diabetes:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17911203 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4410896/

http://cjhp-online.ca/cshp/index.php/cjhp/article/download/345/338&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2eyUpxyI0JDWKX7F3Wo4nv VpRTqA&oi=scholarr

http://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002 -9343(09)00871-7/abstract

Long-lasting problems of the gastrointestinal tract:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/pmc/articles/PMC2586385/ http://www.nature.com/ja/journal/v64/n1/full/ja2010137a.html http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1198743X14001025

Serious kidney and u-tract problems, including kidney failure:

http://www.jurology.com/article/S0022 -5347(05)67379-X/abstract


https://www.ncbi .nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12911170

Liver failure even after a single dose of Cipro; damages to the gall bladder:

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s100960100513 → DOI:10.1007/s100960100513


http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(94)91624-1/abstract → DOI:



Cipro inhibits the very important liver enzyme CYP 3A4

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elliot_Hersh/publication/8642018_Drug_interactions_in_dentistry_The_i mportance_of_knowing_your_CYPs/links/53db72090cf2a19eee8b7819/Drug-interactions-in-dentistry-The-importance-of-knowing-your-CYPs.pdf

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21190921 https://www.aerzteblatt.de/pdf/113/21/p18.pdf?ts=25.05.2016+09%3A40%3A08

Incidents of blood thinning and fatal bleeding

http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00063-003 -1268-7/ → DOI:10.1007/s00063-003-1268-7 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15070128 → DOI: 10.3171/jns.2004.100.4.0710 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17045852 → DOI: 10.1016/j.jcf.2006.08.002

Cipro given during pregnancy can cause either termination of pregnancy or deformities of the embryo:

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0301211595025243 → DOI: 10.1016/0301-2115(95)02524-3


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15307429 → DOI: 10.1016/S0035-9203(03)80032-9)



http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0301211595025243 → DOI: 10.1016/0301-2115(95)02524-3

http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/bmjopen/2/3/e001077.full .pdf

Reproductive toxicity (reduction of sperms); Reduced fertility



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17430273 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10623489 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3850316/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23420823


Medication risks which are omitted from the package insert:

Cardiac death through Cipro



Lesions of the aorta

http://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/5/11/e010077.full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26436523

Life-threatening rhabdomyolysis

http://www.arznei -telegramm.de/html/2013_05/1305046_02.html

Lethal Thrombocytopenia

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12451346 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09537100801993040

Multisymptomatic Syndrom which leads to permanent handicap


Retinal detachment with permanent vision loss:

http://jamanetwork . com/journals/jama/fullarticle/1148331 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4183446/

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24170197 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26967005

Uveitis and Optikusneuritis:

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/25275293 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17300586 https://www.arznei-telegramm.de/html/1993_12/9312134_03.html

Fixed pharmaceutical reactions:

https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/bitstream/1807/48250/1/dv08224. pdf




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24472364 → DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2013.12.009

von Willebrand-Syndrome

http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(94)92748-0/abstract → DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(94)92748-0


Permanent hearing loss

http://www.hc -sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/medeff/bulletin/carn-bcei_v14n1-eng.php
Systemic Lupus erythematodes.


Pyoderma gangraenosum



http://databankws.lareb.nl/Downloads/kwb_2011 _1_fluor.pdf

Manic disorders

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11799346 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51139497_Quinolones_Review_of_Psychiatric_and_Neurological_Ad verse_Reactions


https://www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4026643/

Toxic and fatal epidermal Nekrolysis

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pubmed/9310730 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289163593_Fatal_ciprofloxacin-induced_toxic_epidermal_necrolysis_Lyell_syndrome_A_case_report_and_review_of_the_literature https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15115708

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276439054_Fatal_case_of_ciprofloxacin_induced_Toxic_epidermal_n ecrolysis

Fatal Vasculitis and frequency of vasculitis

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19669086 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5208583/

http://onlinelibrary.wiley. com/doi/10.1111/j.1398-9995.1997.tb02612.x/abstract → DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.1997.tb02612.x

http://www.cjhp-online.ca/index.php/cjhp/article/viewFile/508/505 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1398-9995.1997.tb02607.x/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2911319 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7645562


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8262601 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7941927

http://journals.lww.com/pidj/Citation/1995/06000/UNUSUAL_ADVERSE_EFFECTS_OF_CIPROFLOXACIN__PURP URIC.17.aspx

Gangrene which requires amputation

https://www. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19892516

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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.


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