You Matter – Featuring Deborah Dupre

You Matter with Deborah Dupre Episode 2

By Deborah Dupre

You Matter is dedicated to helping those who are having trouble getting started on their journey whether your new to alternative treatments or a long time advocate, there is something for everyone in this series of shows. I would encourage you to view/listen to these with an open mind and an open heart. Each segment builds on the last one and will teach you tips techniques, tools and products that will sustain your wellness over time. I am the host of this show and it gives me pleasure to know that those who might have never been introduced to this material now have a choice. • I am not a doctor nor do I diagnose or prescribe substances, nor interfere with treatment of a licensed medical professional. Reiki is a companion modality to medical treatment and should not be considered a replacement to seeking medical treatment. Recorded and Edited by Janeiro Freeda

All Time Favz – with Lionel Cornelious

All Time Favz – Eve Interviews Lionel Cornelious

By evesorbit

WOW – The Matrix – The Second Sun – Lightbeing Photos

I am reposting these wonderful photos I captured several years ago. We we are receiving the light waves as we were then. I was fortunate to be able to capture some amazing footage, before the chemtrails mudded up the sky. All this with a cheap low pixel cell phone. All the while not being able to view what I was capturing.

Have you been getting some amazing footage lately? It should be even more magical since the waves are more powerful than ever. I still pray that we just stop the chemtrails. This is being done by NATO.

******Post from September 2015 ******

I mentioned these photos in an earlier post but many people are asking for these again.


Angel 4 Light

Below I am placing as photos that I have taken that shows the Matrix. Many of these photos are from my Girlfriend. She is not a professional photographer, but gifted with being awake and led to take photos at the correct moments for us to share with you. I love these photos and if you enlarge these you will clearly see the grid. Yes, we are living in a Construct in case you are new to the idea.

The problem with uploading to the Media on WP is that it like YT squeezes the photos down so I hope that you will be able to zoom in and see what I am sharing with you.

I hope that you find these as uplifting as I do. Enjoy and Be Blessed.

Zoom in to See Matrix Zoom in to See Matrix (on Left)

01-07-13 (1) Zoom into the Rays See Metrix Zoom in on the Multicolored Fingerprint Ray

7 7 13 Sun Rays Orbs

7 7 13 CP Second Sun(17) Second Sun?

matrix proof110182012 MultiDimentionalBeingandVioletFlamesAngelwings-Portals-3-1-2014 (5)3 days of Violet Flames-FromHeavenMultiColored Angel

This is a CU view of Sun Rays Photo of the…

View original post 87 more words

Violet Flame For Transformation

Violet Flame For Transformation

By Angel4Light:

Here is a meditation which I do each night, the first part is a visualization and guidance to prepare yourself for the affirmation. The second part is the affirmation which you will say out loud as it has more power that way.

Prior to playing this meditation do some deep breaths, relax your body, close your eyes, and let go. Concentrate only on what you hear.

Set the Mood by dimming the lights, burning some Sage or frankincense.

Take a deep breath and hold it at the count of 4 release slowly at the count of 4. Do this several times.

I usually wear my crystal headband and a crystal in my hand when I am meditating, it helps to raise my vibrations even more so.

(I create these headbands in case you’re interested, I will place that information up on the website for you if you’re interested.)

Below is The Saint Germain Violet Flame guided meditation, which I have done for you. It also helps me as well.

It is important that you do this Invocation daily to help with your Ascension.


Violet Flame For Transformation

Trump Chosen and Appointed by God to End The Luciferian Reign on Earth 

Trump Chosen and Appointed by God to End The Luciferian Reign on Earth

History behind the book of Revelation will no longer be ignored
………Historian Eusebius was commissioned by Roman Emperor Constantine and given the responsibility of creating the official Christian Bible and by 331 AD the first 50 bibles were created and delivered to the Churches of Constantinople. The Bibles did not contain the Apocalypse of John (Revelation).

Eusebius recorded the words of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria in the late 200’s AD claiming that Revelation was a forgery. There were other scholars and writers of the first three centuries who were also on record testifying in regards to the falsehood and authenticity of the book of Revelation and to the involvement of a Gnostic Rabbi named Cerinthus .

A Christian sect called the Alogi stated that it was clear that Cerinthus was the true author of the book of Revelation after analyzing and comparing his writing style to that of Johns. According to the Catholic Encyclopidia Caius: “Additional light has been shown on the matter VI, p. 397″ Caius maintained that the Apocalypse of John was the work of the Gnostic Cerinthus”

Cerinthus, a man who was educated in the wisdom of the Egyptians, operated a school that followed and used the Gospel of Cerinthus. He denied that the Supreme God had made the physical world, and denied the divinity of Jesus.
Cerinthus was a follower of the Zealot party, a group which had a strong political agenda. The Zealots taught that a military-political Messiah would soon appear to conquer the world and rule for a thousand years from Jerusalem.

This concept of millennialism was promoted during the second century by Montanus who according to historian Eusebius of Caesarea entered into an ecstatic state of convulsions and began prophesying that the New Jerusalem would shortly descend out of the clouds and land in a town called Phrygia thus becoming one of the first “Prophet” to predict when the end of the world would occur.

Montanus was a priest of the Oriental ecstatic cult of Cybele, the mother goddess of fertility. She was partially assimilated to aspects of the Earth-goddess Gaia, her Minoan equivalent Rhea, and the Harvest-Mother goddess Demeter. Some city-states, notably Athens, evoked her as a protector, but her most celebrated Greek rites and processions show her as an exotic mystery-goddess who arrives in a lion-drawn chariot to the accompaniment of wild music, wine, and a disorderly, ecstatic following.

Uniquely in Greek religion, she had a transgender priesthood. Many of her Greek cults included rites to a divine Phrygian castrate shepherd-consort Atis. In Rome, Cybele was known as Magna Mater (“Great Mother”). The Roman State adopted and developed a particular form of her cult after the Sibylline oracle recommended her conscription as a key religious component in Rome’s second war against Carthage. Roman mythographers reinvented her as a Trojan goddess, and thus an ancestral goddess of the Roman people by way of the Trojan prince Aeneas. With Rome’s eventual hegemony over the Mediterranean world, Romanised forms of Cybele’s cults spread throughout the Roman Empire.

Ultimately, 36 years of fierce opposition and multiple Councils, the book of Revelation was included at the Council of Laodicea in 367 AD and 30 years later under the tutelage of the Bishop of Carthage and with imperial and papal approval, issued a definitive canon (legal decree) of Scripture setting out all the texts that form what is now universally called “The Bible” at the Council of Carthage, held on 28 August 397. This canon has remained unchallenged for over a thousand years.

The Roman Catholic Church was successful in pushing Cerinthus’s Revelation into the bible canon which would eventually allow the powers that be, bloodline of the serpent seed, to execute their NWO depopulation agenda and crimes against humanity with minimum resistance from the Christian community. All of Revelation Prophetic end time events have been DENIED by our Creator Incarnate Jesus.

Mark Taylor’s Prophetic Word – God’s Mandate for The Church

The Pagan Gospel of the Church Exposed



NOTE from Angel4Light:

How can you help?

Spread the real news and let your sleeping friends and families know that we are truly blessed. 

Stay in your Heart. Have no fear. Pray for guidance and protection for our Heroes of the Light who are in Harms way. May God’s loving hand be around them and protect them against ALL harms. 

Form Prayer Groups and pay at the same time each day. 6 pm, 9 pm, 11 am and or pm.

I personally pray all day without ceasing, as we should. I send the light of protection around our President Donald J. Trump and those who are doing GOD’s will to free us all from bondage. 

Stop listening to hate and spreading hate. The Demonrats and Satan’s minions feed off your negative energy like a battery. 

Be the Devine Light that you are. Remember why you came. You are the ground crew who are to shine GOD’s Love and Light and be the wayshowers for others.

Be the light house for your fellow man/woman. 

We are in the most amazing times to be alive in this Avatar. I feel blessed.

 Today is the FAKE NEWS Awards day.

Go on to twitter and tweet lke crazy use the following hashtags. The more you tweet the better. Add a Meme to your Tweets.

 #FakeNews #TheStorm #TheAwakening #RedPill #MAGA #QANON #THESTORM #REDPILL #FAKENEWS   

Here are some Memes you are welcome to use or create your own.


Born Again American

Born Again American

Note from Angel4Light:

“Born Again American” should be dedicated to our Great President Donald Trump.

Originally this was a great American effort to restore Hope and Change. Unfortunately the Hope was for the bureaucrats, and the change was to turn America into Nazi America. 

This song is sung with heartfelt emotion for America by wonderful Americans, financed by a Soldier who fault in World War II (philanthropist Norman Lear).

These talented Americans who supplied their talents for hopefully a  cause were Clueless as to the usurper who stole the office in thinking he was king. 

In an ironic statement below regarding the intentions of Norman Lear a great American who served our country in many ways. Born July 27, 1922 he is an American television writer and producer who produced such 1970s sitcoms as All in the Family, Sanford and Son, One Day at a Time, The Jeffersons, Good Times, and Maude. 

Yeah Good clean cut TV. Norman was a political activist, he founded the advocacy organization People for the American Way in 1981 and has supported First Amendment rights and progressive causes. No as far as I could find out, he wasn’t funded by George Soros. But one has to wonder, living ane working in Sin City, how many Demon hands he had to shake in his life? I believe that he is still around. 

Norman Lear seems to have had the right committment to patriotism by promoting this project

I knew from the start that Barry Soetoro and his husband (Michael) were total destruction for our country, because I awoke in 2007.  

The horror I found when I took the red pill, made me physically ill and I criled for days. Watching in disgust as the criminal in Chief robbed America in front of our faces and no one dared say anything or they would throw up the racists card. Yet in discovering all that I had discovered, I did not really know how deep the rabbit hole would take me until recently when I began sharing this on my blog. 

We need to come together as a race, the human race, not separated by ideas or color of skin. 

We need to learn to live from the heart and care about each other truly. This is how we will save Humanity and our world.

I love our President Trump and his elegant family. I love our Patriots who are standing up for what is right. 

I love God and Country. 

One day soon we shall look back on these days and be amazed at all we have been through and all that it has taken to pull us out of the swamp that we were drowning in. 

Here is some footage below that I believe you will enjoy and hopefully if you are not a TRUMP fan before, that you will be one now.


Man Who Foretold Trump’s Election & Israel Deal Makes Huge Prediction -Leaves Liberals Astonished

Mark Taylor Prophecy 2018 – “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 & MESSAGE 2018”- Mark Taylor Update

Catholic Priest Who died for 48 Minutes claimed that Donald Trump is an angel sent by God!

California is a ‘mess’ because of liberalism

Fabio: California is a ‘mess’ because of liberalism

Tim Allen on Going to Donald Trump’s Inauguration

Shocking statement by Keanu Reeves

Note from Angel4Light:

People, I do believe that there are still good people living in the Hell Hole called Commiefornia. Many are in fear to speak out.

Why is Commiefornia allowed to use energy weapons against the population? It is clear that these Satanists are performing Agenda 21. This makes all the government’s in that state terrorist since they support the evil that is being done. 

I believe that there are still some good cops and perhaps good people and positions of government that have their hands tied or in fear to speak out.  

So what is the solution? We know that Nazis are Satanist. We know too that Satanist believe in slavery, pedophilia, beastiality, and other horrendous things that satanists do. So cutting off the federal funds will not matter much because they will simply rob from the slaves of Commiefornia who can’t afford to leave or are still sleeping and totally clueless.

I think that many of the Liberals do not know what evil they are supporting, and if they do it is very much like how the Nazis did in Germany back during World World War II. They too are held accountable for all the atrocities that is going on because they are promoting it.

I do believe that many of the Stars who are ranting and raving and acting like maniacs are satanists or has sold their souls and are therefore possessed. Like the following sad us to be Christian music singer who is selling the Illuminati porn video showing what they do. This is what they really do folks. No joke.  Sick and Katy Perry has personally admitted to eating human meat and loves it.

So the Getty Museum is this where they perform rituals and at the Playboy mansion? I have heard that many Movie Stars live close to each other and have under ground tunnels connecting their homes so that they can have the after Hours pizza parties and spirit cooking and other Satanic events. 

I understand that they are taking their guns away and there bullets. That’s what Marxist do. An unarmed populace is easy to control and round up for the FEMA camps. This sounds like a horrible nightmare, and it is. 

I know that people do not want to leave their homes, but these demons have every intention of burning you out of it. Stealing your land and the resources underneath. 

The entire West Coast seething in pure evil. My heart goes out to the good people who are caught in this spider web. 

If you notice there are many famous celebrities who are leaving California. Some are leaving the evil. And some are leaving because they are evil, and are running for the Hills or there caves or their mole holes. 

There are still many good people who are clueless to what is going on around them. They don’t understand that the weather is being manipulated to bring in the droughts, the chemtrails to ruin the crops, the GMO and vaccines to euthanize and sterilize the population. 

It seems like a hopeless situation. I used to live there and it was a very disgusting place. I don’t miss it but I don’t wish anything bad on the people who work and live there and are really decent. 

Society needs to come together and put God back in your heart. You don’t have to go and pay to pray. But do pray or meditate and surround this world in the golden white Christ Light of the one true God, the source of all that is.

God is love, and we must come together in heart and pray for each other and the children. We must not fear death or anything for we are God’s children. We need to stand strong together and in united love of humanity and GOD’s creations.

Speak out and wake up your brothers and sisters. Get back to dignity. Love your fellow man as you live yourselves. We need to help each other to lift each other up when we are down. 

We don’t have to embrace the Wicked. Rather we can offer some guidance if accepted, if not move on to the next person and don’t be discouraged. For your pure heart will heal the sorrow in many souls. 

Regarding the Soulless ones what do we do? 

  • Stand ready to defend the weak and innocent ones. We can not allow the filth of Evil to rot out the minds of our youth or sterilized or euthanize or torture or corrupt.
  • Pray for God’s guidance and come together as humanity in mass. 
  • We must show in peaceful awareness, to awaken those who are asleep, due to the chemical lobotomy that this Nazi regime has performed on America.

Our great President Donald Trump has his hands full and I am sure that between him and his loyal team and our good Military. We shall see an end to the Hotel Commiefornia. 

This has been a deep rabbit hole for many of you and only a confirmation for those who are awake and need to know that the world is coming out of our comma. 

The Satanists Rats are being rounded up now and their assets are frozen. So if you are in business with these evil Lucifer worshipping sick depraved things who torture, rape, kill and eat children and humans, you are guilty by association.  If you are supporting or hidding these terrorist of humanity, expect to have your assets frozen and too, and who knows what else.

Research and boycott the businesses that are performing child trafficking and satanic practices.

God has heard our prayers and has sent in his high Angels to help our President and our good people to get totally freed from this bondage from Satan. 

We are still in the fight. Prayers are needed. Become the prayer for warriors. Be the voices needed at the Local Government meetings. Speak out and bring meetings together to bring this to the awareness of all humanity. These Vampires can not live in the light of truth and Humanities Love for each other. 

Some say to send these Demons Love. I personally say NO because that is giving my energy away to them. Instead:

I bring in the Light from Source God and surround all benevolent beings with the pure light of GOD’s Eternal Love, Grace and Protection. It repulses the Evil and rebukes it. 

This is my Protection Meditation. It will work for you as well.

I envision a beam of GOD’s platinum gold light coming from the central Sun penetrating my being anchoring into the crystalline core of Tarra. 

I envision this beam of platinum gold light from Source, to feel me with the divine Holy Spirit

I am envisioning this golden Platinum light to encompass and feelup my entire body and Aura, expanding out to protect all benevolent beings

I say the following invocation out loud, unless I am around others who would not understand:

“I AM a Child of GOD the Creator of all that is

I AM Light and perfection

I AM Love and Peace

I AM invincible

I AM immortal

I AM invisible

I am that I am and so it is

I asked that this Divine Light that I am sending out, let it protect all of GOD’s (Creator of all that is) creations. May they awaken and remember who they are. And so it is. Thank you God for my Gifts, for everyone, for everthing and for me.  I say Thank you, Thank you, I humbly and sincerely Thank you! “

My friends, exciting times are at hand, but the strife for the West Coast could be serious, so let us all shine our Angel Light of protection for these precious hearts who need our help.


Chemo Kills! Cancer can be cured naturally!

What Was President Trump Doing At Camp David?   

Retired Marine – What Was President Trump and Marine Generals Doing At Camp David? – 12/18/2017

Steve Motley website:

Note from Angel4Light:

Get involved with the Patriot Movement to Free our Country. Share and educate the sheep as they awaken. Be ready to Support Our President and Nation as the Dark underbelly of the snakes are being exposed and rounded up. Boycott the MSM. This s all owned by the CIA as a MK Ultra brain washing. 

We need to all pray for the safety of our Heroic President Trump his family and benevolent friends, The White Knights, our Galactic family and especially the innocent children and people being traded and sacrificed by the Satanist pedophiles.

Give thanks to our Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, who are here to help insure that we receive GOD’s promises and graduate for our Ascension. 

Ascension doesn’t mean Death. It means receiving the divinity that is your right. True repentance is necessary to ascend, for we are not perfect. We are still learning.

Give gratitude for being here at this time in History to see these amazing transitions happen.

Prime Creator is here and has listened to our cries. 

Stay out of trouble but offer up your service if our President calls on you, for “We are the People”. The definition means, we are the militia. 

We are the hope for Freedom for the entire World and our transition into a crystalline being of light is of utmost importance for our entire Universe and all star nations who are also Ascending at this time.
Ascension is keeping your body and getting a major upgrade. Your DNA codons will be turned on and knowledge will pour through like you won’t believe. You will never be the same, because the veil will have been lifted. You will remember who you are and why you came here. 

Let’s rejoice and believe that all good will be coming to a head ASAP. 


Medical TYRANNY in paradise: Hawaii to go door to door, confiscating LEGAL firearms from all medical marijuana users

Medical TYRANNY in paradise: Hawaii to go door to door, confiscating LEGAL firearms from all medical marijuana users

Published December 05, 2017 

by: Jayson Veley

Image: Medical TYRANNY in paradise: 

Hawaii to go door to door, confiscating LEGAL firearms from all medical marijuana users

(Natural News) Over the past several years, liberals have constantly assured the American people that even though they support the idea of stricter gun laws, they are not out to take away anyone’s legally owned firearms. But liberals lie every chance that they get, so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that many of them are now starting to walk back on their promise.

Recently, the Honolulu Police Department in Hawaii has sent a series of letters to residents who use medical marijuana, informing them that they are disqualified from owning firearms, even if they were obtained legally and in compliance with state and federal law. If the medical marijuana users refuse to turn over their firearms, then presumably, they will face state-sanctioned violence until the guns are removed.

“This letter is to inform you that under the provisions of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), Section 134-7(a) you are disqualified from firearms ownership, possession, or controlling firearms. Your medical marijuana use disqualifies you from ownership of firearms and ammunition,” the letter reads. It goes on to say that residents who use medical marijuana “have 30 days upon receipt of this letter to voluntarily surrender your firearms, permit and ammunition to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) or otherwise transfer ownership.”

The letter then informs medical marijuana users that they must obtain a clearance letter from a medical doctor if they wish to purchase any firearms or ammunition in the future. (Related: Gun control is incredibly popular among people who live under tyranny and oppression – don’t they get it?)

The first question that we have to ask ourselves it his: Where are all the liberals speaking out against this? Right now, every single leftist within Washington D.C. and the mainstream media who has ever uttered the words “we are not out to take away anyone’s guns” should be out on the frontlines condemning Hawaii for this lawless and blatantly unconstitutional act. But they’re not because – surprise! – they were never serious about rejecting the idea of gun confiscation in the first place.

Last month, The Boston Globe published a piece titled “Hand Over Your Weapons,” which argued that in order to minimize the number of mass shootings that occur in the United States, lawmakers may have to start considering gun confiscation from law abiding citizens.

After arguing that the gun control proposals currently on the table may not go far enough, The Boston Globe piece stated: “In other words, the proposals aren’t just difficult to enact in the current political climate; their practical effects would also be quite limited. On occasion, though, Democrats will make oblique reference to a more sweeping policy change: seizing a huge number of weapons from law-abiding citizens.”

So in other words, liberals are committed to the idea that “we can’t just go around knocking on doors and deporting illegal aliens,” but at the same time, going door-to-door and confiscating firearms is completely appropriate and entirely possible. They don’t even make any sense, they are obviously unhinged, and yet they think that they have the authority to tell the American people what’s best for themselves and their families. That is an incredibly dangerous combination.

Whether it happens in Hawaii or elsewhere, if the liberal Democrats really are serious about confiscating firearms from those who have legally obtained them, then they will be met with an incredible amount of resistance; in fact, gun confiscation could even potentially lead to civil war. The American people are committed to defending their Second Amendment rights, and no matter what laws are passed or what ideas are proposed, they will not lay down their arms without a fight.

Sources include:

Note from Angel4Light:

We need to make being a Democrat a crime as we are finding out that the reason they want to remove our guns is because when the people of earth find out what these Demons have been doing to our children and us; every tree in America will have nooses waiting for the evil bastards. 

These Satan worshipping pedophiles are through, but they are trying to start a war by any means.

I suggest that Nesara be inacted immediately and this will stop these theives from gun grabbing and making laws to enslave us all. 

We the People pay their salaries, we didn’t vote on such a mess. 

If someone is smoking weed, they are not dangerous to anyone, even themselves. 

People who smoke or consume cannibus are peaceful and need the herb to improve their health, which wouldn’t be in poor shape if it weren’t for the toxic chemicals, water, and food that these Demon have been getting away with culling humanity.

When will the insanity end? I say it is Now. Everyone needs to meditate and send your prayers of protection out to these good people.

The real criminals will be whomever tries to pull their Nazi tactics by removing guns from the American population. Everyone has the right to defend themselves.


Here Is The Red Pill For Your Awakening


Keanu Reeves: Hollywood Elites Use ‘Blood Of Babies’ To Get High

Hollywood elites use “the blood of babies to get high” according to Keanu Reeves, who warns that “these people believe the more innocent the child, and the more it suffered before it died, the better the high.“

“The revelations that are coming out of Hollywood now, I’m telling you, they are just the tip of the iceberg,” Keanu Reeves said in Milan, Italy, where he unveiled three motorbikes that he designed for a company that he co-founded in 2007.

Explaining that he is “building to a future” where he is “free from Hollywood’s shackles“, the John Wick star spoke with revulsion about “the place of the child in Hollywood“.

“Children are revered, they are put on pedestals, but they are also tortured, raped, murdered, and consumed in various ways. They are currency. And I’m sad to say this practice seems to be becoming more and more open in those circles in recent years.“

Keanu Reeves, whose younger sister suffered from leukemia, finds it “inconceivable” that anybody could “be so selfish as to destroy a young person’s life for your own personal pleasure.”

“But that is the sort of person running Hollywood,” said Reeves, who donated 70% of his earnings from the Matrix trilogy to hospitals treating children with cancer. “These people are sociopaths, pure and simple.”



All Truth Coming Out Now … Do Not Fear!


Who is Q?

Note from Angel4Light:

What is happening Now? Let’s Go Down The Rabbit Hole…

The following statements and links are extrapolations from 4Chan talking to Q or from Q… a few Quotes from Anon are noted below for your awakening.

Finally, the CIA-assisted technology probably most familiar to you is one many of us use on a regular basis: Google Earth. In February 2003, the CIA-funded venture-capitalist firm In-Q-Tel made a strategic investment in Keyhole, Inc., a pioneer of interactive 3-D earth visualization and creator of the groundbreaking rich-mapping EarthViewer 3D system. CIA worked closely with other Intelligence Community organizations to tailor Keyhole’s systems to meet their needs. The finished product transformed the way intelligence officers interacted with geographic information and earth imagery. Users could now easily combine complicated sets of data and imagery into clear, realistic visual representations. Users could “fly” from space to street level seamlessly while interactively exploring layers of information including roads, schools, businesses, and demographics. In the private sector, this flyover capability was so compelling that multiple TV networks used EarthViewer 3D to fly over Iraqi cities and landscapes in news broadcasts using publicly available satellite images. All of this acclaim eventually caught the attention of Google Inc., a multinational cyber-focused corporation, which acquired Keyhole in 2004, thereby laying the groundwork for the development of Google Earth.” _ Anon

“One of the first big milestones in this transformation took place in November 2004 when Google acquired a tiny and little-known 3-D mapping startup called Keyhole Inc. Google paid an undisclosed sum for the company, immediately absorbed it, and began turning its tech into what we now know as Google Earth. The acquisition would have gone unnoticed, had it not been for one not-so-tiny detail: Keyhole Inc was part-owned by the CIA and the “National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency” (NGA), a sister agency to the NSA. Keyhole Inc also had one major client base: US military and intelligence agencies.” _ Anon


“NSA/Prism spying is just for the CIA to constantly spy on entrepreneurs and scientists and researchers to steal/ co-opt their work” _ Anon

≡CBTS #505 Space XXX Edition≡ W&W !!2HB9iHje93w ID:SKANC8ZQ Thu 23 Nov 2017 00:30:50 No.150565407 View
Quoted By: >>150566184 >>150566275 >>150567994 >>150568016 >>150568047 >>150568255 >>150568870 >>150569906 >>150571480 >>150571705
≡1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. Everything is connected, Everything has meaning.
2. Yes, we all see the attempts to demoralize us and derail our redpills to the normies. Stay strong lads. Focus and believe
3. Stick to your choice. No one tells you what to do, so just do the voodoo you do so well /pol/
4. How would *you* succinctly break all this news to your blue-pilled friend? Does the initial message need to answer every detail? Do normies even post here? Bring them along for the ride and celebrations lads.
5. Get Comfy, Believe in your bones that we’re riding the greatest timeline in existence.

>>149083850 → >>150535757 → UPDATED

>>150560899 (Made in a Net Neutrality thread)
>>150513545 >>150539407
>>150515835 >>150516052
>>150522442 >>150523494
>>150523420 >>150523213

Nov 22
>>150417001 >>150414073
>>150417146 >>150415097
>>150434351 >>150434251
>>150435422 ANS >>150458521

Nov 20 & 21
Green1 >>150405114 (++ Counter) Green 2, 3 4 remains

Advise for newfriends >>148908717
*GUIDE >>150454362

Q Trip !ITPb.qbhqo
Legend >>149483858
Decoding CNC >>149960813
Signature >>149958772
Countdown +++ >>149081347


FYI from Angel4Light:

I haven’t placed the trolls insane postings which is a desperate attempt from these dark forces to make Q look like a LARP.

Remember, the Communist Manifisto states how to brain control the masses, is to constantly repeat lies until it is believed, and to call them what you are.



Recent Updates

Wow It Is Happening!

So What To Expect? What Is the Event?



Video By Angel4light


By Troika Saint Germain

The Violet Flame is a Divine gift and tool for everyone, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germain. It is a sacred fire that exists on the Higher Dimensions. People with the gift of interdimensional sight have seen it. Cameras have captured it when it was not visible to the person taking the photo. The Violet Flame is REAL and I invite you to use it to your great advantage.

The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action. Just as Alchemy is said to turn Lead into Gold, the ultimate purpose of the Violet Flame is to turn the Human into the Divine Human. Its action is to TRANSMUTE denser feelings, actions, deeds, karma, etc. into a higher vibrational frequency, which helps prepare us for our Ascension. Ascension means becoming a Divine Human, also known as a Christed Being – a level of Consciousness obtainable by any person. You may use the Violet Flame in perfect harmony with any belief system, religion or practice. It is a neutral tool with absolutely no conditions attached to it.

Some organizations teach people to use the Violet Flame with pre-written prayers and affirmations that they need to memorize and say in the right order for them to work. Some of them are very complex and rhyme with much repetition. Saint Germain has always told me that the words are not so important. Too many people are spending their energy and focus worrying about whether they got the words right or not. This causes them to miss the really important part of using the Flame – the feeling in your heart, your desire, intention and sincerity. Use the words from your own heart.

There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. This is the basic method Saint Germain taught me over 30 years ago and he wishes everyone to use as a foundation for Violet Flame work. It is very simple with only four steps. Once you understand the principles behind this practice, you can adapt it and use it in unlimited ways.

Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Guide or Angel to assist you to do so, or just ask the Flame to “be made manifest,” whichever is most comfortable. It is helpful to visualize (doesn’t matter if you can or cannot actually see it) or pretend that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body.

Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your body. Keep the Flame inside your body while asking it to also come out through your heart chakra and spin around or encircle the outside of your body so that it’s encompassing your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list – all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as “transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being.” Again, it’s the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, “on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future” to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.

Step 4. Change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. Energy is never lost nor can it be “deleted”, however, it can be CHANGED into a higher frequency. That is why it is important to ask the Violet Flame to do so. You can specify what the energy is to become. Then call that new energy into your body and aura. Some people like to do the list again. “Please transmute everything into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness.” Or you can ask for specific Color Rays, which are pure energy. Example, Pink is unconditional love. Blue is peace and tranquility. Green is health and abundance. Deep dark blue is spiritual knowledge and intuition. Violet is spiritual advancement and knowledge. Either way works fine. The Violet Flame Invocation below turns everything into the Golden Platinum light of the Christ Consciousness, which encompasses all the qualities of the other colors.

The following Invocation was given to me directly by Saint Germain as an example of the 4-step Alchemical Violet Flame Meditation, which will transmute your karma and negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Once you understand the process, please individualize the Invocation using words from your heart and say them with great feeling and intention. Saying the words out loud is best because the power and vibration of the spoken word has energy, which helps create the maximum results of the Violet Flame. If you are among people that would not understand your words, you can say it quietly in your mind.


Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to prepare, and then say:

Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.

Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.

Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being That I AM.

Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails.

Send this Golden Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.

So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.


Note from Angel4Light:

It is suggested that you do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night, or anytime you feel a little overwhelmed or upset. Just Violet Flame what is going on, right then and there.

First published in The Spirit Mountain Chronicle, Mt. Shasta, CA, Winter 2007 issue.

“Ascension” by Jacob Sutton

It is suggested that you watch this beautiful dance of life above, especially after a very deep meditation, while you are still feeling light. This visual will help to stimulate your heart chakra and you will only feel more connected with your higher self. 

So, how does it make you feel? 

Smile, breathe, and be grateful. You have lifted your vibration tremendously to help you towards your own ascension.


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Thank You President Trump

Draining The SwampDecember 15, 2018
Pray for President Trump, the White Hats, our Military and all benevolent beings helping to Free Humanity . Be in JOY and in PEACE. Love others as you Love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Be an example of Love and Joy. Peace will be ours and so it is.

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